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And so it was перевод на португальский

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And so it was.
E assim foi.
It was so full of drugs and women...
Tão cheia de drogas e de mulheres...
It was overwhelming. And he said he could only get me a small settlement, so...
E ele disse que só conseguiria um pequeno acordo.
Show me the Church manipulated the system so that these guys wouldn't have to face charges. Show me they put those same priests back into parishes time and time again. Show me this was systemic, that it came from the top down.
Mostrem-me que a Igreja manipulou o sistema para eles não serem acusados, que puseram esses padres em paróquias vezes sem conta, mostrem-me que isto foi sistémico, que veio de cima para baixo.
It was nipped in the bud, and all the copies are being taken out of the building, so, problem solved.
A ideia foi logo descartada e estão a tirar todas as cópias do edifício. - Portanto, problema resolvido.
It looked like one was crooked so I opened it and then it fell out.
- Só queria arrumar, então abri e a memória caiu.
She was dancing around naked and... It was so beautiful.
Andava a dançar toda nua e... estava tão bonita.
It was so above and beyond and brave and loyal. I am indebted to you forever.
Foi para além de qualquer bravura e lealdade, devo-vos isto para sempre.
I was right here, and then work called, and it's so fucked up,'cause they can't do anything without me.
Eu estava aqui e recebi uma chamada de trabalho, e foi muito marada, porque eles não conseguem fazer nada sem mim.
So he usually is gone three hours when he gets foods and, uh, I just had this urge to all of a sudden, just go out on my own have no one recognize me, and if my father saw me, he wouldn't know it was me.
Ele costuma ficar três horas na rua quando compra comida. E eu tive um impulso repentino de sair sozinho sem que me reconhecessem. Se o meu pai me visse, não saberia que era eu.
So even if we were watching films with explosions and fights, it was different from their propaganda.
Então, mesmo que estivéssemos a ver filmes com explosões e lutas, não era a propaganda "deles".
So, what happens now, I go home with this letter that says I was weak and I couldn't handle it, and everything's just fine again?
Então, o que acontece agora? Eu vou para casa, com esta carta? Que diz que eu fui fraco e que não consegui superar.
So we went back to Roger's place, he had some cash in the house, and, yeah, that was it.
Então fomos à casa do Roger, ele tinha lá um dinheiro, e foi isso.
Still, I thought it was real... and I told her, I said, " Don't talk so loud.
Mesmo assim, pensava que era real e disse-lhe.
I didn't care that what I was doing was... affecting someone else so much that they felt like they had nowhere to go and had no one to go to, that they thought it'd be better just to... to die than to be here.
Não queria saber se o que fazia afectava tanto outras pessoas que elas sentiam que não tinham outro sítio para ir nem com quem ir ter, que pensavam que era melhor morrer do que estar ali.
So basically how it worked is I had a primary partner, and he had another girlfriend in L.A., and he would see her when he was there. Wow.
Funcionava assim, eu tinha um parceiro principal e ele tinha outra namorada em LA, e ele andava com ela quando ia lá.
And so I didn't even know if it was a possibility.
Eu nem sabia se isso era um possibilidade.
That then triggered shut-downs across the power grid, and we are hearing that that grid didn't have the capacity to deal with that problem, so it shut itself down and that was sort of the link being broken.
Foi isso que desencadeou os apagões na rede elétrica, ouvimos que essa rede elétrica não tinha capacidade para lidar com o problema então, desligou-se automaticamente, foi isso que provocou o apagão.
I was bitten by an infected dog and by Christy, so it's not transmitted by blood or saliva.
Eu fui mordido pela cadela e pela Christy, por isso, não é transmissível pelo sangue ou saliva.
So it was me and my two brothers.
Éramos eu e os meus dois irmãos.
And i had to be extremely careful about the direction That i was gonna take him in, so it wouldn't ruin him 'Cause you can actually destroy that,
Tinha de ser muito cuidadoso relativamente ao rumo em que o iria encaminhar para não destruir, para não quebrar aquele som.
It was so extraordinary and so over-The-Top
Era tudo tão extraordinário e excessivo.
So i backed up and... busted it open, i was as mad as hell.
Estava fulo.
I've been going and talking to the kids there and they actual helped me raised some of the money to come and... gave me a flag to plant on the Summit and... so, I was thinking maybe it's... they see an... a regular guy can, you know, follow impossible dreams.
Tenho lá ido dar palestras aos miúdos e eles... Ajudaram-me a angariar algum do dinheiro para vir e, deram-me uma bandeira para colocar no cume e... Por isso, estava a pensar que talvez... vissem um... tipo normal que consegue seguir sonhos impossíveis.
And it was so awful...
Preciso de dormir um pouco.
And I had enough of a relationship with her. So there's no flattery, it was, like, blunt.
A nossa relação era direta, por isso fui direito ao assunto.
And she called me the next day, and it was just so weird hearing her talk normally, because for so long, we'd just been pining for her...
Ela ligou-me no dia seguinte. Foi tão estranho ouvi-la falar normalmente porque ao longo de todo aquele tempo só podíamos lamentar-nos, eu tinha perdido a minha melhor amiga, a Lauren tinha saudades da melhor amiga...
I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out had I so sworn, as you have done, to this.
Mesmo quando o bebé sorria para mim, teria arrancado o meu mamilo da boca dele e esmagado o seu cérebro se o tivesse jurado, como tu juraste para fazer isto.
So, I got up and, with the doctor, the one who always jokes, we took a walk... it was wonderful!
Eu levantei-me e fui com o médico, aquele que está sempre a dizer piadas, dar um passeio fabuloso.
Right, uh, we were trying to get out of the city, but it was total log jam, so I got out of the car and... and started running.
- E eu. Muito bem. Estávamos a tentar sair da cidade, mas havia um grande engarrafamento.
So, it was nice and sweet for everybody else except Disney, and for them, it was taboo.
Era bom e engraçado para todos, menos para a Disney, e, para eles, era tabu.
I had a callback later that clay for a commercial, and I was more excited about the callback for the commercial'cause it was so unusual.
Nesse dia, recebi uma chamada para um anúncio. Claudia Wells Jennifer Parker, RAF I Fiquei mais entusiasmada com a chamada para o anúncio, por ser tão invulgar.
So, I was able to get in there and take his basic car, and add a bunch of stuff to it, rearrange some things, and come up with a final version.
Consegui pegar no carro básico dele e adicionar um punhado de coisas, reorganizar algumas e chegar a uma versão final.
When we went to the DCS show, it was incredible how everyone was so friendly, and so into it, and all the things they do.
Quando fui à exposição dos DeLorean, foi incrível ver como toda a gente era tão simpática e tão envolvida, e tudo o que fazem.
And it was so interesting to me.
E foi tão interessante para mim.
So I think the future is gonna be a little different than it was laid out in "Back to the Future," but the idea behind it is the right idea, and that's where we wanna go.
Então, acho que o futuro vai ser um pouco diferente do que foi apresentado em Regresso ao Futuro, mas a ideia por detrás dele é a ideia certa, e é para lá que caminhamos.
- [Fox] I mean, people think that it looked so smooth, but I this thing stapled to my foot, and I was dangling from wires.
Quer dizer, as pessoas acham que estava muito bem feito, mas tinha aquilo agrafado ao meu pé e estava pendurado em fios.
I know that Sean's parents love the movie and showed it to him, so he was very familiar with it.
Sei que os pais do Sean adoram o filme e que lho mostraram, por isso, ele conhecia-o bem.
Okay, so it was our third anniversary, and Mickey was staying with us.
Foi no terceiro aniversário, o Mickey estava a passar uns dias connosco.
So, instead of the old forms of farming, which were very much in-tune with nature, they were linked to the cycles of the natural year and the seasons, what you see now is an intensification where the land is almost reconsidered as if it was a factory.
Entao, em vez de tipos de culturas antigas eles eram muito em sintonia com a natureza, Eles foram relacionados aos ciclos Ano Civil e estacoes.
And so, at that point in time, organic was no longer important to me, it was imperative.
E nesses momentos, organico nao era mais importante para mim, era imperativo.
Well, so I borrowed Mum's key and went into your study, and there it was.
Bem, pedi a chave à mãe e fui ao seu estúdio, e lá estava ela.
My Uncle Mack was cheap and thought he could fix things. So he wrapped a piece of copper wire around it.
O meu tio Mack era forreta e achava que sabia consertar as coisas, por isso, enrolou um pedaço de fio de cobre à volta.
It was, for example, possible for a black worker to get a decent job in an auto plant, buy a home, get a car, have his children go to school and so on.
Por exemplo, era possível para um trabalhador negro conseguir um emprego decente numa fábrica de automóveis, comprar uma casa, um carro, ter os seus filhos, ir à escola, e por aí fora.
You know, at the Tate house I told you it was such a mess. And so they wanted to...
Na casa Tate, como disse, foi uma grande barafunda e eles quiseram...
So, on the way out maybe I could show you that. 'Cause my wife and I went through the same thing. It was really easy to fix.
À saída, posso mostrar-lhe, pois a minha mulher e eu passámos pelo mesmo e foi muito fácil de arranjar.
So here's what we're gonna do, I'm going to give you both 10 seconds to tell me where the money is and whose idea it was to take it in the first place, or Derrick here kills you both...
Por isso vamos fazer o seguinte, vou dar-vos 10 segundos para me dizerem onde está o dinheiro e de quem foi a ideia de roubá-lo, ou o Derrick mata-vos aos dois...
And they made you this totem, so that when you returned, we would know it was you.
E fez este totem, para que o reconhecêssemos quando voltasse.
So, told Teo and Leo to go tell him what was what, but they ain't never get around to it.
Então, disse ao Teo e ao Leo para o porem no lugar, mas eles acabam sempre por arranjar problemas.
And it was full of blood so it was warm.
Como estava cheia de sangue, estava quentinha.
And so our relationship would be as intense as it was at the start.
E assim a nossa relação seria tão intensa como era no início.

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