You're something else перевод на французский
514 параллельный перевод
unless there's something else you're hiding, eh Armand?
À moins qu'il y ait d'autres petites affaires que tu m'aies cachées, hein, Armand?
- You're being nice, but let's talk about something else.
- Tu es gentil, mais parlons d'autre chose.
- Linda, you're destroying something that neither of us will ever find anywhere else.
- Linda, tu anéantis ce que nous ne retrouverons jamais.
I'll tell you something else. If you don't stop being so easygoing with money you'll land in the gutter before you're through. Or back on that farm where you came from milking cows and cleaning out henhouses.
Si tu continues â dilapider ton argent, tu retourneras lâ d'où tu viens, dans une ferme, â traire les vaches et â garder les poules!
You're awful sweet and all that, but your mind's always on something else. Or maybe someone else. ls it, sugar pie?
Mais vous semblez toujours penser à autre chose... ou quelqu'un d'autre.
Yeah. You're apt to lose something else if you put that stuff on top of it.
Tu vas perdre autre chose, si tu rajoutes ça par-dessus.
You're getting something else too : A great newspaperman.
Et puis, vous tenez là une grande journaliste.
You're worrying about something else. I think you're jealous.
Tu as une autre raison de t'inquiéter.
I'll tell you something else you're afraid of.
Je sais de quoi d'autre tu as peur.
Every time we're alone together, you find something else to talk about besides...
Chaque fois que nous sommes seuls, tu parles d'autre chose que...
And you know something else? You're not going to be ironing like this when that impresario comes along.
Plus de repassage, quand j'aurai décroché la timbale.
You're playing something else too.
Vous jouez à autre chose, aussi...
After all, you can't go on pretending That you're married to him... and then marry someone else - someone who really has something in common with you.
Tu ne peux pas faire semblant d'être mariée, puis marier quelqu'un d'autre - quelqu'un qui a vraiment quelque chose en commun avec toi.
It's good that you're not dropping your guard, but this is something else!
Ils ont dit ça à San Giorgio.
If you're going to murder me, Howie, don't try to make it look like something else.
Si tu veux m'abattre, Howie, n'essaie pas de déguiser ça en quelque chose d'autre.
If you're done with your work, I'll find something else for you to do.
Si vous avez terminé votre travail, je peux vous trouver une autre tâche.
- Maybe, but you don't make any sense at all. Which is all right, because if you're too drunk to talk, we'll find something else to do.
- Vos propos sont sans queue ni tête, mais si vous avez trop bu pour parler, nous ferons autre chose.
But if this detective doesn't find what you're looking for, there's something else he might find for you.
Mais si le détective ne trouve pas ce que vous cherchez, il pourra chercher autre chose pour vous.
Katherine, you women are always raising hell about one thing when it's something else you're really sore about.
Les femmes se plaignent toujours d'une chose quand c'est une autre qui les blesse.
Why is it you're always so sure it's going to be some dream place out of the travel folders, and it always turns out to be something else?
On s'attend toujours à un endroit idyllique sorti d'une brochure de voyage. Mais on obtient toujours autre chose.
But what you're gonna whisper in her ear is gonna be something else again.
Mais ce que tu lui chuchoteras à l'oreille sera tout à fait autre chose.
"Sing something else, won't you?" You're always singing that sad song
Chantez quelque chose d'autre, n'est-ce pas? Vous chantez toujours cette chanson triste
A bird brain! Or else you're up to something.
Tu es idiote, tu as une cervelle d'oiseau!
Don't be insulted. You're being peddled for something else.
Ne le prenez pas mal.
You're deliberately blinding yourself to what's really essential... and putting the blame on something else.
- Écoute-moi. Ne détourne pas la conversation.
You're something else.
Elle a du caractère.
You're trying to tell me something else, aren't you?
Il y a autre chose? Absolument pas, mais je... je te laisse. Non.
There's something else you're forgetting gentlemen
DOCTEUR : Vous oubliez une chose.
But surely you're tired, I mean surely you've got something else to do?
Mais vous devez être fatigué?
We've got something else I just know you're going to love.
Nous avons quelque chose d'autre, je sais que vous allez adorer.
But listen, we can't talk, you're always thinking about something else.
- Mais, écoute, on peut pas parler, tu penses toujours à autre chose.
If you think you're something better than what I am, that's something else.
Si tu penses que t'es mieux que moi, c'est ton problème.
Distraction is one thing. You can't blame someone for being distracted but when you're the joke's on you, that's something else.
La distraction est une chose on ne peut pas en vouloir à quelqu'un d'être distrait mais quand on vous fait une blague, c'est autre chose.
You're asking something else.
Tu veux autre chose.
I think we're gonna have to get something else from Frank... to back that up, don't you?
Bon, du calme. Quand vous aurez repris vos esprits, on trouvera le vrai coupable.
You're worried about something else.
Vous pensez à quelque chose d'autre.
You're 25 years old. You should be thinking about something else.
A 25 ans, on a d'autres priorités.
I'll tell you something else, Lieutenant. You are an Italian cop. No matter who you catch for that murder, they're still gonna say it's the Mafia.
Je vais vous dire, Lieutenant, vous êtes un flic italien, et quel que soit le meurtrier, on dira que c'est la Mafia et que vous l'avez couverte.
You're something else.
Devinez quoi?
You may be higher, lower... you may be above all else, But I've got to tell you something ; you're still a jerk!
Tu es plus ceci, plus cela, mais tu es surtout plus nouille!
Girl, I'm telling you, you're something else.
Je te jure, tu m'épateras toujours, toi.
Vous êtes vraiment quelqu'un, M. Blackwell.
And think of something soon, or else you're gonna be out on your ass.
Trouve quelque chose, ou tu continues à pied.
T'es vraiment quelqu'un.
You're in charge of Ferrender's case until something else occurs.
Jusqu'à nouvel ordre, occupez-vous du dossier Ferrender.
And while we're on the subject. I have something else to tell you, Mrs. "A."
J'ai encore une chose à vous dire.
You're right, Dad, it's about something else.
Tu as raison, papa, ce n'est pas la question.
I mean, you show me things that nobody else in the world has. Yet, you're trying to tell me that something is wrong about it.
Et vous essayez de me dire que quelque chose cloche?
You're something else, lady. Something else.
Toi, alors...
And I'll tell you something else, you ever meet him in the air, you're gonna wish you hadn't :
Je vais vous dire autre chose : Si jamais vous le croisez dans les airs, vous souhaiterez ne l'avoir jamais vu :
You're something else!
- Ce n'est pas vrai. Quel phénomène!
you're something 28
something else 372
something else is going on 19
else 102
elsewhere 63
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
something else 372
something else is going on 19
else 102
elsewhere 63
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're doing great 645
you're so welcome 43
you're fired 1000
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're doing great 645
you're so welcome 43
you're fired 1000