And then we'll see перевод на португальский
299 параллельный перевод
First we will eat and drink and then we'll go and see the girls who have never been to the front before, yes?
Primeiro, comeremos e beberemos. Depois, iremos ver às garotas, vale?
Then we'll put all these there, too, and then we'll board it up... so you'll never have to see it again, never even think of it.
Então colocaremos tudo isto lá também, e lacraremos a entrada... para que nunca as vejas novamente, nem penses nelas.
When I see her I'll hit the first note, then I'll nod my head and then we'll sing, huh?
Quando a vir toco a primeira nota, depois inclino a cabeça e aí cantamos, hmm?
You keep her in bed for a few days... then we'll get her to the office and really see.
Ela que fique na cama uns dias, depois vai ao consultório e aí vemos o que se passa.
Now, take this costume into the dressing room and put it on, and then we'll see what you can do with the number.
Sim senhor. Agora, leve esta fantasia para o vestiário e vista-o.
- Let's see, then we have to wait until Mrs. Porter goes marketing, and then we'll mess the place up.
- OK. - Veja, então temos que esperar que a Sra. Porter vá ao mercado, e então vamos atafulhar o lugar.
Then we'll go in and see what the fight's about.
Então, entraremos e veremos porque é a discussão.
We'll have a bottle of wine and a nice meal... and then after dinner we'll drive out and see my father and mother.
Beberemos vinho e jantaremos bem... e depois de jantar iremos visitar meus pais.
then we'll see the Yellow River, and ride across to Sian.
E depois... depois veremos o Rio Amarelo. e caminharemos até Sian.
You stay back in camp. And when we've got everything fixed up just the way we want it, then we'll bring you back, see how you feel about it.
Tu ficas no acampamento e quando tivermos tudo pronto como tu queres, nessa altura trazemos-te aqui para dizeres o que achas.
And you'll know, and then we'll see.
E você saberá, e então nós veremos.
And if you don't, then we'll see you at the end of the semester.
E, se não voltarem, no final do semestre.
You see, she's coming home from school in a few days, and then we'll be off together, and you can return to conducting yourself as you consider proper in a bachelor's household.
Sabe, ela regressa a casa da escola dentro de dias e depois partiremos juntas, e pode voltar a comportar-se como considerar adequado na casa de um solteiro.
We will have one more schnapps together, and then I'll see you to your quarters.
Tomamos mais uma bebida e acompanho-a aos seus aposentos.
You've had three shots. I think you better stay on them for a few days, and then we'll see how you respond.
Continue a tomá-las por uns dias, para vermos como está.
Then an outraged United States will see how bloodthirsty beasts Esposito and his men are and we'll get all the support we need.
Isto ofenderá os EUA que verão que animais sanguinários são Esposito e os seus homens e teremos o apoio que precisamos.
To start with, you need more exercise, and then we'll see.
Para começar, você precisa de mais exercício, e então nós veremos.
We'll make camp. Then I'll go in tonight and scout around a little. See how it all lays out.
Acamparemos, eu me aproximarei esta noite para dar uma olhadaela... e verei como estão as coisas.
First we eat dinner and then we'll see.
Primeiro, jantamos. Depois, logo se vê.
Then we'll gather them, count them, and see where we stand.
Depois recolhemo-los, contamo-los, e vemos em que pé estamos.
And then we'll see what else comes to mind.
E depois veremos o que surge.
Look, I'll meet you in the lab in one hour. And then we'll see if we pulled in any Videodrome last night... and I'll tell you what's going on. Okay?
Vemo-nos no laboratório dentro de uma hora.
You'll see on that list, we got a call from a Mr. Carson... and then we were referred to a Mr. Ron Graham.
Se vir nessa lista, percebe que recebemos uma chamada do Sr. Carson e depois indicaram-nos o Sr. Ron Graham.
And then we'll see.
E depois, logo se vê.
Then I'll give you our estimates... and go over our various plans... and see if we can't secure your home for you.
Faremos um orçamento. Revisaremos os planos e veremos se o podemos ajudar.
Then Lucifer will die, and we'll see...
e assim Lúcifer morrerá, e se verá,
Then we'll say goodbye and never see you around here again.
Despedimo-nos, e nunca mais te quero ver por aqui.
All right. That's our first and second call, and then we'll see where we are.
São as nossas primeira e segunda opções e depois logo se vê.
And then we'll see.
- Logo veremos.
We'll get in the ring and we'll see who's laughing then.
Vamos ver no ringue quem ri por último.
Until then, I'll dream about the day when I come back and see your face and we can once again be together like we were these last few days.
Entretanto, sonho com o dia que volto a ver o teu rosto. e estarmos novamente juntos como estivemos nos últimos dias.
Well, I'll show you to your rooms, and then we'll see about some dinner.
Bem, vou levá-los para os seus quartos e depois vamos jantar.
Yes, i am. And then he's gonna come out, and i'm gonna see him, we'll smooch a little bit, and then we will laugh about you and your stupid pitiful lies.
Então ele vai sair, vou vê-lo, vamo-nos beijar, então vamos rir de ti e das tuas mentiras estúpidas.
And then we'll see about getting you home.
Depois vai para casa.
Alex and I'll set the table. Then we'll see how much of the game you recorded with all of your jumping'around.
Eu e o Alex pomos a mesa, e depois vemos o que gravaste com esses saltos todos.
First we'll ask you some questions and then we'll accompany you to see how you handle the travellers and the equipment.
Começaremos por umas perguntas e acompanhá-lo-emos durante a viagem para ver como trata o material e sobretudo os passageiros.
And then we'll see.
Então veremos.
Look, first you kiss her and then we'll see.
Olha, primeiro tu beija-la, e depois veremos o que se passa.
Yes, anarchy and all, The land washed by blood, Purified by fire Then we'll see.
Sim, a anarquia e mais nada, a terra lavada pelo sangue, purificada pelo fogo, depois veremos.
And one of these days I'm going to stop chasing her... and then we'll see.
E um destes dias, vou parar de andar atrás dela... E depois vamos ver.
But, you know, that'll be great to see another kid in cap and gown, you know, if we can still see by then.
Mas vai ser bom ver outro filho acabar o liceu, se nessa altura ainda conseguirmos ver.
And then we'll see.
Só Deus sabe!
Let's get to know each other, and then we'll see where we stand, hmm?
- De lavar e preparar a roupa do Bill?
And then, well, we'll see what happens.
E depois, bem, logo veremos o que acontece.
Good. Then we'll see you bright and early.
Então vê-lo-emos de manhã cedo.
Then I guess we'll have to land and see for ourselves.
Teremos de aterrar e descobri-lo nós mesmos.
Apple... we'll try and set it up and then see where it goes
A Apple. Vamos tentar erguê-la e ver como corre.
I'll tell you what, you call the couch and then we'll call the couch and we'll see who it comes to.
É o seguinte. Voce chama o sofa. Depois nos chamamos.
Not more then hundred, and then we'll see.
Não mais que 100, daí então nós veremos
We'll make a fortune, and then... we'll see.
Ficaremos ricos. E, depois logo se vê.
And if we can't see the whole thing tonight, then we'll pick it up tomorrow.
E, se não virmos tudo hoje, continuamos amanhã.
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32
and then i said 46
and then there's me 17
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then this morning 31
and then it hit me 47
and then later 35
and then one day 206
and then there's me 17
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then this morning 31
and then it hit me 47
and then later 35
and then one day 206