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I saw them перевод на португальский

1,920 параллельный перевод
- If the flashes don't happen exactly how I saw them, the picture changes.
Se as visões não acontecem como as vi, o quadro muda.
I saw them all pack up and leave.
Vi-os fazer as malas e fugir.
I saw them one hours ago with Santa left.
Eu deixei-os na vila do Pai Natal, há uma hora atrás.
- I saw them.
- Eu vi-os.
Since I saw them and also find them objectionable.
Desde que eu as vi e também as achei repreensíveis.
When I saw them, no longer scared.
Hey, eu fico fora disto. Está calado!
I saw them - colonel sheppard, ronon, dr.
Eu vi-os Coronel Sheppard, Ronon, Dr. Mckay. Conseguiram escapar?
Fine, last I saw them.
Da última vez que a vi, estava bem.
I saw them take Dale today.
Eu, hoje, vi-os levarem o Dale.
I saw them before we left my place.
Vi-os antes de sairmos de minha casa.
Quer dizer, encontrei-os aos beijos em frente à escola hoje de manhã.
I saw them once, I was 9. They were just bastards my father was cheating with.
Vi-os uma vez aos 9 anos, e eram só uns bastardos
I saw them together.
Vi-os juntos.
I saw them go this way.
Vi-as ir por aqui.
No, I saw them.
Não, eu vi-os.
I saw them inputting a lockout protocol just before you guys came in.
Acho que os vi a colocar um protocolo de bloqueio antes de voçês chegarem.
I saw them in everybody's session.
Eu via-os nas sessões de toda a gente.
I saw them chatting, smoking.
Vi-os a conversar, a fumar.
But I saw them.
Mas eu vi-os.
My friends are dead. I saw them.
Os meus amigos Lukas e Jeremy estão mortos.
I saw them singing I Got You Babe at a karaoke bar in my head.
Ouvi-os a cantar "I Got You Babe" na minha cabeça.
When I was retrieving my kite, I saw them fighting
Quando fui buscar o meu gato, vi-os a lutar.
I saw them.
Eu vi-os.
I saw them coming.
Eu vi-os a chegar.
I saw them.
I saw them there At the funeral.
Eu vi-os. No funeral.
I hated their guts the minute I saw them, which mean they're hot.
Detestei-as no segundo que as vi. O que significa que são boas.
I saw them make the paint...
Vi-os a fazerem a pintura...
i saw them dry the paint...
vi-os a secarem a pintura...
I signed a confidentiality agreement. I saw all the pictures. I didn't think any of them were relevant.
Vi todas as fotografias e não achei nenhuma relevante.
I saw them get stunned.
Eu vi-os a serem atordoados.
I never saw them coming.
Nem os vi a aproximarem-se.
You saw them take the last one I had.
Viste tirarem-me a última que tinha.
When I came home and... saw them lying there... exposed.
Quando voltei para casa... e as vi ali deitadas... expostas.
I just thought if you saw him, maybe you would realize that you can help them.
Pensei que se o visses, talvez achasses que podias ajudá-los.
I went inside, but they weren't there. and an usher told me he saw them leave the, uh - the theater Halfway through the movie.
O empregado disse-me que as viu sair do cinema a meio do filme.
Then why were you following us? I saw you with them.
Então porque estava com eles?
Well, I never saw them again, but I... I saw him.
Não voltei a ver o casal, mas voltei a vê-lo.
I saw two men go by, and heard them go into your grandparents'room.
Vi dois tipos passarem, e ouvi-os entrar no quarto dos seus avós.
Does it make any difference if I fired them or if I just saw the flares that helped people shoot others?
Faz alguma diferença se eu os lancei ou se só vi os sinalizadores que ajudavam as pessoas a disparar contra outras?
I saw some of these guys at the Navy Annex garage, but... none of them look like the guy who shot at me.
Vi alguns destes tipos na garagem da Marinha, mas nenhum deles se parece com o sujeito que atirou em mim.
I saw a picture of them on their class reunion website.
Vi uma fotografia delas numa reunião de antigos alunos na Net.
I think he saw them trying to steal his food.
Acho que os viu a tentar roubar-lhe a comida.
Carl, I Just Saw You Write Them Down.
Carl, eu vi que os escreveste.
Carl, i just saw you write them down.
Carl, eu vi que os escreveste.
What if I saw someone and I followed them on from somewhere in Princeton?
E se vi alguém e, depois, o segui algures em Princeton?
I saw one of them on SocialCrib. Net.
Vi um deles no SocialCrib.net.
Mijito, these are the FBI people that I told you about so just tell them everything you saw.
Um empregado do bar. Mijito, eles são o pessoal do FBI que te disse, diz-lhes tudo o que viste.
I saw... Some of them are cannibals and others are naked... and like dogs.
Alguns são canibais, outros estão nus... como cães.
I think I'm the only white who never saw them.
Acho que sou o único branco que já os viu.
I did what I had to do. Mo kids, I got to jump through hoops just to make them smile, but Sophie, she just lit up as soon as she saw me.
Para muitas crianças tenho de saltar ao arco para as fazer sorrir, mas a Sophie, iluminou-se logo que viu.

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