You took an oath перевод на французский
98 параллельный перевод
- You took an oath! - I know.
- Tu as prêté serment.
The Exhausted Ruler said that if you took an oath, it would have to be broken for generations of centuries of hundreds of years.
Le Grand Épuisé a dit que si on prête serment, il faudrait le rompre pendant des générations de siècles de centaines d'années.
A little earlier in the day, you took an oath not to see her.
Plus tôt, tu avais fait le serment de ne pas la voir.
You took an oath as an officer, the oath of duty.
Vous avez prêté serment comme officier!
And I know you took an oath to put me away for life. Well, you're trying awful hard with all this patriotic eyewash, but get this :
A présent, tu essaies de me mettre à l'ombre pour la vie!
- holiness, you took an oath not to renounce any power or possession necessary to the survival of the Church.
- Sa Sainteté a juré de ne pas renoncer au pouvoir et aux biens nécessaires à la survie de l'Eglise.
You took an oath that you'd never give your love to another woman... or to anyone, and you never have.
Vous avez juré de ne jamais aimer une autre femme, ou qui que ce soit d'autre.
You took an oath to defend your clients as best you can.
Tu as fais le serment de défendre tes clients aussi bien que possible.
You took an oath. You're a manager. I didn't take the oath, I just moved my lips.
Tout un peuple ne peut émigrer et moi, en tant qu'acteur, je dois rester, pour observer les gens et les jouer.
When you signed this form, you took an oath... no less important than that which you've taken today.
Ce parafe, c'était un serment. Qui vous engageait alors, tout autant qu'aujourd'hui.
- You took an oath. - It doesn't matter.
- Vous avez prêté serment.
You took an oath if you recall when you first came to work for me.
Vous avez prêté serment, si vous vous souvenez, en venant travailler pour moi.
And you took an oath.
Vous avez prêté un serment.
You took an oath and you broke it.
Tu as prêté serment, et tu as trahi.
You told me you took an oath before God and your mother
Tu m'avais dit que tu avais prêté serment devant Dieu et ta mère
You took an oath when you walked in here.
Vous avez prêté serment en entrant ici.
You took an oath?
Prêté serment?
Do I have to remind you that you took an oath?
Dois-je vous rappeler que vous êtes sous serment?
- You took an oath, Derek.
- Tu as prêté serment, Derek.
Under the law, which you took an oath to uphold... that's murder.
Selon la loi, que vous avez juré de respecter... c'est un meurtre.
You took an oath.
Vous avez prêté serment.
You took an oath to heal. You're a healer.
Tu as fait le serment de soigner.
You took an oath, Gene.
Tu as prêté serment, Gene.
Look, Stewie, you stood up before God and all your toys and you took an oath to stick it out when things got tough.
Ecoute, Stewie tu t'es élevé contre Dieu et tous tes jouets et tu jures de tenir de coup quand les choses deviennent difficiles.
- You took an oath.
- Tu as signé le pacte.
- You took an oath, young lady.
- Tu as juré.
When this trial began... you took an oath not to do that.
Au début de ce procès, vous avez fait serment de ne pas le faire.
Screw the law you took an oath to uphold.
Elle s'est moquée d'une loi que vous avez fait le serment de défendre.
You do what you took an oath to do and protect me, your captain, Four.
Vous avez juré de me protéger, N ° 4.
You took an oath when you walked in this office.
Vous avez prêté serment...
Your critics will point out you took an oath to protect the people of this country.
Les critiques diront que vous avez prêté serment de protéger notre peuple.
As a lawyer, you took an oath to uphold the law, but I'm pretty sure you are not upholding the law here.
Tu es juriste. Tu dois respecter la loi. Et là, c'est pas le cas.
You took an oath.
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Tu as prêté serment.
And I know you took an oath of silence.
Et je sais que vous avez prêter serment de ne rien dire.
You took an oath. Look, I need supplies, medications, I.V. fluids.
Il me faut des médicaments, des IV...
For the term of my active life, I am bound by an oath I took when I was half the age of any of you here.
Je suis lié à vie par un serment que j'ai prêté quand j'avais la moitié de votre âge.
It was you who sent him to prison He took an oath..
C'est vous qui l'avez expédié en prison. Il s'est fait une promesse. Laquelle?
"Don't you forget, baby, I took an oath."
" N'oublie pas que j'ai fait un serment.
- I took an oath, Jane. - Yeah, you took a fucking oath.
- J'ai prêté serment.
In the Marine Corps, we took an oath that you were willing to die to save your buddy and you're willing to get shot up to save your buddies.
Dans le Corps des Marines, on a juré sous serment qu'on était prêts à mourir pour sauver un camarade et à se faire tirer dessus pour sauver nos camarades.
But she took an oath to die for the Commonwealth's principles the same oath that you and I took.
Mais elle a prêté serment de mourir pour les principes de la République le même serment que toi et moi avons pris.
You can't send a 17-year-old kid to jail just cos you wanna go home early. For God's sake, we took an oath!
Si ça accélère les choses, je change mon vote.
You, as jurors, took an oath to uphold the law.
Vous, en tant que jurés, avez fait serment de faire observer la loi.
We are here because Alan Shore broke the law... A law he is not above, a law that the 12 of you... took an oath to uphold.
Nous sommes là parce qu'Alan Shore a enfreint la loi... et il n'est pas au-dessus de la loi, une loi que les 12 que vous êtes... avez prêté serment de soutenir.
Whether by innate character, or the oath you took to defend the Constitution, or the weight of history that falls upon you. I believe you to be an honourable man, sir.
vous êtes le Président des États-Unis et que, par une disposition naturelle, le serment que vous avez prêté, ou le poids de l'Histoire qui pèse sur vos épaules, je pense que vous êtes un homme d'honneur.
you're gonna choose two dead men over an oath you took foyour country?
Vous préférez... deux morts en sursis au serment prêté envers votre pays?
I wish I could tell you, but kind of a family secret d I took an oath.
J'aimerais pouvoir vous en donner mais... c'est une sorte de secret de famille et j'ai prêté serment.
We took an oath under swann to protect you.
Nous avons prêté serment envers Swann pour vous protéger.
I... I took an oath not to betray confidences, but... I can't see any harm in telling you a story.
Je... j'ai fait serment de ne pas trahir les secrets, mais... il n'y a aucun mal à vous raconter une histoire.
You know, I took an oath and I take it literally.
Tu sais, j'ai prêté serment et je le prends littéralement.
We took an oath to serve and protect you, but we can't always do it on our own.
Nous prêtons serment pour vous servir et vous protéger. On ne peut pas toujours agir seuls.
you took your time 70
you took everything from me 17
you took 32
you took it 81
you tell 24
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you talk too much 145
you took everything from me 17
you took 32
you took it 81
you tell 24
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you take care of yourself 138
you think too much 36
you think you can handle that 27
you think i'm lying 56
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22
you think 2028
you think i'm stupid 121
you take care of yourself 138
you think too much 36
you think you can handle that 27
you think i'm lying 56
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22
you think 2028