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Jack narrating перевод на португальский

41 параллельный перевод
[Jack Narrating] Mom died last winter.
A mãe morreu no Inverno passado.
[Jack Narrating] Dylan and I were still learning things you need to know... when you move to a new house.
O Dylan ainda estávamos a aprender as coisas necessárias... quando se muda para uma casa nova.
Let's go. [Jack Narrating] And Dexter, who lived next door.
E o Dexter, que vivia na porta ao lado.
[Jack Narrating] His parents were really his grandparents... because his real parents had split from each other and from him... and probably from everything.
Os pais deles eram na verdade os avós... porque os seus pais separaram-se um do outro e dele... e provavelmente de tudo.
[Jack Narrating] Of course, his grandparents weren't doing much better.
Claro, os avós não eram muito melhores.
[Jack Narrating] And then there was Norman the Zombie... who mangled one ofhis legs in a terrible accident as a teenager... when he crashed his T-Bird into an ice cream truck.
E havia o Norman, o zombie... que desfez uma perna num acidente terrível na adolescência... quando espetou o seu T-Bird numa carrinha de gelados.
[Jack Narrating] He said he'd cut his foot investigating a noise... outside his house.
Disse que cortou o pé ao investigar um barulho fora da sua casa.
[Jack Narrating] I guess that's when it all started.
Acho que foi quando tudo começou.
[Jack Narrating] Mom always said Dad bristled when he got mad.
A mãe dizia sempre que o pai levantava as sobrancelhas quando se zangava.
[Jack Narrating] Maybe that's where the trouble really came from.
Talvez fosse nesse momento que começaram os problemas.
[Jack Narrating] Long ago in Hollywood, Mom's parents... were put on a blacklist they kept for Communists.
Há muito tempo em Hollywood, os pais da mãe... foram postos na lista negra como comunistas.
[Jack Narrating] I could tell he was tryin'to get me to rat on Dad... the way his friends ratted on him long ago.
Podia dizer que ele estava a tentar que denunciasse o pai... como os amigos o denunciaram há muito tempo.
[Jack Narrating] They left that night.
Partiram naquela noite.
[Jack Narrating] The weeks went by, and fall came... with cold mornings, like in Syracuse.
As semanas passaram e veio o Outono... com manhãs frias, como em Syracuse.
[Jack Narrating] She was what my dad called " a long drink of water.'"
Ela era o que o meu pai chamava "uma longa bebida de água".
[Jack Narrating] I figured I was really lame, because I knew... there was something I should do about the situation, and I didn't know what it was.
Pensei que tivesse sido piroso, porque sabia... que devia fazer algo, e não sabia o quê.
[Jack Narrating] I know it was stupid, but I found myself wishing... Mom could somehow fly back into the world.
Sei que é estúpido, mas dei comigo a desejar... que a Mãe pudesse voltar ao mundo.
- Okay. [Jack Narrating] I was afraid they were gonna ask about my family... and I'd have to tell them about Mom.
Tive medo que perguntassem sobre a minha família... e ter de lhes contar sobre a mãe.
[Jack Narrating] And then they'd have to say, " We're sorry to hear about that.'"
E então teriam de dizer, "Lamentamos ouvir isso".
- [Jack Narrating] Dad was really on.
- O pai estava lançado.
- [Jack Narrating] He was like an artist.
Não. - Ele era um artista.
- [Jack Narrating] And it was all for Karen and me.
- E foi tudo para a Karen e para mim.
[Jack Narrating] Someday, if I ever get that far... maybe I'll be able to do the same thing for my son.
Um dia, se chegar tão longe... Talvez possa fazer o mesmo pelo meu filho.
- [Continues ] - [ Jack Narrating] I don't know what it was--maybe the rain- - but after that night, everything just started falling into place.
Não sei o que foi... talvez a chuva... mas depois dessa noite, tudo se começou a encaixar.
- [Jack Narrating] And on that last fly ball...
- E na última bola...
[Jack Narrating] Dad always went all out for Halloween.
O pai aperaltava-se sempre no Halloween.
[Jack Narrating] Dad showed Invasion of the Body Snatchers that night, his favorite movie.
O pai mostrou o "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" essa noite, o filme favorito dele..
[Jack Narrating] He was drunk, not pretending.
Estava bêbedo, não a fingir.
[Jack Narrating] He was really big up close.
De perto, ele era muito grande.
[Jack Narrating] The vet said poison, and we were the prime suspects.
O veterinário disse veneno, e éramos os principais suspeitos.
[Jack Narrating] I didn't know why Dad stopped going to work.
Não sei porque parou o meu pai de trabalhar.
[Jack Narrating] I was beginning to wonder if the awful reprisals... we expected from Norman weren't coming instead from ourselves... from the darkest chambers, as Dad said, of our hearts.
Começava a perguntar-me se as represálias horríveis... que esperávamos do Norman não viriam de nós próprios... das câmaras mais escuras, como o pai disse, dos nossos corações.
[Jack Narrating] It was like a dream... where your legs keep moving, but you can't get anywhere.
Foi como um sonho... onde as tuas pernas se mexem, mas não consegues sair do sítio.
[Jack Narrating] It was getting to be his bedtime.
Aproximava-se a hora de dormir dele.
[Jack Narrating] Mr. Festinger thought he'd died and gone to heaven.
Sr. Festinger pensou que ele tivesse morrido e ido para o céu.
[Jack Narrating] They found him in the woods by the Piedmont Reservoir.
Encontraram-no nos bosques perto do reservatório de Piedmont.
[Jack Narrating] I couldn't get back into the whole school thing.
Não podia voltar à escola.
[Jack Narrating] Everything in L.A. was big and bright, except their house.
Tudo em L.A. era grande e brilhante, excepto a casa deles.
[Jack Narrating] I kept wondering what Mom would say if she saw Dad... cleaning up the house and trying to make things great for Dylan's homecoming... but I didn't have much faith in what he could do anymore.
Perguntei-me o que faria a mãe se visse o pai... a limpar a casa e a tentar arranjar as coisas para a vinda do Dylan... Mas não tinha muita fé no que ele ainda podia fazer.
- [Jack Narrating] Even though he was doing better...
- Apesar de ter melhorado...
Jack was about to start narrating Willie Nelson's CD jacket as a surprise bonus track.
O Jack estava prestes a descrever a capa do CD do Willie Nelson como uma faixa bónus surpresa.

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