Feeling guilty перевод на португальский
417 параллельный перевод
He'll just keep on feeling guilty and alone, unless you release him
Apenas continuará a sentir-se culpado e sozinho, a menos que o liberte.
I sat there, feeling guilty.
Sentei-me lá e senti-me tão culpado.
And then he feels guilty, and he doesn't want to see his wife any more because he doesn't like feeling guilty.
Seu monstro. A forma como deturpas tudo para conseguires o que queres.
Feeling guilty, you monster? This is Rossella.
Estás com remorsos, seu animal?
Feeling guilty about their son's education, Louise tries tutoring him.
Recriminan-se pela educação dada ao filho. Assim é Louise que trata de educa-lo
She'll have you feeling guilty
Ela vai-te fazer sentir culpado.
My analyst would say I'm feeling guilty because I want him to go.
O meu analista diria que me sinto culpada porque quiz que ele fosse.
It left me feeling guilty, but bold.
Deixou-me a sentir culpada, mas corajosa.
You're feeling guilty because you kicked in the ferryman's boat, so you're committing suicide.
Sente-se culpado por ter destruído o barco e está cometendo suicídio.
Like feeling guilty?
Já se sentiu culpado? Mr.
I'm feeling guilty.
Sinto-me culpada.
Are you feeling guilty?
Estás a sentir-te culpado?
I'm already feeling guilty about travelling second class.
Fico com um peso na consciência quando ando de 2ª classe.
I'd think you were feeling guilty, but I know better.
Eu pensava que te sentias culpado, mas agora já percebi.
Maybe in a month or so, you'll start feeling guilty about leaving the kids.
- Talvez que dentro dum mês te sintas culpado por deixares as crianças.
If I did, I'd just end up feeling guilty the rest of my life if anything bad happened to him.
Se o fizesse, ia sentir-me culpado para o resto da vida, caso lhe acontecesse algo de mal.
I'm feeling guilty. I'll buy $ 25 of your bet out of friendship.
Como me sinto meio culpado, compro 25 dólares da tua aposta, pela nossa amizade.
I'm really feeling guilty about hiding that money from Marcy, so could you do me a favor and spend yours so I can share mine?
Sinto-me culpado por estar a esconder o dinheiro da Marcy. Podes gastar o teu, para eu poder dividir o meu?
- He should be feeling guilty.
- Ele devia sentir culpa.
Not feeling guilty, I hope.
Espero que não sintam remorsos.
Many came back after the Revolution feeling guilty about being away, about turning their backs on Iran and on Islam.
Muitos voltaram depois da Revolução, sentindo-se culpados por estarem fora, por terem voltado as costas ao Irão e ao Islão.
You're trying to take it back because you're feeling guilty I'm in here.
Queres dar o dito por não dito porque te sentes culpado de eu estar aqui! - Não é nada disso.
I'm still feeling guilty as hell about George- - with his Insulin and all.
Ainda me sinto culpado como o diabo pelo George... e a insulina dele, tudo isso.
He's feeling guilty.
Ele sente-se culpado.
- You're probably feeling guilty.
Pois, na melhor das hipóteses, arrependes-te.
- I think you're probably feeling guilty.
Pois, na melhor das hipóteses, arrependes-te tu.
So you'll keep me feeling guilty.
Vais então fazer-me sentir culpada.
Maybe she's, uh, feeling guilty or something.
Talvez ela esteja se sentindo culpada.
Could be he was feeling guilty.
Podia sentir-se culpado.
How would the audience know Sylvia was feeling guilty? lf- -
Como saberia o público que a Sylvia se sente culpada?
Listen, don't feel guilty because I'll start feeling guilty that I made you feel guilty and...
Ouve, não te sintas culpado, porque começo a sentir-me culpada, porque me sinto culpada de te fazer sentir culpado...
You don't want Tain to know that you're feeling guilty about what you've done.
Não quer que o Tain perceba que se sente culpado.
And I'm sitting here... and I'm feeling guilty for some reason.
E eu sentada aqui, e por alguma razão com sentimento de culpa.
Shouldn't I be feeling guilty?
Eu não devia estar me sentindo culpado?
I guess I'm just feeling guilty because I wasn't there when it all happened.
Eu penso estou-me a sentir culpada porque não estava lá quando tudo aconteceu.
just hanging out, feeling guilty..... really honed my brooding skills.
Com um sentimento de culpa, refinaram as minhas técnicas de amuar.
I think it was because I was feeling guilty... about tricking you into letting me play golf.
Creio que foi porque me sentia culpado por te ter enganado de modo a deixares-me jogar golfe.
I've been feeling guilty.
Tenho-me sentido culpado.
- Does it give you a lovely guilty feeling?
- Dá-lhe um belo sentimento de culpa?
It must be something or you wouldn't have such a guilty feeling.
Deves ter feito algo ou não estarias a sentir-te culpado.
Stop feeling so guilty.
Deixa de te sentires tão culpado.
- You sure you don't have a guilty feeling?
Não se sente culpada?
And even when I hadn't been up to anything at all I'd still feel guilty. You know that feeling?
Mesmo que eu não tivesse feito, sentia-me culpado.
Aren't you feeling guilty, Kruger?
Também cheiras mal, Kruger?
I'm feeling very guilty about it.
Sinto-me culpado por isso.
I have a feeling that maybe deep down inside, you're beginning to feel a little bit guilty.
Sinto que estás a começar a sentires-te um pouco culpada.
She would wash the feet of the poor beggars. Trying to overcome her feeling of guilty.
Lavava os pés dos pobres e mendigos... tentando livrar-se de sua culpa.
Any ache or pain or sadness or guilty feeling was completely flushed out.
Dor, tristeza ou sentimento de culpa desaparecem de imediato.
And we feel those guilty of having committed these ungodly acts had the feeling of assurance that nothing ever would be done.
E sentimos que os culpados de tais actos nefastos se sentiam seguros de que jamais se faria nada.
Well, I was feeling a little guilty about my virtual phone game.
Estava a sentir-me um pouco culpado por causa do meu joguinho do telefone.
He may be feeling so guilty he's convinced himself he's responsible.
Pode estar a sentir-se tão culpado que se convenceu de que é culpado.
guilty 731
guilty as charged 154
guilty conscience 20
guilty or not guilty 32
feeling 99
feelings 150
feeling good 61
feeling better 249
feeling any better 27
feeling okay 19
guilty as charged 154
guilty conscience 20
guilty or not guilty 32
feeling 99
feelings 150
feeling good 61
feeling better 249
feeling any better 27
feeling okay 19