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It would have been перевод на португальский

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We were saying it would have been so much nicer if we'd met some other way.
Estávamos a dizer que teria sido muito mais agradável se nos tivéssemos conhecido doutra forma.
In, I think it would have been at November time of 2007.
E, acho que foi em Novembro de 2007.
No. It would have been Mary-Alice's birthday.
Não, seria o aniversário de Mary-Alice.
Yeah, you know what? Two tin cans with a fucking string on it would have been better.
* Todos a falarem ao mesmo tempo!
Well, it would have been a very long time ago, before I was born-again.
Então foi há muito tempo. Antes de eu renascer.
Had I been at the dinner, it would have been a fascinating meeting of the minds.
Se tivesse estado no jantar, teria sido um encontro fascinante entre mentes.
It would have been a big one for us.
Teria sido um grande golpe feito por nós.
If it was, it would have been shorter.
Se tivesse sido, teria sido mais curto.
I don't know, but it would have been perfect.
Não sei, mas seria algo perfeito.
Well, it would have been better, you know, a little more balanced...
Um pouco mais de equilíbrio, teria sido melhor.
Why'? 'Cause it's cheap. Fifteen years ago, it would have been unthinkable for Britney Spears'panties to be a breaking headline on CNN.
Podia entregar o mesmo argumento, com os mesmos gráficos, no mesmo estúdio, a usar a mesma roupa, mas em dois dias diferentes, podia apresentá-lo assim ou podia apresentá-lo assim!
It would have been fun.
Teria sido divertido.
It would have been fine if you weren't here.
Teria corrido tudo bem se tu não estivesses aqui.
Well, it would have been very electrifying news, almost like communicating with a creature from outer space, if I could show that another organism could use language the way humans have.
bem, isso teriam sido noticias electrificantes, tipo, como comunicar com alguma criatura de outro planeta, se eu podia mostrar outro organismo podia usar a linguagem que os humanos tinham.
It would have been faster to fly to Moscow.
Tinha sido mais rápido, voar até Moscovo.
Uh, it would have been my father.
Teria sido o meu pai.
Believe me, if she'd met one, it would have been big news.
Se ela tivesse uma, seria muito importante.
It would have been very easy for you and your friend to steal Deacon's money together.
Tinha sido fácil para vocês os dois roubarem o dinheiro do Deacon juntos.
It would have been so nice for you to have a friend.
Seria tão bom você ter um amigo.
Exactly, but now I see what Chuck's side of it would have been like.
Exacto, mas agora vejo o que o Chuck teria que passar.
It would have been nice to hear you say that a minute ago.
Seria bom ter escutado você dizer isso há um minuto atrás.
It would have been an easy target for a sexual assault but none came.
Um alvo fácil para um ataque sexual, mas não foi.
It would have been right in his path.
Ficar-lhe-ia mesmo em caminho.
It would have been late, like after 1 : 00 A.M.
A horas já tardias, talvez por volta da 1 : 00 da manhã.
If you had said no, it would have been obvious, but you didn't.
Se tivesses dito não, terias sido óbvio, mas não disseste. - Olha para frente, por favor.
Actually, Mr. Palmer, if seaman Balfour had been "totemized," as it were, he would have been much closer to the top.
Na verdade, Sr. Palmer, se o marinheiro Balfour foi "endeusado" dessa forma, deve ter chegado muito perto do topo.
Come on, it would have been something obvious.
Vá lá... tinha de ser algo óbvio.
All the things you said you would have done to benefit humanity if I hadn't been in your way? Now's the time to prove it.
Todas as coisas que disseste que farias para o bem da humanidade se eu não tivesse no teu caminho... agora esta na hora de provar isso.
If we'd been able to have a child would it have made any difference?
Se tivéssemos conseguido ter um filho teria feito alguma diferença?
And that would have been it for us.
E teria acabado entre nós.
He would have been outside measuring it.
Iria lá fora fazer medições.
It would have just been a bed and a toilet, and then the living room and the kitchen is all the same, so I'd literally be shitting where I eat.
Seria só uma cama e uma casa de banho, e a sala de estar e a cozinha são a mesma coisa, então eu literalmente iria cagar onde como.
If you hadn't been there, I don't think I would have made it this far.
Se não estivesses lá estado não creio que eu tivesse aguentado até aqui.
Kali started a tidal surge that would have killed millions had it not been stopped.
A Kali mandou uma onda massiva que teria morto milhões de pessoas, se não tivesse sido impedida.
There's a hope that when you sit down in a theater to watch the movie, you will see and understand the flip-side of everything we did to get you there because you would have been involved with it in some capacity.
Há uma esperança de que quando alguem entra num teatro para ver o filme, vão ver e entender tudo o que fizemos para chegar lá, porque teriam se envolvido com ele em alguma capacidade.
This evil would have never been stopped if it weren't for the price you paid.
Este mal não teria sido parado se não fosse pelo preço que pagaste.
The Soviets had been winning these tournaments and I thought it would be good for America, for Democracy, uh, to have an American winner.
Os soviéticos tinham ganho estes torneios... E eu julguei que seria bom para a América, para a democracia, Haver um vencedor americano.
Not only did he move the knight to the side of the board, but also it could have been captured by a bishop, and he would have had a very ugly-looking... double pawn way over on the side of the board, which,
Não só moveu o cavalo para a lateral do tabuleiro, Mas podia ser comido por um bispo, ficando com um... Peão duplo, muito feio.
The economic resources were so inequitably distributed that the poor simply didn't have enough money with which to buy the food that would've been available if they could have afforded to pay for it.
Os recursos económicos foram distribuídos de forma tão desigual que os pobres simplesmente não tinham dinheiro suficiente para comprar os alimentos que teriam estado disponíveis se eles os pudessem pagar.
If Sally Ride, my dear friend, the first female astronaut, had been waiting for a female astronaut role model, she would never have done it.
SILÊNCIO - SILÊNCIO Precisamos de deslocar o nosso intento do lucro para a responsabilidade social.
I would have been in there but it didn't.
Se pensasse que ia correr mal teria entrado lá.
All the shops would have been closed, and it was not on her way home.
Todas as lojas estavam fechadas, e não era o caminho para a sua casa.
When you said you needed an Ortho consult, you could have mentioned it was the chief's wife, Grey. I would have been down here a hell of a lot sooner.
Quando chamaste a Ortopedia, podias ter dito que era a mulher do chefe, teria vindo mais cedo!
In five more seconds, that shiv would have been between his ribs and I would have been the one pushing it in, looking at him as he realized it was me.
Mais cinco segundos, e a faca estaria espetada entre as costelas dele e teria sido eu a fazê-lo, olhando para ele enquanto ele veria que tinha sido eu.
But it all would have been for nothing if it wasn't for the game-saving goal line tackle by our captain Thad Castle.
Mas tudo isto não valeria de nada se não fosse pela aquela jogada que salvou o jogo do nosso capitão Thad Castle.
If he had, would it have been the truth?
Se tivesse, seria a verdade?
And I still have the engagement ring, which I can't bring myself to throw out because it would just completely signify that I have been a failure in life and love and...
E ainda tenho o anel de noivado, que não consigo atirar fora porque isso ia significar fracasso na vida e no amor...
She may have been, but it became clear to us that eventually she would dedicate herself to our extinction.
Pode ter começado por ser isso. Mas tornou-se claro para nós que, com o tempo, o objectivo dela passaria a ser a nossa extinção.
The guy who's done time for aggravated assault would have been a better peacemaker, is that it?
O individuo que há uns tempos fez um assalto grave teria sido melhor pacificador, é isso?
If this were 1972, it would've been a back alley and not my elevator that you would've collapsed in, because back then you didn't have a choice.
Se estivéssemos em 1972, a Patty iria desmaiar num beco e não no meu elevador. Porque naquela época, não tinha escolha.
I would have rather it had been a stack of Playboys.
Preferia que fossem revistas pornográficas.

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