And you know this перевод на португальский
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And you know this how?
Como é que sabeis disso?
- And you know this because?
- E sabe isso porque?
Most of the kids in your class, and you know this, live with a slave mentality.
A maioria dos miúdos na tua turma, e tu sabes disto, vivem com mentalidade de escravo.
You and I both know you can do this job.
Ambos sabemos que és capaz de fazer este trabalho.
Let's just rewind the tape and, you know, forget this happened.
Vamos rebobinar a cassete e esquecer que isto aconteceu.
I think maybe we need to... slow down and really, you know... - think about this.
Acho que talvez precisemos de ir mais devagar e pensar a sério nisto tudo.
You know, met with Paige and Kevin, interviewed some paralegals... and, uh, this.
- Encontrei-me com a Paige e o Kevin. Entrevistei alguns assistentes jurídicos. E isto.
I found myself faced with two choices... report what I had just heard, that you are considering keeping this money and know that Nassau will likely burn for it and me with it... or I could open the door
Ou relatava o que tinha ouvido : que está a pensar ficar com o dinheiro mesmo sabendo que Nassau será destruída por isso e eu juntamente com ela.
And I think you know that I would never allow you to call a vote to settle the matter of who this fleet follows and risk you depleting my force by luring away some misguided minority.
E acho que sabes que nunca te permitiria para abrires uma votação para resolveres o assunto sobre quem esta frota seguirá e correr o risco de estragares as minhas forças ao tentares enganar algumas minorias.
You know this and here you are doing nothing.
Quando ela perceber que lhe mentiram, será demasiado tarde. Tu sabes isso e não fazes nada!
I need to tell you something, and, and I know you don't believe in this stuff, but I, I hope that you won't dismiss it out of hand.
Tenho de te contar uma coisa. Não acreditas nisto, mas não rejeites logo a ideia.
You know what I'm saying? He's foul on a, on a whole other level. And I'm getting him back this time.
Isto é outro nível de baixeza e vou vingar-me dele.
You know what, this sinking ship is going down with or without Lucious Lyon, But if any of you Lucious Lyon thugs are here, you tell him and his company... go to hell.
Isto vai tudo ao fundo, com ou sem o Lucious Lyon, mas, se houver aqui capangas dele, digam-lhe a ele e à empresa dele que vão para o inferno!
That's why, you know, this little adventure that we're out on... Your mom and Ted, they can't find out about this.
E é por isso que esta pequena aventura que estamos a viver nunca a podem contar à mãe nem ao Ted.
If you weren't just pretending to be busy, you'd know that the workaround is to get this to the non-profit, have them sign and file with the Ethics Committee.
Se não se limitasse a fingir, saberia que isso se contorna pondo uma organização sem fins lucrativos a assinar e a entregar o processo à Comissão de Ética.
And I know that until you make peace with this, you can't be the parent that your children need.
Eu sei que enquanto não resolver este assunto, não pode ser a mãe que os seus filhos precisam.
And if not, you know, this trip, then the next one for sure.
Se não for desta vez, fica para uma próxima, claro.
In a few years, this is all just gonna be normal. It'll just be a way of life, and that's great, but, wow, now for us, and for all those people that came before us, you know, that actually had to struggle against something, Right?
Daqui a poucos anos isto será normal.
When the wedding's over, and you've lost this, you know, sense of romance?
Quando o casamento terminar e... perderes o sentimento de romance?
I know it's difficult for you to fathom, but where... when I'm from, the year 2166, you and everyone on this roof aren't just considered heroes...
Sei que é dificil para ti acreditares nisto, mas onde... de onde eu venho, do ano 2166, tu e todos neste telhado não são só considerados heróis...
You know, I'm in the theater, and this is my first time in Hollywood.
Eu estava no teatro e era a minha primeira vez em Hollywood.
And you know, when I was five, I didn't know why, or seven, I didn't know why, but I was captivated by this character that was based on internal conflict.
E, sabem, quando tinha cinco anos, não sabia porquê, ou aos sete não sabia porquê, mas sentia-me cativado por esta personagem que era baseada no conflito interno.
And we're looking at this thing on the screen, you know, and everyone else is reacting, " Oh, look at it.
Estávamos a olhar para isto no ecrã e toda a gente está a reagir :
It became sort of an invasion of our life, and us not really understanding, you know, " Why do we have to do this?
Tornou-se uma espécie de invasão da nossa vida e nós sem percebermos bem : "Porque temos de fazer isto? Porque é isto tão importante?"
And I said, "You know, this one that I just finished,'Star Trek III',"
E eu disse : " Sabe, neste que acabei de fazer, o Star Trek III,
It was, like, you know, 2 : 00 or 3 : 00 in the morning. And Chris, Leonard, and I were just sat in this...
Eram umas 2 : 00 ou 3 : 00 da manhã, e o Chris, o Leonard e eu estávamos sentados numa...
You said you knew things and you know what was gonna happen, and then you kill Frank Dunning, and then I find this... hmm?
Disseste que sabias certas coisas e que sabias o que ia acontecer. E depois matas o Frank Dunning, e depois encontro isto.
... let the people know that, uh, the troopers are on duty and you should be safe, because we think this is just an isolated incident.
... informar as pessoas que os agentes estão de serviço e que devem estar seguros, pois achamos que foi um caso isolado.
And I know you went a little too far this time and you messed up in a big way.
E sei que foram longe demais desta vez e fizeram uma grande asneira.
I don't know where all this is coming from, and you know I don't like to be manipulated.
Não sei de onde veio isto. - Não gosto de ser manipulada.
Just so you know, and... I wanna be clear as daybreak on this...
Só para que saibas e quero que fique bem claro...
I didn't know you, but I do now, and the past may have been a lie, but this, this is real.
Ou trair-te. Ele não sabe. Mas agora.
You know, and they all have this look in their eyes.
E todos têm um olhar igual.
And how do you know this?
Como sabes isto?
You have to know my chief concern has always been the well-being of this park and the people in it.
Tens de saber que a minha principal preocupação sempre foi o bem-estar dos hóspedes e de todas as pessoas no parque.
I wrote this episode of Witchita and it's just, like, in my drawer and, you know, I'm hoping one day, maybe I can give it to the right person on the show and...
Escrevi um episódio de Witchita que está no fundo da gaveta e espero que, um dia, talvez o possa dar à pessoa certa na produção e...
Maybe this tipped them over, and you know what that would mean.
Talvez isto tenha sido a última gota e sabes o que isso significaria.
I cut his hair before he went out and, you know, we goofed off a lot about him having his fresh cut and, you know, he did a thing where he rubbed his head like this before the race.
Cortei-lhe o cabelo antes de ele sair. Brincámos sobre o seu corte de fresco e ele fez algo em que esfregava a cabeça assim antes da corrida.
I'm going out here ", you know, and i think sometimes he's had enough of this.
Por vezes, ele farta-se disto.
And this year I'm a little bit more angry also, you know what I mean?
Este ano também estou mais zangado.
You know, I-I think I should probably take this home and work on it.
Sabes, eu penso que devia levar isto para casa e trabalhar.
I know this is all just fun and games for you.
Sei que isto para vocês é só divertimento.
Sometimes I'll be daydreaming at work... and I'll just gaze off, and imagine, like, this big wad of shoelaces, you know?
Às vezes, durmo acordado no trabalho, o meu olhar perde-se e imagino um monte de atacadores de sapatos, sabes?
I know this can seem a little bit funny, but just try to relax and let it wash over you, you know?
Sei que isto pode parecer estranho, mas tenta relaxar e deixa que isso te preencha, está bem?
Well, you know, me and my brother were Thing 1 and Thing 2 for Halloween this year.
Sabe, eu e o meu irmão éramos a Coisa 1 e a Coisa 2 para o Halloween, este ano.
We wanted you to know that, with all this travel back and forth from Virginia, you have my number and if anybody arrests you, you have them get in touch with us.
Queríamos que soubessem que, com tantas viagens de ida e volta da Virgínia, têm o meu número e se alguém vos prender, mandem-nos contactar-nos.
Well, I wish we could be sitting down for other reasons, but I obviously know about your son's situation and the pictures that were posted online, but Dean hanson told me you think there might be more to this story.
Gostaria que estivéssemos aqui por outros motivos, mas, obviamente, sei da situação do seu filho e das fotografias que foram "postadas" online, mas, o Reitor Hanson disse-me que você pensa
And now I've got this 17-year-old daughter who thinks her mother is, you know, whatever. Eh.
E, agora, tenho uma filha de 17 anos que pensa que a mãe é, sabes, qualquer coisa.
But I'm up 32 % this year, which, from what I know of your run-and-hide approach, is 30 points better than what you are at vista verde.
Mas eu subi 32 % este ano. Que pelo que sei, é 30 pontos melhor do que tu em Vista Verde.
You know, it is possible for a good man to like me, Cookie, and this time, you're not gonna steal him or try to poison him in my head.
É possível um bom homem gostar de mim, Cookie. Desta vez, não o vais roubar nem tentar meter veneno!
All the people supporting me, those are the people I really need to be cherishing and I really need to be investing my time and, you know, obviously, this is a big show tour.
Todas as pessoas que me apoiam, são essas pessoas que devo acarinhar e nas quais preciso de investir o meu tempo e é óbvio que é uma digressão de grandes espetáculos.
and you know this because 25
and you know this how 71
and you 7643
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and your daughter 42
and you're welcome 67
and you too 176
and you're here 49
and your point is 28
and you know this how 71
and you 7643
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and your daughter 42
and you're welcome 67
and you too 176
and you're here 49
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and you're next 17
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and you didn't tell me 78
and yourself 86
and your friend 42
and your friends 28
and your mother 135
and you're next 17
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and you didn't tell me 78
and yourself 86
and your friend 42
and your friends 28
and your mother 135