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Even if it was перевод на португальский

908 параллельный перевод
Me? Not even if it was for free. If they don't send that old fool away, I know what will happen...
Eu, havia de ser um carro de graça, se não mandam esse velho maluco de pernas ao ar, eu sei o que...
Even if it was my own brother, I'd kill him.
Matá-lo-ia mesmo que fosse o meu irmão.
And even if it was, it wouldn't be any of my business.
E mesmo que soubesse, não tenho nada a ver com isso.
Reckon Carrie liked to talk like this, With some women to talk to, even if it was a little crowded.
Reckon Carrie gostava assim de falar, com algumas mulheres para falar, mesmo que fosse um pouco cheio.
In a way I'm glad it happened, even if it was his own fault.
Ainda bem que isto aconteceu, mesmo que ele seja o culpado.
I thank you because, even if it was just for a few moments you made me feel what it was like to have a man at my side who would protect me who would love me.
Eu agradeço-te porque, mesmo se foi apenas por alguns minutos fizeste-me sentir o que é estar com um homem do meu lado que me protegesse que me amasse.
Van Gogh was more important than the carpenter who made the easel on which he painted, even if it was beautiful.
Van Gogh era mais importante que o carpinteiro que fazia o cavalete em que ele pintava, mesmo que este fosse bonito.
But even if it was true, what's bad in that?
Mesmo que fosse verdade. Que mal tem isso?
I couldn't cash a check even if it was good.
- Não conseguiria, nem se fosse bom.
Even if it was 20 years ago or 30 years ago or 60 or 70.
Mesmo que fosse há 20 anos atrás ou há 30 anos ou 60 ou 70.
- Charming, my dear. Even if it was a little derivative of Zemlinsky.
- É encantadora, minha querida, ainda que tivesse certas reminiscências de Zemlinsky.
Your song was charming, Alma. Even if it was a little naive, a little childlike.
A tua canção é maravilhosa, Alma, ainda que um pouco ingénua, algo infantil.
Well, even if it was... I don't smoke.
Bem, mesmo se estivesse, Eu não fumo.
This is not a proper answer, And even if it was, it doesn't give you the right to occupy the big hole of the Black Hills,
Isso não é resposta e, mesmo que fosse, não vos dá o direito de ocupar o grande buraco das colinas negras.
And even if your daddy was half what you say it wouldn't be right nor just to gamble two weeks good fishing against a yarn give out by an upset boy.
E mesmo que o teu pai tenha metade do que dizes, não seria correcto nem justo arriscar duas semanas de pesca... por uma história contada por um rapaz alterado.
Even if I told you what was the matter with you, you wouldn't admit it.
Mesmo que eu dissesse o que se passa consigo, não iria admiti-lo.
That was a gallant charge, men, even if it failed.
Foi uma valente investida, homens, mesmo que falhada.
If it had been any other sort of crime, if a man had stolen because he was starving, even if a man committed murder to defend himself, maybe I wouldn't tell the police.
Se fosse outro tipo de crime, se roubasse para comer, se matasse para se defender, talvez eu não contasse à polícia.
Notice I didn't even have to ask if it was real.
Reparou que nem sequer tive de perguntar se era verdadeiro?
Even if you did tell the cops, I was in on it with you what could they do to me?
Mesmo que digas aos tiras que eu planejei o golpe contigo... O que é que eles me podem fazer?
You can't even tell me if it was about Carmen?
Diz ao menos se é com a Carmen?
They was so pretty, if I snare me one for a pet, even Ma would love it.
Eles eram tão bonitos, se trouxesse para brincar, até a mamã ia gostar.
Even more terrifying than the murder itself was the horrible thought that if you had done it we would have been separated.
lncluso mais aterrorizador do que o assassinato é a horrível idéia de que se o tivesses feito você nos teríamos separado.
It's the truth... even if I did teach you everything you know about a gun... ever since you was big enough to pull a trigger.
Devia. É a verdade... mesmo que o tenha ensinado tudo que sabe sobre uma arma. desde que era grande o suficiente para puxar um gatilho.
Even if I was willing to pay $ 5,000, it's too large an amount to carry around with me.
Embora queria pagar esse preço isso é muito dinheiro para se trazer por aí.
But even as I touched the dry, flaking crumbs of nourishment... it was as if my body had ceased to exist.
Mas inclusive ao tocar as secas migalhas de comida, foi como se meu corpo tivesse deixado de existir.
Even when É was a kid, if É brought a sick puppy home, it bit me.
Quando era miudo, se Éevava um cachorro doente para casa, eÉe mordia-me.
If an even number, then it was to be Terry's privilege.
Se o número fosse par, esse privilégio seria do Terry.
Even if he was lacking an heir, it was cruel to raise her Highness like a boy.
Até mesmo se ele estivesse a precisar de um herdeiro... seria cruel elevar sua alteza como um rapaz.
Even if the deceased was dead drunk, it's no defence to this charge.
Mesmo que estivesse totalmente bêbado, não é defesa para esta acusação.
After all, Father, suppose it was you cast away. Do you think I would give up if I had even the slightest clue?
Se fosse um náufrago, pai, acha que abandonaria por pequena que fosse a perspectiva?
And if my own flesh and blood was one of them hoodlums he's gonna pay, even though it brings shame on the memory of his dead mother.
E se alguém do meu sangue esteve envolvido, vai pagar, mesmo que isso envergonhe a memória da sua falecida mãe.
"... even with his sister, the marquise, and if it happened that while he was speaking to her... "
Nem com a sua mãe falava a sós. Se calhava enquanto estivesse a falar com ela...
Even if I was, nobody could spot it. You know that.
Mesmo que fosse verdade, sabes que ninguém nota.
Even if she told me it was over.
Mesmo que eu lhe dissesse que acabou.
Even if he was, what about it?
Mesmo que fosse, qual é o problema?
But we knew we couldn't prove it, and even if we could... what we really wanted was the names of their contacts.
Mas não o podíamos provar, e mesmo que pudéssemos, o que queríamos era os nomes dos contactos deles.
But if it was a dollar a month, I couldn't even take it on.
E se fosse só um dólar por mês? Nem isso eu poderia pagar.
It didn't faze him, though. Deception was his life's blood, even if it caused him to get whittled down kind of gradual like.
Não o demoveu, no entanto, A burla estava-lhe na massa do sangue, mesmo que isso fizesse com que se despedaçasse aos poucos,
If it was enough with faith we could reap a hundred barrels of wheat this autumn. We toil as hard as we can. and even so we only barely make ends meet.
ficamos só pele, estamos pior que nunca.
If it's of any good to you, I hate him too, For having understood what was so much my own, so private that I didn't even admit it to myself.
Se te pode servir de algum consolo, fica sabendo que o odeio, por ter dado conta do que era só comigo, tão íntimo que o esconderia à minha própria alma, se pudesse.
Of morning, the child was better e, when it went even so, he asked to me if I wanted that it continued to see the children.
De manhã, a criança estava melhor e, quando ele se ia embora, perguntou-me se eu queria que ele continuasse a ver as crianças.
'He was important to me because he had a name everyone knew,'even if he didn't deserve it.
Era importante para mim porque tinha um nome conhecido. Mesmo que não o merecesse.
What he liked was looking for them, even if it meant a full day's hike.
O que ele gostava de fazer era procurá-los, mesmo que tivesse de andar o dia todo.
So even if anyone did see me, the street was so dark, they would have thought it was Charles. Phillip.
Mesmo se alguém me visse, a rua estava tão escura, que pensariam que era o Charles.
Even if we lost an entire village, if an ape cure was developed, it would be worth it.
Embora perdêssemos a aldeia, criaríamos uma cura pra os macacos valeria a pena.
My dear parents... if I left without a word... it was to avoid another one of those discussions... which even the simplest things seem to provoke in our family.
Queridos pais, parti sem dizer nada para evitar uma daquelas discussões que até as coisas mais simples provocam na nossa família.
So back he goes after it without even looking to see if that was all he'd lost.
E ele volta lá, sem sequer ver se era isso que tinha perdido!
You came on with every guy in the airplane. If it wasn't the pilot, it was the guy across the aisle, and then some poor son-of-a-bitch that couldn't even speak English!
Atiraste-te a todos os tipos no avião, exceto o piloto.
The house wouldn't even be for sale, and if it was, we couldn't afford it if we had...
A casa não vai estar a venda para sempre. e se estivesse, nós não poderíamos esperar... nem se economizassemos...
Even if I was to be able to get inside the van... I'd be locked inside there until it gets into Folkestone.
Mesmo que fosse capaz de entrar no vagão, seria trancado lá dentro até chegar a Folkestone.

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