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You had fun перевод на французский

1,004 параллельный перевод
Well, sir, I hope you had fun in Paris.
Vous avez bien rigolé à Paname.
You had fun with him, didn't you?
Tu t'es bien amusée avec lui.
We had fun making it, and we hope you had fun seeing it tonight.
Puisse-t-il vous apporter autant de joie qu'à nous.
While you had fun with games because of your indifference and the neglect of your Town Administration the church bells fell on your priest's head.
Honte à vous de vous repaître de ces luttes abominables. Etes-vous des êtres humains ou des buveurs de sang?
What have I done? Both of you had fun lying to me!
Vous vous êtes bien payé ma tête.
You had fun with her?
Tu t'es amusée?
But you had fun with Frankie?
Tu avais Frankie.
- So what? You had fun.
Tu t'es amusé.
We've had a lot of fun together. And as far as I'm concerned, you're number one girl in the archipelago.
On a eu du bon temps ensemble, et pour moi, tu es la fille la plus sensass de tout l'archipel.
So you see, I didn't mean any of the things I said, but I had to have some fun while I was here.
Vous voyez, je ne pensais rien de ce que j'ai dit, mais je devais m'amuser pendant que j'étais ici.
But I had fun with you.
Mais avec toi, je m'amuse.
I'll bet you've had lots of fun.
- Vous devez vous amuser.
You're great fellows and I've had a lot of fun.
Vous êtes des hommes merveilleux, et je me suis amusée.
You know, Cleo, we've had an awful lot of fun.
Qu'est-ce qu'on s'est bien amusés, Cleo!
Because when I saw you were a bunch of heartless idiots... I had fun with you.
Quand j'ai vu que j'avais affaire à une bande d'imbéciles, de sans-cœur, je me suis amusé d'eux.
- You boys had a lot of fun, didn't you?
Vous vous êtes bien amusés?
You know, I've never had so much fun in all my life.
Je ne me suis jamais autant amusée.
You boys have had your fun.
Vous vous êtes bien amusés, les gars.
You can't imagine what fun we've had!
Nous nous sommes tellement amusés.
- Yes, I had a lot of fun, didn't you?
Je me suis bien amuse, et vous?
Ladies and gentlemen of the motion-picture audience we've had a lot of fun making our picture and we certainly hope you've enjoyed it.
Mesdames et messieurs, cher public, nous nous sommes bien amusés à faire ce film et espérons qu'il vous a plu.
You haven't had any fun for a long time.
Ça te fera du bien de t'amuser.
He had fun with Emilie and one day she came to tell you :
Il a rigolé avec Emilie qui est venue te dire un matin :
You had your fun on the Riviera.
Vous rigoliez sur la Riviera.
Okay, you had your fun.
Bien, tu t'es assez amusé.
The only trouble is, we could have had a lot of fun if you weren't a detective.
Oui, on aurait pu s'amuser... si vous n'étiez pas détective.
And you propose to her before she's had her fun... idiot!
Elle ira pour s'amuser et toi, tu lui feras la cour avant qu'elle ne s'amuse. Imbécile!
Over and over, he said what a swell person you were And what fun you'd had together.
Il dit que tu es extra et que vous vous êtes bien amusés.
- You know, had some fun, maybe.
- Je me suis un peu amusé.
Are you upset that I had some fun?
- Avez-vous n'aimez pas, il est venu pour s'amuser?
I hope you've had enough of this good clean fun.
Assez de sport pour aujourd'hui?
You two had fun mussing her up, huh?
- Vous vous êtes amusés à la maltraiter?
I was just thinking of all the fun we've had in this room. - You and I and Graham.
Je pensais à toute la joie que nous avions eue ici-même toi, moi et Graham.
You must have had fun.
Tu as dû t'amuser.
Which one do you find funnier? Haven't you had enough fun, all of you?
Vous ne vous êtes pas assez amusés?
You've had enough fun.
You haven't had much fun out of this evening.
Je crains que vous ne vous soyez guère amusée.
We had a lot of fun when you were up here.
On s'est bien amusés quand vous étiez ici.
I'll show you more fun than you ever had.
On se paiera du bon temps.
Or does conscience always come late... after you've had your fun?
Ou bien n'as-tu des remords tardifs qu'après t'être amusé?
Mr. Speaker, fellow members of the Congress of these United States, I've stood before you a good many times in fights and fun. We've had a laugh for the country and our own digestion.
M, Ie président d'assemblée, messieurs Ies membres du Congrés, je me suis souvent disputé avec vous, et iI nous est arrivé de rire,
I had fun with you, and I thought you were having fun with me too.
On s'est bien amusés, pas vrai?
No, you just never had no man fun, that's it, ain't it? Is that it?
T'as jamais fait l'amour!
Anyway, I had fun, you know.
En tout cas, j'ai passé un bon moment.
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Ces hommes étaient... vous pourriez dire "invités"... On se réunissait pour faire les fous et chanter... parce qu'on passait des moments supers... et on se faisait toujours plaisir en chantant : "Le rock du bagne".
You've had your fun, Monsieur.
Vous avez assez ri.
Oh, darling Joey, you've had your fun.
Mon chéri, tu t'es bien amusé.
Vous vous êtes assez amusé.
You remember the fun we had when you poisoned me?
Comme nous avons ri quand vous m'avez empoisonné!
Oh, we had lots of fun, him and me, bein'alive, you know, just bein alive.
On s'est bien amusés, tous les deux, a vivre, tu sais, juste a vivre.
- Had your fun and you're off.
- Tu passes ton temps à t'en aller.

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