Try that перевод на французский
11,433 параллельный перевод
So, we'll try that again.
Nous allons le refaire.
Try that.
Essaie ça.
Let's try that again.
Essayons encore.
Let's try that again.
Did you try that laser tag place he's always talking about?
T'as appelé le Laser game où il va souvent?
Don't try that shit with me.
N'essayez pas cette merde avec moi.
Uh, what I'm hearing is that you're not even willing to try.
Ce que j'entends c'est que tu n'es même pas prêt ( e ) à essayer.
Try and keep it that way.
Fais en sorte que ça reste comme ça.
I'm gonna work on myself, and... And I'm gonna try and fix the stuff that's wrong with me, and then maybe I can help fix you.
Je te promets donc de me reprendre en main et... tenter de réparer ce qui déconne chez moi.
I can't sit down, because I have actual tattoos that are inflicting actual pain, okay, so why... why'd you try to fake me out?
Je ne peux pas m'asseoir à cause de vrais tatouages qui me font souffrir le martyr. Alors, pourquoi as-tu essayé de me gruger?
You know, maybe you could try promising her that, you know, that you won't do it anymore.
Tu sais, peut-être que tu pourrais lui promettre Que tu ne le feras plus jamais.
Was going to be hard, but i thought that the people on my Thought that the people on my tribe would at least try to make Tribe would at least try to make me feel like i belong.
Mais je pensais que mes coéquipiers essayeraient au moins de me faire me sentir intégrée.
There's just one request that I would like to make, which is that we keep the best in mind, and try not to dwell too much on the sadness of these events.
Il y a juste une requête que je voudrais demander qui est de garder un esprit positif et essayez de ne pas trop s'épancher sur la tristesse de ces événements.
And don't try to deny that either.
Et n'essayez pas de nier.
"that you don't remember all the details. Don't try to."
N'essayez même pas! "
"Try it. " If there's something so terrible that you
" S'il y a quelque chose d'épouvantable que vous ne voulez pas dévoiler,
Do you think that Callen would try to take them?
Tu penses que Callen va essayer de les prendre?
And we think that he's only really dangerous if you try to get in his way.
Et on pense qu'il n'est vraiment dangereux que lorsqu'on se met en travers de son chemin.
I won't even try to express how twisted that is.
je n'essaierais même pas de vous expliquer comme c'est compliqué.
I know there are no words that make up for me abandoning you, but we have all of eternity for me to try.
Je sais qu'il n'y a pas de mots pour me rattraper de t'avoir abandonner, mais on a toute l'éternité pour que je puisse essayer.
No. I try not to think about that part of my life.
J'essaie de ne pas penser à cette période de ma vie.
Try that.
Essayez ça.
How about that place on Rush that you've been wanting to try?
Que penses-tu de cet endroit sur Rush celui que tu voulais essayer?
I mean, he said he wanted me to be happy and that we both shouldn't have to try so hard, and then he said something about meat loaf and prime rib and...
Il a dit qu'il voulait que je sois heureuse et que nous ne devrions pas à avoir à essayer si fort, et puis il a parlé de pain de viande et de côté de bœuf et....
This is the kind of transformation that we try to study.
C'est ce type de transformation que l'on essaye d'étudier.
But... just wanted to try you back and see how the East Coast is treating you, and, also let you know that the chickens have expanded their musical library to include Peggy Lee now, as well as, Dolly Parton covers,
La côte est, alors? Au fait, les poules ont agrandi leur répertoire musical avec Peggy Lee et Dolly Parton, alors vous adorerez, si vous revenez.
Gonna try to pin that one on me, too?
Tu vas essayer de me mettre ça sur le dos aussi?
If you try to kill yourself with this beer bottle, I will shoot you in a place that requires you to wear a diaper for the rest of your life.
Si tu essayes de te suicider avec cette bouteille de bière, je tirerai à un endroit qui t'obligeras à porter une couche pour le restant de ta vie
Oh, you friggin'come in here and try to impress everybody with all your skills that pay the bills.
Oh, tu te ramènes ici et tu essayes d'impressionner tout le monde avec tes talents d'homme à tout faire.
The third they deemed a waste of their time, But they didn't tell me that to my face. Instead, they decided to try and deceive me.
Pour le troisième, une perte de temps selon eux, ils m'ont mené en bateau.
Do you think that Nick did work to try to find Kathie?
D'après vous, est-ce que Nick a tenté de retrouver Kathie?
This, coming back to Haven to try and help us fix the Troubles, that was a choice.
Ça, revenir à Haven pour nous aider avec les perturbations, c'était un choix.
I don't have to try walking on broken glass to know I wouldn't like that either.
J'ai pas besoin de marcher sur du verre brisé pour savoir que je n'aimerais pas ça non plus.
We have to take one last chance, and try and talk to that submarine.
Nous devons tenter une dernière chance, et essayer de parler à ce sous-marin.
Amanda's afraid that I might try to kill Nolan.
Amanda a peur que j'essaye de tuer Nolan.
Sorry, Elena, but if you want us back, you're gonna have to try a lot harder than that.
Désolé, Elena, mais si tu nous veux qu'on revienne, tu vas devoir essayer beaucoup plus fort que ça.
Even if Kai never escapes that prison, my family's gonna try and take them from us.
Même si Kai ne s'échappe pas de cette prison, ma famille essayera et nous les prendra.
Ha ha ha! Nice try, ok, but if I were getting married at an altar that looked like that, I would be divorced in a week, so come on, Lockwood.
Bien essayé, mais si je me mariais devant un autel qui ressemble à ça, je serais divorcée en une semaine, alors au boulot, Lockwood.
I rigged this so that if you do try to outsmart it both you and Elena will die instantly.
Elena et toi mourriez instantanément.
- Well, I'll stay here and try to calm people down. - What's that?
- Quoi donc?
I want you to know that I would never try to replace your mom.
Je veux que tu saches que je n'essaierai jamais de remplacer ta mère
you ain't got to try to follow that little one-trick fool.
tu ne dois essayer de suivre cette petite sotte un truc.
And when that happens, they'll try to make you disappear.
Et ça arrivera. Et quand cela arrivera, ils essaieront de te faire disparaître.
I guess we should try to jump over to that island?
Je suppose qu'on doit essayer de sauter jusqu'à l'île?
Don't you dare try and use that.
Ne vous avisez pas essayer et l'utiliser.
All right, a condition of your probation is that you continue therapy, and I hope that you will try finding a new group.
Tout droit, une condition de votre probation est que vous continuez la thérapie, et je souhaite que vous allez essayer trouver un nouveau groupe.
It's a program that sniffs you out and locks you out the second you try to crack in.
C'est un programme qui pirate et vous bloque dès la seconde où vous essayez de le cracker.
You're welcome to try, but it'll take at least 12 hours to get that laptop to DC.
Avec plaisir, mais il sera à Washington dans douze heures.
If you have a situation where you have the level of institutional corruption that you had in the late 1920s and early 1930s, one of the things that you need to do is to try to rally the public behind your efforts.
Quand on était confronté au niveau de corruption institutionnel qui sévissait à la fin des années 20, il ne nous restait plus qu'une chose à faire : rallier l'opinion publique à notre cause.
And I know that's laughable in many ways, but they used to try to resolve as many of their problems peacefully as possible to stay away from the law.
Ça parait ridicule, pourtant ils résolvaient le maximum de conflits de manière pacifique afin de rester hors du radar de la justice.
Schultz would try to ingratiate himself so much that he actually converted to Catholicism.
Schultz cherchait tellement à s'intégrer qu'il est devenu Catholique.
try that again 27
try that one 21
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
try that one 21
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19