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It stopped raining перевод на португальский

76 параллельный перевод
It stopped raining for a change. It stopped raining for a change.
Parou de chover para variar um pouco.
Oh, well, it stopped raining anyway.
Oh, bem, parou de chover.
It stopped raining.
Parou de chover.
Funny, it stopped raining and I didn't even notice.
É esquisito, parou de chover, e nem dei por isso.
It stopped raining in the morning.
A chuva parou de manhã.
Well, it stopped raining.
Parou de chover.
It stopped raining at last, sir.
Finalmente parou de chover, sir.
At least it stopped raining, huh?
Pelo menos parou de chover.
I thought it stopped raining.
A chuva não parou?
- Hey, it stopped raining.
- Né, deixou de chover.
- It stopped raining.
- deixou que chover.
So, after it stopped raining grandpa,
Não posso acreditar que vou deixar de esperar.
We're back on the road, we got directions, it stopped raining.
Estamos de volta à estrada, temos direcções, parou de chover.
- At least it stopped raining.
- Pelo menos, parou de chover.
And then, even when it stopped raining, we didn't come out.
E depois, quando parou de chover, não saímos.
I should have waited until it stopped raining.
Devia ter esperado que parasse de chover.
Ah, it stopped raining.
Ah, parou de chover.
Well, at least it stopped raining.
Pelo menos, parou de chover.
It's okay, Mr. Monk, it stopped raining.
Olha para aquilo. Está tudo bem, Sr. Monk.
I was going to drive her home, but then it stopped raining so she decided to walk.
Eu ia levá-la a casa, mas depois parou de chover e ela decidiu ir a pé.
- It stopped raining.
Parou de chover.
But it stopped raining.
Nem está mais chovendo.
Hey, it stopped raining.
Parou de chover.
The paper was delivered later, after it stopped raining.
O jornal foi entregue mais tarde, quando já não chovia.
( Sighs ) It stopped raining.
Parou de chover, isso é bom.
But it stopped raining, and in a couple of hours, the river will be clear, and we're gonna get out of this place, all of us.
Mas parou de chover, e num par d'horas, o rio vai baixar, e nós vamos embora daqui, todos nós.
But it stopped raining.
Mas parou de chover.
It's stopped raining.
Parou de chover.
It had stopped raining and I felt stiflingly hot... so I sat down on one of the seats.
Tinha parado completamente de chover, e sentia-me quente. Assim, sentei-me num dos bancos.
Madam, it's stopped raining.
Minha senhora, parou de chover.
Well, thank goodness it's stopped raining.
Graças a Deus que parou de chover.
- it's stopped raining.
Parou de chover.
It's probably stopped raining out.
Já terá parado de chover?
It stopped raining.
Parou de chover!
It's stopped raining.
Já parou de chover.
It's stopped raining.
O aguaceiro passou, já não chove.
I said, would you believe it finally stopped raining?
Disse, acredita que a chuva acabou finalmente?
It stopped raining...
Já parou de chover...
It's stopped raining.
Já não está a chover!
It seems to have stopped drizzling... just in time for it to start raining... much harder.
Olhem, parece que parou de chuviscar. Mesmo a tempo de começar a chover a potes.
It kind of stopped raining.
- Parou de chover.
It's stopped raining.
Foi-se a chuva, vêem?
There were flowers there... and as a 12-year-old child, he wanted to grab them, but his father immediately stopped him... and said that he could not touch anything... or take anything away from the bower... because otherwise it would start raining very heavily.
disse-lhe que não podia tocar nem tirar nada que fosse do jardineiro, senão começaria a chover torrencialmente.
- It's stopped raining, thank goodness.
- Parou de chover, graças a Deus.
" Dear Vera, It finally stopped raining, Only making the smell of rotten coconuts worse.
" Querida Vera, finalmente parou de chover, o que só veio piorar o cheiro dos cocos podres.
- It had stopped raining.
- Tinha parado de chover.
At least it's stopped raining.
Pelo menos parou de chover...
Look, it's stopped raining, so...
Olha, está a parar de chover, então...
It hasn't stopped raining.
Ainda não parou de chover.
No, it means it's stopped raining, so I can walk without being afraid of slipping on wet leaves.
Quer dizer que parou de chover, e que posso andar sem ter medo de escorregar nas folhas molhadas.
"When it finally stopped raining, " all the fish went outside " and saw Spike in a small puddle growing gills.
Quando finalmente parou de chover, todos os peixes foram para fora e viram o Spike numa pequena poça com as guelras a crescerem.

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