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Meyers перевод на португальский

459 параллельный перевод
Hello, Meyers?
Estou, Meyers?
All on account of that Bugs Meyers from the sheriff's office telling a cock-and-bull story about his capturing one of that Peabody kidnapping gang.
Tudo por causa daquele Bugs Meyers do gabinete do xerife... ... que contou aquela história louca... -... da captura dum membro do gang.
- Major Meyers, sir.
- Major Meyers, senhor.
Um muito simples, na verdade. Eles queriam estar a bordo da nave a caminho de casa.
Meyers, run these people up to the Armory.
Meyers, leva estas pessoas à Armory.
5743, Meyers.
5743, Meyers.
The Meyers house.
- A casa dos Myers.
The Meyers house!
- A casa dos Myers...?
I went to the Meyers house.
Já fui à casa dos Myers...
Meyers, Harrison, Goddell!
Meyers, Harrison, Goddell!
The Meyers are divorced.
Os Meyer são divorciados.
Flat-top's making this a personal grudge against Blake.
Harlen "Flat-top" Meyers está a tornar isto numa disputa pessoal contra Blake.
When Jacoby sued Meyers, who do you think he called?
Quando o Jacoby processou o Meyers, quem julga que ele chamou?
It's them! It's the Meyers.
São eles, são os Meyers.
They're still married.
Os Meyers conheceram-se na escola e continuam casados.
- Past the Meyers'place.
- Passando a casa dos Myers.
Eddie Meyers from the office.
O Eddie Meyers lá do emprego.
" Dear Mr. Meyers, my brother and I watch your show.
Meyers, eu e o meu irmão vemos o programa.
Ricky Meyers, you are under arrest for the murder of Cameron Phillips, and as an accessory to both the murders of Dr. Leslie Piper and Dr. Carlton Baker.
Ricky Myers,... está preso por assassinato de Cameron Philips e como acessório do Dr. Piper e do Dr. Baker.
Doctor Gary Meyers.
Doutor Gary Meyers.
Roger Meyers Sr., the gentle genius behind Itchy and Scratchy loved and cared about almost all the peoples of the world.
Roger Meyers Sénior, o gentil génio por detrás de Itchy e Scratchy amou e cuidou quase todas as pessoas do mundo.
Roger Meyers'next full-length feature was the wildly successful Pinitchio.
O filme seguinte de Roger Meyers foi o bem-sucedido Pinitchio.
As Roger Meyers Jr., the owner of the park, I'd like to thank you for stopping the killer robots.
Como Roger Meyers Jr., o dono do parque, quero agradecer-vos por terem detido os robôs assassinos.
Michael... Michael Meyers.
Michael, Michael.
We'll take Meyers Road past the fire station, then 132 to the 44 east.
Apanhamos a Meyers Road, depois dos bombeiros. Apanhamos a estrada 132, até à 44 este.
Frank Meyers.
- Muito prazer.
- Bishop, Meyers, you two were due in my office a half hour ago. Yeah.
Voçês deviam estar no meu gabinete há uma hora.
So, according to the field report... Bishop and Meyers responded to a robbery call at the jewelry store.
De acordo com o relatório, o Bishop e o Meyers responderam á chamada da joalharia.
You're going to jail. You and Meyers.
Vais para a prisão, tu e o Meyers.
Meyers! Is that the way it happened?
Meyers, foi o que se passou?
Look at this. In Tennessee, the board recommends closing Fort Meyers... and the Brantwood Air Force Supply Depot.
Em Tennessee, a Comissão recomenda fechar Fort Meyers... e o depósito de abastecimento da Força Aérea em Brantwood.
He's a special investigator for D.A. Mitch Meyers.
Ele é um investigador especial para o promotor público Mitch Meyers.
- Was it because of Mitch Meyers?
- Foi por causa do Mitch Meyers?
Mitch Meyers, please.
Mitch Meyers.
[Meyers] Jeanette, listen to me.
" Jeanette, ouve-me.
Excuse me.
Desculpe-me, Mrs. Meyers.
[Jeanette Over Speaker ] You tried to kill me and our son. [ Meyers Over Speaker] Jeanette, listen to me.
- "... tentaste matar-me e ao teu filho. "-" Jeanette, ouve. "
George? George, I want you to meet my great friend, Joyce Meyers.
George, quero que conheça a minha amiga Joyce Meyers.
Preston Meyers.
Preston Meyers.
Preston Meyers?
Preston Meyers?
Do you know who Preston Meyers is?
Sabes quem é o Preston Meyers?
"Larry Meyers"
'Larry Meyers'
He didn't kill Larry Meyers.
Ele não matou o Larry Meyers.
" Larry Meyers Current Status :
'Larry Meyers Estado actual :
"Larry Meyers, Account activity : Deposit Transfer"
'Larry Meyers, movimentos de conta'
Strickland's bank account was getting pretty fat minus few payments to Larry Meyers.
A conta bancária do Strickland estava a crescer depressa, tirando uns pagamentos ao Larry Meyers.
Meyers was in on this?
Meyers estava metido nisso?
The Meyers met in high school.
- É uma história inventada.
Maybe Oscar Meyers.
Só se for um pesadelo.
Jarod Starr.
Frank Meyers.
Mrs. Meyers?
meyer 110

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