Which one is he перевод на французский
336 параллельный перевод
- Oh, you're not? Which one is he?
- Ah, qui est-ce alors?
Well, which one is he?
Qui est-il?
- Which one is he? - This one.
- C'est lequel?
Which one is he, Larry? Which one is my grandson?
Lequel est mon petit-fils?
Which is he? Which one is he?
C'est lequel?
How can I tell which one is he among the three?
Comment reconnaître le bon parmi les 3?
Which one is he?
C'est lequel?
The other prisoner - which one is he?
L'autre prisonnier, lequel est-ce?
- Now, which one is he?
- Lequel est-ce?
- Which one is he?
- Lequel est-ce?
Which one is he?
- C'est lequel?
- Which one is he? - That's me with the curls, on his back.
Le frisé, c'est moi.
Which one is he?
Which one is he?
- Which one is he?
- Dites-moi qui c'est.
but the women are not going crazy because of his fine six-pack. The central reason is Hallyu - because Korean Dramas exist, he is receiving love. As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
54 ) } 시원 24 ) } THE FRENCH
You see, a man can meet two, three, or even four women, and fall in love with all of them, and then, by a process of interesting elimination, he is able to decide which one he prefers.
Un homme peut rencontrer deux, trois ou même quatre femmes et tomber amoureux de toutes. Puis, en procédant par élimination, curieusement, il en vient à décider laquelle il préfère.
They are all very good, but the highest one is that of Mr. Billings. He says he will give me 50,000 francs besides my salary, which is very big just to sign the contract.
Voyons, la plus alléchante... est celle de M.Billings. 50000 francs en plus de mes cachets.
Now, the one composition of Tchaikovsky's that he really detested was his Nutcracker Suite, which is probably the most popular thing he ever wrote.
Ainsi Tchaïkovski n'aimait-il guère son Casse-Noisette, qui est sa composition la plus célèbre.
One of these is our learned colleague, Dr Santelle. However he was good enough to send his paper on the work for which he is known.
Dont Dr Santelle qui a fourni tout un travail scientifique.
In case someone born with the title is hidden away somewhere, he has one year in which to make himself known or enter his objection. After that it's too late.
Si un tenant du titre est en vie, quelque part, il a un an pour se manifester, ensuite ce sera trop tard.
Which one is he? The handsome one with the tennis racket.
Le beau garçon qui tient une raquette à la main.
He's promised to lend me one of your books. Which one is it, Paine?
Il m'a promis... de me prêter un de vos romans.
Boake was the star fullback on the team, and one of the most popular young men in the county, which is why, I suppose, he always seemed to think that
Boake était leur meilleur joueur et il était très recherché.
He's full of opinions, one of which is that he can write good music on a time schedule.
Il est plein d'opinions, dont l'une est qu'il peut écrire de la bonne musique en temps planifié.
The reason why he buys everything he can, is because of a crazy hope that one of the things he buys will be life everlasting which it never can be.
Il a une raison pour acheter autant : L'espoir qu'une des choses qu'il achète le rendra immortel. Ce qui est impossible.
When a contestant is hit in one of the three targets which has been called out, he loses the bout.
Quand l'adversaire est touché et que le coup est validé, il perd.
" What man having 100 sheep, if he lose one of them does not leave the 99 in the wilderness and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
''Quel homme, s'il a cent brebis et vient à en perdre une,''n'abandonne les 99 autres pour s'en aller''après celle qui est perdue jusqu'à ce qu'il la retrouve?
An exact boundary on the one side of which a man is required by Army law to "pull himself together." Or on the other if he cannot, is liable lo be shot as a criminal. Is there?
D'un côté, on vous ordonne de vous "ressaisir", sinon de l'autre, on vous fusille.
Which one is he?
Lequel est-ce?
"Tonight, along with the other competitors, " he is attending a small eve-of-the-race reception, "a gathering which one hopes may foster the spirit... of peace and goodwill amongst the aeronautists."
Ce soir, tous les participants sont réunis en cette veille de course, à l'occasion d'une réception qui, espérons, favorisera le bon esprit parmi les aviateurs.
Any one of us who believes he has ajob like any other, for which he draws a money wage, is a thief of the food he eats, and a trespasser in the bunk in which he lies down to sleep.
Celui qui croit avoir le salaire d'un travail comme les autres vole le pain qu'il mange et la couchette dans laquelle il dort.
Among the many reports of the raid on the Chateau near Rennes perhaps the most objective is the one by General Worden in which he states " We are recommending that those members of the group'The Dirty Dozen'who survived should have their service records amended to indicate that they are returning to active duty at their former ranks.
De tous les rapports sur cette opération de commando, le plus objectif fut celui du général Worden : "Nous recommandons que les survivants du groupe dit des" douze salopards " voient leurs états de service amendés et que leurs anciens grades leur soient rendus.
I'm only a bit upset with you, but this Mr. Spockyou mentioned, the one responsible for that unseemly, impudent act of taking you from me, which is he?
Je suis juste un peu en colère contre vous. Mais ce M. Spock dont vous m'avez parlé... Celui qui a eu l'impudence de vous arracher à moi.
He produced a whole battery of emotions ; each one of which is imprinted in here. See?
Il a produit une batterie d'émotions, toutes imprimées ici.
One thing you've got to learn around here is to affect what Dr Pritchard calls a happy countenance, which means he likes to see people with smiles on their faces, he does.
Il vous faudra aussi apprendre à montrer ce que le docteur appelle une "mine réjouie". Il aime voir les gens en train de sourire.
make a good reputation, and sleep soundly, he certainly has some unusual habits, living closed in his room which is the dirtiest and most disorderly one in the entire tavern.
fais-toi une bonne réputation et dors sans préoccupation. Certes, il a des habitudes insolites. Il vit enfermé.
- Which one is he?
Lequel est-ce?
That's the religion he knows very well and the one over which he is the leader.
C'est une religion qu'il connaît très bien... et pour laquelle il est le guide.
Kortzclap. Kortzclap is the author of famous tangos, like that celebrated one entitled : "A Skirts Affair," in which he tells the tragic love story of two Scottish soldiers.
Kortzclap est l'auteur de tangos célèbres sur la tragique histoire d'amour de deux soldats écossais.
He's put rat poison on one, they've got mixed up, and nobody knows which is which now.
Il a en a mis sur une tranche, et on sait plus laquelle.
Superstition is only that one which does harm, and if someone were to use the moon and the bonfires to rob the peasants and keep them in the dark, then he would be ignoramus and should be shot on the square.
Superstition est seulement celle qui fait du mal, et si quelqu'un usait de la lune et des feux pour voler les paysans et les tenir dans l'obscurantisme, alors ce serait lui l'ignorant et il faudrait le fusiller sur la place.
And the prototype is armed with a one-kilotonne nuclear device which is programmed to detonate when he's with New Chicago's three top leaders.
Si vous voulez des précisions sur le prototype... il est armé d'un dispositif nucléaire d'une kilotonne... programmé pour exploser quand il sera avec les 3 chefs de New Chicago.
Category One, Flight, which is nearly always illustrated by the Bedfordshire Level Sequence from HE Carter's film The Last Wave.
Catégorie Un, vol, presque tout Ie temps illustrée par Ia Séquence du canal de Bedfordshire du film de HE Carte "La dernière vague".
One he calls "natural", by which he means that one is born with a... a sad temperament. Another he calls "occasional"... by which he means springing from an occasion.
Une qu'il appelle "naturelle"... qui est innée, un triste tempérament... et une autre qu'il appelle "occasionnelle"... qui naît par suite de circonstances.
And if your fancy friend with a velvet collar is half as smart as you are, which will make him only one-quarter smart, he never heard of her either.
Et ton élégant ami au col de velours, s'il a la moitié de ta malignité, ce qui en ferait le quart d'un malin, il n'en aurait jamais entendu parler non plus.
Now, show me which one he is.
Maintenant, montrez-moi qui c'est.
Hans is one of the only ones of which I think that he / it is capable of it.
Hans est l'un des seuls dont je pense qu'il en est capable.
All we've got to do is find out which one he went to.
Tout ce qu'on a à faire c'est de trouver dans laquelle il est allé.
We don't know which one he is.
On sait pas qui est le chef.
It means that every one of them should hit himself on the back of the head! And then when he has knocked all the hallucinations out and gets down to cleaning out the barns - which is his job in the first place all this Disruption will disappear of its own accord.
Ils feraient mieux de se frapper la tête pour se débarrasser de leurs hallucinations... et retourner dans leurs écuries qu'ils n'auraient jamais dû quitter!
which one is it 183
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one's yours 33
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one's yours 33
which one was it 29
which one am i 16
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
is here 159
is he your boyfriend 48
is he 1761
is he gone 103
is he alive 166
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which one am i 16
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
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is he gone 103
is he alive 166
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is he ok 129
is he dead 518
is he okay 663
is he sick 52
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