Try that again перевод на французский
751 параллельный перевод
And you, Olivier, don't try that again or I'll bust your ass.
Que j'aie envie de voir mon petit-fils est une folie?
Try that again and you'll be arrested.
Si vous recommencez, vous irez droit au trou.
Don't try that again.
Ne refaites pas ça.
That's a lot of hot air. They'll never try that again.
Ils n'oseront pas recommencer.
You try that again, and maybe I'll do it for you.
Essayez encore, et c'est moi qui vais vous tuer.
Try that again and I'll put you on solitary confinement, you would-be Frankenstein.
Si tu me refais ça, je t'enverrai au trou... espèce de faux Frankenstein!
Let's try that again.
On remet ca?
Will you try that again?
On recommence?
They won't try that again.
Ils ne le referont pas.
Let's try that again.
Essayons encore. - D'accord.
We'll try that again.
Nous allons réessayer ça.
Don't try that again.
Recommence pas!
- Don't try that again!
Recommence pas!
- Don't ever try that again, Gil.
- Ne recommencez plus.
Try that again and I'll kill you.
Essayez encore et je vous tue.
Try that again...
Essayez encore...
He'll never try that again.
Il ne recommencera plus!
I'll bust you if you try that again.
Je te frappe, si tu recommences.
I'd like to try that again when I have more time.
J'aimerais réessayer quand nous aurons plus de temps.
... and if you fellows ever try anything like that again, I won't let you off so easy.
.. et les gars, si vous recommencez, je serai moins tendre.
You just hit him again if you dare. Just try it, that's all.
Frappez-le encore si vous osez!
We both made a horrible mistake but that doesn't mean we can't try again.
Nous avons tous deux fait une terrible erreur, mais nous pouvons réessayer.
Just call him that again. Just try it. I dare you.
Ne recommence surtout pas, sinon tu auras affaire à moi!
Give me your word that you won't try to run away again.
Donne-moi ta parole que tu ne t'enfuiras plus.
Now, Mickey, will you give me your word... your word of honor... - that you won't try to run away again?
Mickey, donne-moi ta parole, ta parole d'honneur que tu ne t'enfuiras pas.
Just let that John Durston try to get into my house again.
Que ceJohn Durston essaye de mettre un pied chez moi de nouveau.
Well I'd like to try that one again. Come ahead.
- J'aimerais bien la refaire.
Try that number 16 play again.
Réessayez le numéro 16.
If you ever try a thing like that again, I'll...
Si vous faites encore une chose pareille, je...
The same person who was responsible for the death of that convict last night. and will try again to murder, Sir Henry tonight.
Celui qui est responsable de la mort du prisonnier et essaiera de tuer sir Henry ce soir.
Now, to make a quick recovery, put that stick forward. Now, try it again.
Bien, pour vous rattraper, poussez le manche et essayez de nouveau.
All right, let's try that one again.
Je vais remettre l'autre.
Try it again, just to prove that wasn't a fluke.
- Oui. Encore une fois, pour éliminer le hasard.
You should try again with that one.
Tiens, elle pourra te resservir!
Try that radio again, Jimmy.
Réessaie la radio, Jimmy.
May I try that last part again?
Je peux réessayer?
Well, try, try again. That's my motto.
"Essaie encore", c'est ma devise.
- I don't offer any explanation, and you're not to ask for any, but if you try to look at that picture, Basil, on my word of honor, I will never speak to you again.
Je ne vous donnerai pas d'explications. Si vous le regardez, je ne vous parlerai plus jamais.
Because if at first you don't succeed, don't try again. Isn't that how it goes?
Quand la première fois est un échec, inutile de retenter, non?
To the office tomorrow for that job, I'll try again.
Au bureau, demain, j'essaierai de nouveau.
It won't at that. You might try your husband again.
Vous pouvez toujours vous rabattre sur votre mari.
Okay, now try it again, and make out like that cake of soap's a diamond pin.
Réessaie et imagine que ce savon est une barrette de diamants.
Again the defence will try to persuade you that she bought it for cosmetic purposes.
La défense va essayer de vous convaincre que le motif était esthétique.
Try that all over again.
If you try any more of that "again" business, I'll box your ears.
Et ne recommencez pas avec vos "encore", sinon je vous frapperai.
I'm not going to try it again with human beings. I'll stick to chimpanzees. - Is that right?
Je laisse tomber les êtres humains, je me concentre sur les chimpanzés.
Would you buy this Behrman... if I give you my sacred word of honor that I will try again?
Est-ce vous acheteriez ce Behrman... si je vous donne ma parole que je vais encore essayer?
Honey, would you try that cross, please, again for me?
Tu peux la refaire?
- Honey, just try that cross again for me.
Recommencez, ma chère.
Would you like to try that entrance again?
Refais ton entrée.
Well, try that number again.
try that 85
try that one 21
that again 44
again 7789
against 107
against all odds 43
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
try that one 21
that again 44
again 7789
against 107
against all odds 43
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
again and again 108
against who 36
against whom 18
against what 33
try to keep up 60
try them on 27
try to understand 163
try to get some sleep 40
try to get some rest 25
again and again 108
against who 36
against whom 18
against what 33
try to keep up 60
try them on 27
try to understand 163
try to get some sleep 40
try to get some rest 25