Eight months перевод на португальский
1,265 параллельный перевод
After eight months of knowing you, I think I get what makes you sweat.
Ao fim de oito meses já vou sabendo o que te faz suar.
Number two, they keep giving me this court-appointed lawyer... that always send me back to jail for six, seven, eight months.
Segundo, eles sempre me dão este defensor público... que sempre me manda para cadeia por 6, 7, 8 meses
Eight months of training, tests, and propaganda.
Oito meses de treino, testes... Propaganda.
There's a picture over there when you were a baby, it's only eight months old.
Há ali uma foto onde tu eras um bebé, ela só tem oito meses.
At best I could prolong it eight months maybe a year.
Posso prolongá-la oito meses, talvez um ano.
Only that's a problem because she died eight months ago.
Só que ela morreu há oito meses.
A wonderful funny and caring man whose flaw is he travels eight months of the year selling computer software.
Um maravilhoso, carinhoso e afectuoso cujo único defeito é viajar oito meses do ano devido ao trabalho.
Just over eight months ago that was the last time I knew life was worth living.
Há oito meses atrás, foi a última vez que senti que valia a pena viver.
She's been undercover for eight months.
Está infiltrada há oito meses.
That's funny your uncle never went to mentioning the Bowden's problem... or that Joey Bloggs... ate his own gun about eight months back.
É curioso o seu tio nunca ter falado da Doença de Bowden nem que o Joey Bloggs se suicidou há oito meses.
Finished my internship in eight months.
Terminei o meu estágio em oito meses.
Let's give it six to eight months.
Vamos esperar entre seis a oito meses.
- Eight months.
- Oito meses.
Nine months ago I told you you had eight months to live.
Há 9 meses atrás disse-lhe que tinha 8 meses de vida.
Wow! Eight months.
Há oito meses...
We figure it'll pay for itself in less than eight months.
Deve pagar-se em menos de oito meses.
Then why don't you wait for junior year? It's eight months.
Então porque não esperas pelo 1º ano?
My friend is eight months'pregnant.
A... a minha amiga está grávida de oito meses.
You're back. And you're not even eight months pregnant.
Estás de volta, e nem sequer estás grávida de oito meses.
I've been putting on a brave face for eight months well, eight months ago in Brazil I had one put on
Tenho andado com cara de forte durante oito meses. Bem, à oito meses atrás, no Brasil, implantei uma.
Eight months on Eager Street with a body on me.
Oito meses na choldra com uma acusação de homicídio.
I swear to God, I was courtside for eight months and I was freer in jail than I was at home.
Juro por Deus, estive preso oito meses e senti-me mais livre na prisão do que me sentia em casa.
His mother reported him missing eight months ago in Baltimore.
A mãe dele deu-o como desaparecido há oito meses, em Baltimore.
Eight months on the sea with nothing but eggs and pickles... you don't know what that can do to a man.
Oito meses no mar só a comer ovos e pickles... Nem imaginas o que isso faz a um homem!
Eight months ago maybe.
Há 8 meses, talvez.
I haven't done that in, like, eight months.
Não me acontece isso, há oito meses.
Eight months!
- Você insulta a química do cheiro.
But it has been eight months.
Bem, já fez oito meses.
Moved here eight months ago.
Mudou-se para cá há oito meses.
My husband left me eight months ago.
O meu marido deixou-me há vários meses.
And it took me eight months to fuck it up.
E eu estraguei tudo em oito meses!
He was born eight months after I got with Will. Who was I with before then?
E com quem estava eu antes?
That was about eight months ago.
Há oito meses.
I busted you not eight months ago for tricking up on 95
Detive-te nem há 8 meses por andares a atacar na 95.
The first eight months I spent in solitude 23 hours a day, reading.
Passei os primeiros oitos meses isolado 23 horas por dia, a ler.
"I don't wanna go to court another eight months." Makes you work harder.
"Não quero ir a tribunal por mais oito meses." Dá muito trabalho.
Killed a couple of her best friends, and she was really messed up for about eight months.
Morreram alguns dos melhores amigos dela e ela andou meio passada durante uns oito meses.
Eight months ago, an interagency memorandum reported the murder of a Russian diplomat by the name of Andrian Lazarey.
Herdado? Há oito meses, um memo inter agencias reportava a morte de um diplomata russo que dava pelo nome de Andrian Lazarey.
Looks more like eight months.
Isso parecem mais oito meses.
We went over the Escalante place about eight months ago.
Já cá estivemos há oito meses.
Eight months after that, Duvall broke warp 3 in the NX-Delta.
Oito meses depois disso, Duvall passou warp 3 na NX-Delta.
Officer Ray, eight months ago, his partner was killed in a bust in which he was caught brazenly stealing out of evidence control.
Agente Ray, há oito meses atrás o parceiro foi morto numa apreensão onde foi apanhado a roubar contornando o controlo de provas.
Now, at one point in my life, you saying a couch that I carefully picked out and had to pay off over eight months is terrible might've hurt my feelings, but not anymore.
Em dada altura da minha vida, achares horrível... um sofá que escolhi cuidadosamente e levei oito meses a pagar, ter-me-ia magoado, mas agora já não. Não?
No, no, no. It takes me eight months to break in a new therapist.
Levo oito meses para sentir-me à vontade com um novo terapeuta.
He figured he'd be in jail for seven or eight months.
Ele pensou que ficaria preso durante sete ou oito meses.
You've been here eight months, and you haven't hooked up.
Estás aqui há oito meses e não saiste com ninguém.
- Eight years and three months ago.
Quando? - Há oito anos e três meses.
Only we go eight separated months.
Só estamos separados há oito meses.
How long have you known him? I've been on this ship eight months now.
Já estou cá há oito meses.
The last time I saw my mom and dad, I was eight going on nine... eight years, six months, and three days, almost as old as you are.
A última vez que vi a minha mãe e pai, tinha oito quase nove... oito anos, seis meses, e três dias, quase da tua idade.
eight months ago 48
months 1971
months ago 514
months later 99
months pregnant 30
months old 65
months in prison 16
months and 37
months now 29
eight 2391
months 1971
months ago 514
months later 99
months pregnant 30
months old 65
months in prison 16
months and 37
months now 29
eight 2391
eighteen 179
eighth 28
eighty 238
eight hundred 29
eight years old 50
eight o'clock 93
eight years ago 123
eight hours 85
eight minutes 53
eight seconds 33
eighth 28
eighty 238
eight hundred 29
eight years old 50
eight o'clock 93
eight years ago 123
eight hours 85
eight minutes 53
eight seconds 33
eight thousand 19
eight ball 29
eighth grade 19
eighth floor 17
eight days 24
eight times 19
eight years 180
eighths 16
eight weeks 48
eight ball 29
eighth grade 19
eighth floor 17
eight days 24
eight times 19
eight years 180
eighths 16
eight weeks 48