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And so was i перевод на португальский

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And my brother, he was torn up, and so was I, but somebody had to stand up, so I stood up as best as I could.
O meu irmão ficou desgostoso, e eu também, mas alguém tinha de ser forte, pelo que tentei ser o mais forte que consegui.
I snuck over last night, but the faucet leaked, and I guess I was so mellowed out I forgot to drain the tub.
Entrei ontem às escondidas, mas deixei a torneira aberta e acho que estava tão relaxada, que me esqueci de tirar a tampa.
Actually, my first thought was to call you and have you come to my place, but I had some concern you wouldn't show, so...
Na verdade, a minha primeira ideia foi ligar-te para ires lá tu, mas tive algumas reticências se ias, por isso...
So, Geddy, in football I was number 21, and my friend, Michael, was number 12.
Geddy, no futebol eu era o número 21 o meu amigo, Michael, era o número 12.
So my ex, Ritchie, he was loaded and asking about Andrew and some of his stuff, and saying that Andrew was his boy too, and I told him to sleep it off, and he just went crazy.
O que aconteceu? O meu ex. Ritchie, apareceu bêbado e a perguntar sobre o Andrew e algumas das suas coisas, a dizer que o Andrew também era filho dele, e disse-lhe para ir dormir lá fora, e ele ficou maluco.
- And I'm not so sure it was used to dispose of the body.
- Não estou assim tão certa que tenha sido usado para descartar o corpo.
Actually, you know what, I was here on time, but I was going through security and I realized that I forgot my badge at home, so I had to drive home, grab my badge, and just floor it to get back.
Na verdade, cheguei na hora, mas ia passar pela segurança e vi que me tinha esquecido do distintivo, por isso voltei a casa e corri de volta para cá.
You know, I talked to Cruz, and he said it was cool, so...
Falei com o Cruz e ele disse que não havia problema, então...
So all this time, I thought she was getting her post-bac so she could go to medical school, and I was paying for it because I thought it might make her happy, and it turns out it's all bullshit.
Pensei que ela estava a fazer o curso para entrar em medicina e eu estava a pagá-lo, pois achei que a faria feliz e parece que é tudo treta.
All right, cam, it's been a pet peeve of mine since I was a kid, and I've asked you so many times that when you ignore me, it feels a little passive-aggressive.
Cam, é uma mania que tenho desde criança, e já te pedi tantas vezes que, quando me ignoras, parece um pouco passivo-agressivo.
I thought it was karma, so I hopped on my bike and I rode straight to my grandpa's.
Pensei que fosse carma, por isso, montei na bicicleta e pedalei até casa do meu avô.
So I appreciate that and thank you, and I'm glad that I was able to help you guys out.
Então, agradeço-vos, e fico contente por ter podido ajudá-los.
In the same way that many drug users only relate to one another because they use drugs, the thing that Alfredo and I did together was not use them, so...
Assim como muitos drogados só se dão uns com os outros pela droga, o que eu e o Alfredo fazíamos juntos era não consumir.
I was waiting outside, and I got bored, so I came inside. And then I got bored again.
Aborreci-me, entrei e depois aborreci-me de novo.
Yeah, but she was a beauty queen and working as a model. I mean, what's so strange about that?
Sim, mas ela era uma rainha de beleza e trabalhava como modelo. quero dizer, o que há de estranho nisso?
I was hoping they were gonna do something to Manitowoc County... and set them straight so they don't do it again.
Esperava que fizessem algo ao Condado de Manitowoc. Que lhes dessem uma lição para não voltarem a fazer isto.
But this was so clear and the circumstances so troubling, I think, to most people in the state.
Mas este caso era muito claro e as circunstâncias muito perturbadoras, para a maioria das pessoas do estado.
So Rufus hired a P.I. to find this Nicholas, but when the P.I. found out how much the Merlin was worth, he killed Rufus and went looking for Ducky's brother himself.
Então, o Rufus contratou o IP para encontrar o Nicholas, mas quando o IP descobriu quanto o Merlin valia, matou o Rufus e foi procurar o irmão do Duck sozinho.
And then I walked over and took a closer look at the charred debris and there was quite a bit of bone matter intertwined within the steel belts of burned tires and so forth.
Fui até lá e olhei mais de perto para o entulho carbonizado e havia vários pedaços de osso misturados com cintas metálicas, pneus queimados e tudo isso.
So I guess it was time to settle and take... I guess take another loss.
Tinha de entrar em acordo e aceitar a perda.
He admitted his guilt and he said that Avery was involved as well, so I take that as truth.
Ele admitiu a culpa e admitiu que o Avery também estava envolvido e tomo isso como a verdade. IRMÃO DE TERESA
So I searched the first row and my daughter was on the second row.
Eu vi a primeira fila e a minha filha estava na segunda fila.
So I went up there and I went through, like, three cars and I came upon this car that had all these branches on the top of it and leaning against it and there was an old hood of a car leaning up against it and it was kind of bluish-green and I thought,
Fui lá a cima e vi uns três carros e, depois, vi um carro que tinha muitos ramos em cima e encostados e havia um velho capô de carro por cima e era azul-esverdeado e pensei :
She knew it was her profile and she knew she was teaching at the time and talking, so I mean, it all makes sense.
Ela sabia que era o perfil dela e sabia que tinha estado a ensinar, a falar. Faz sentido.
So that was her choice and I think that came across to the jury, and there's really not much we can do about it anymore.
Ele fez essa escolha e acho que o júri percebeu e já não podemos fazer nada sobre isso.
Steve Drizin has made his life work studying false confessions... so I was very pleased that somebody with the resources, the experience and the credibility, especially on confession issues, took over the case.
O Steve Drizin tem passado a carreira a estudar falsas confissões... Fiquei muito contente por alguém com recursos... CENTRO DE CONDENAÇÕES INCORRETAS
Because I knew that Brendan's family was watching these newscasts and so in effect it was a message to try to get them accustomed to the idea that Brendan might take a legal option that they don't like, so part of the intended audience was Brendan Dassey's family.
Sabia que a família do Brendan estava a ver as notícias e foi uma mensagem para tentar que se acostumassem à ideia de que o Brendan podia escolher uma opção legal de que não gostassem, parte do publico alvo era a família do Brendan Dassey.
And I just... It was so good.
E foi... foi muito bom.
So Howard I brought my computer along, 20 years ago I was here and I want to see if you recognize any of the people.
Howard, trouxe o meu computador. Há 20 anos, estive aqui, e quero ver se reconhecem estas pessoas.
At first I thought it was funny but then I realized it's so true because it's not an adventure sport unless you have an adventure and therefore you have to be in a really cool unique, landscape.
De início, achei piada, mas depois percebi que é verdade porque não é um desporto radical se não houver aventura e isso requer uma paisagem fixe e única.
I spent two full days in the Gobi Desert in a blind being bitten by spiders trying to photograph a lammergeyer and I got one but it was so far away I never was happy.
Passei dois dias no deserto de Gobi num esconderijo, a ser picado por aranhas, a tentar fotografar um brita-ossos, e consegui, mas estava tão longe que não fiquei satisfeito.
And from there is when I was traveling, so you're talking three, four...
E logo estive a viajar. Já faz três, quatro... 7 meses.
I was just a child, and so were you.
Eu fui uma criança, e tu também.
I found this man and told him I was from Jones, and he said that was Mississippi 7th, and so- -
Encontrei um homem disse-lhe que era de Jones, e ele disse-me que era do 7º do Mississippi...
And I just got so worried about how bad I was gonna do up there with all those smart kids.
Fiquei tão preocupado... sobre quanto mau eu seria lá, com todas aquelas crianças inteligentes...
And so, I was thinking about making a weapon to get it from you.
Então estava... a pensar em construir uma arma... para tirar a sua.
I heard him screaming, so I went to check, and that's when the "thing" was tossing Fernando all around the room.
Ouvi-o a gritar e vim ver. A "coisa" estava a atirar com o Fernando dum lado ao outro da sala...
What's up? Well, I was going through my closet, and I found a bunch of your old stuff, so I thought you might want it.
Estava a limpar o armário e encontrei um monte de coisas tuas e pensei que talvez as quisesses.
We thought of canceling', but your temperature was down and I know you wanted to make your announcement, so...
Pensámos em cancelar, mas a sua temperatura estava a baixar e eu sei que queria fazer o seu anúncio, por isso...
[Cheering] We lived right next to the city hall, so we were right in the middle of where everything was happening, and I remember the city hall being decked out with flowers, and I remember the cheering people on the Ringstrasse.
Vivíamos mesmo ao lado da Câmara Municipal, pelo que estávamos mesmo no local onde tudo acontecia, e lembro-me de a Câmara estar coberta de flores, e de as pessoas aplaudirem em Ringstrasse.
I found out that my father died from a heart attack because he was so taken by the invasion of Prague, and so that was my 15th of March, 1939, experience.
Soube que o meu pai faleceu de ataque cardíaco por ter ficado muito abalado com a invasão de Praga... VIENA... e essa foi a minha experiência do 15 de março de 1939.
Waitstill had gone out to a meeting in Geneva, and finally, the Gestapo tore up his return permission so that he was not going to be able to come back in again, and then I received word from my underground- -
" O Waitstill tinha ido a uma reunião em Genebra, e a Gestapo rasgou a sua autorização de regresso pelo que não conseguiria regressar. Depois, recebi informação da minha rede secreta :
And so I sat in the church and was amazed when Frederick Eliot announced that Waitstill and Martha Sharp would go back to Europe.
Quando estava na igreja, fiquei estupefacta quando o Frederick Eliot anunciou que Waitstill e Martha Sharp iam voltar à Europa.
It was so lovely to meet you and I cannot wait to meet your wife. I mean it.
Foi um prazer conhecê-lo e mal posso esperar para conhecer a sua esposa.
And it was so good, that I remember tearing up in the elevator. And I knew... I knew they were gonna send me on to Gentry.
Foi tão boa que me lembro de chorar no elevador, e eu sabia, eu sabia que me iam enviar ao Gentry, eu sabia que finalmente ia conhecer o tomador de decisões.
Okay, so, apparently, my dad, who I thought was a scientist, knew you, an alien, which is nuts. And the two of you were attacked for some reason by a wind-monster thing.
Então, meu pai, que eu pensava que era um cientista, conhecia-te a ti, um alien, o que é estranho... e foram os dois atacadas por uma coisa vento monstro...
I had a patient who was addicted to group sex, and he read this book, and it changed him so much that he just recently climbed mt.
Tive um paciente que era viciado em sexo em grupo. Ele leu este livro e isso mudou-o tanto que acabou de escalar o Monte Evereste.
And I was just so happy for Jack that he could be proud of me.
Estava tão feliz pelo Jack, por ele poder estar orgulhoso de mim.
And I was so mad at her.
Fiquei tão zangada com ela.
So, I was wondering if you would consider putting your time and talent...
Então, estive pensando se você gostaria de usar seu tempo e talento...
And my sister wanted me to be a failure, and I was, so she's not gonna let that go.
E a minha irmã queria que eu fosse um fracassado. E fui mesmo. Nunca mais me deixa esquecer isso.

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