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I meant to call перевод на португальский

111 параллельный перевод
Era assim que queria baptizá-lo.
Oh, I meant to call her.
Fazia tenções de chamá-la.
I meant to call earlier, but I fell asleep.
Quis telefonar antes, mas adormeci.
I meant to call you, but I forgot.
Tencionava ligar-te, mas esqueci-me.
- I'm sure I meant to call.
- Decerto tencionava telefonar.
I meant to call... after I setted in.
Pensava ir vê-los... depois de me instalar.
I meant to call you.
Eu ia ligar-te.
Yes. And I meant to call you. I've just been incredibly busy.
Sim, e tencionava telefonar-te, mas tenho estado muitíssimo ocupada.
- I meant to call you back.
Tenho andado para o fazer.
I meant to call you last week because I found an apartment through a buddy of mine.
Estive para te ligar, na semana passada, pois encontrei um apartamento através de um amigo.
I meant to call you back, but I forgot.
Pensei em ligar-lhe, mas depois esqueci-me.
I meant to call you and thank you for that.
Era para te ter ligado a agradecer.
I'm sorry, I meant to call and thank you for saving Lucas.
Desculpa, era para te ligar a agradecer por teres salvado o Lucas.
I'm sorry, I meant to call you.
- Desculpa, eu ia ligar-te.
I meant to call before I came over... but my office had me all tied up. Absolutely.
I meant to call, I really did.
Eu era para ligar, a sério.
I meant to call you when I got back, but... you know, things just...
Eu pensei em ligar-lhe quando voltei, mas... você sabe, as coisas apenas...
I meant to call you but this thing with Dan is....
Tencionava telefonar-te, mas esta coisa com o Dan está...
I meant to call Cleveland.
Queria telefonar para o Cleveland.
I meant to call you right after the holidays, but...
Tencionava ligar-te logo após as férias mas...
You left a message, I meant to call you back.
Deixou-me mensagem, e eu ia ligar-lhe...
- No, I meant to call, but I guess I didn't.
- Não, queria ligar, mas não liguei.
I meant to call.
Queria ligar.
Yes, Dad, I meant to call you, but I forgot.
Sim, pai, eu ia te telefonar, mas esqueci-me.
- I meant to call Bunk on it.
- Pensava ligar ao Bunk para isso.
I meant to call you.
Era para ligar-lhe.
I meant to call you.
Era para vos ligar.
I meant to call.
Tencionava chamar.
I meant to call you.
Queria chamar-te.
Yeah, I meant to call you.
Era para te telefonar.
I meant to call you.
Quis ligar-te.
Look, I meant to call someone else.
Era para ter telefonado a outra pessoa.
Samir : I meant to call earlier.
Eu queria ter ligado antes.
Yeah, yeah, I meant to call you.
Sim, ia ligar-te.
I-I meant to call. I just, uh... I got tied up.
Eu queria telefonar, mas estava ocupado.
You know, I really meant to call you a couple of times.
Sabes, eu realmente quis dizer que te vou ligar um par de vezes.
I remember the whole call, it meant so much to me.
- Jack, I meant to call you today- -
- Fecha a boca!
Oh, uh, by the way, I meant to ask you... after Mr Galper's investment money was transferred and everything was complete, was there a call you made to him, maybe to say thanks, congratulations?
Falando nisso, eu preciso perguntar a você... depois que a transferência do dinheiro foi feita e os detalhes acertados, fez alguma ligação para ele, talvez para agradecê-lo, ou felicitá-lo? Oh! Na verdade, sim.
I always meant to call you, but... I'm not good at calling when a call is really necessary. And then, you know... if you don't call for awhile, it gets harder to call, and then after awhile, it feels like it's too late to call, and so you don't, although you always know that you should've called,
Queria sempre telefonar-te, mas eu... não sou muito boa a telefonar quando é mesmo preciso e depois, sabes, se não telefonas durante um tempo, depois é mais difícil.
I meant to tell you, you got a call from County Records today.
- Olá. Ligaram do Arquivo Regional.
And it meant later on that she would... call me on the phone, sometimes very very late at night, just to tell me about a new recipe I needed to try, or... more recently, some new,
E isso significava que, mais tarde, viria a telefonar-me, às vezes, a altas horas da noite, só para me falar de uma nova receita que eu tinha de experimentar, ou, mais recentemente,
I, uh, meant to call you.
Pretendia telefonar-lhe.
And I really meant to call you.
E queria mesmo ligar-te.
I was supposed to call you, and I meant to.
Devia ter-te ligado, e queria fazê-lo.
I meant to call.
Eu queria telefonar.
We have to call Immigration. I told Javier he'd be safe here and I meant it.
Disse ao Javier que aqui estaria a salvo, e espero bem que sim.
I'm meant to call. I'm calling him again.
Liguei-lhe porque queria e vou ligar-lhe outra vez.
The first was "Eagle, 60 seconds", that meant he got 60 more seconds to land and at the end of that 60 seconds, by mission rule, I would call abort.
A primeira foi "Águia, 60 segundos" significava que teríamos 60 segundos máis para aterrizar e ao terminar-se Eu devería abortar a missão.
You know, I had meant to call you sooner.
Sabes, eu queria telefonar-te mais cedo.
I meant, happy to give you a call over when I'm ready to pay.
Eu queria dizer, feliz por chamá-la quando estiver pronto para pagar.

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