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She was afraid перевод на португальский

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She was afraid of you.
Ela estava com medo de si.
Miss Julia came in on the stage last night but she was afraid to come here, so she sent me.
Julia se apresentou no palco na noite passada... ela estava com receio de vir aqui, então me enviou.
The plain fact was she was afraid of that world outside.
A verdade é que ela tinha medo do mundo lá fora.
Yes, she was afraid that he might have written something like this.
Sim, ela temia que ele pudesse ter escrito algo assim.
Yeah, she was afraid you were sore at me, so she had me rush the growler.
Ela achou que você ficou chateada comigo e obrigou-me a vir.
She was afraid of you.
Tinha medo de ti.
Then why did she object to you? Because she was afraid.
- Porque se opunha ela a si?
When she was afraid she might be pregnant, she went to him and... He didn't believe her.
Depois, quando pensou que estava grávida, foi ter com ele e ele não acreditou.
- She was afraid she'd talk and give us away.
- Ela tinha medo que falasse e nos desmascarasse.
There are no servants in the house and she was afraid you'd go straight on to your place or something.
Não há criados em casa. Ela receava que você fosse directamente para sua casa. - Porquê?
But she was afraid.
Mas tinha medo.
She was afraid of his words to René.
Temia do que ele tivesse contado a René.
She was afraid I'd run away, so she shaved my head.
Ela tinha medo que eu fugisse, então rapou-me o cabelo.
She was afraid to leave them, because they would hurt her son.
E ela não os deixava com medo que fizessem mal ao seu filho.
She was afraid of being raped.
Ela tinha medo de violadores.
The point is that she was afraid other ex-lover, your client. That lecherous leech.
O garoto no barco é um repórter que trabalha para a Kingtown Publications.
She was afraid he was gonna murder her... if he ever found out that she was gonna do a picture without him. Interesting, huh?
Tira fotos de celebridades, conta o que Cher toma de café-da-manhã.
In her eyes I saw that she was afraid of me. That excited me enormously.
Via o medo de mim em seus olhos, o que me excitava demais.
No, she was afraid to go there.
Não, ela estava com medo de ir para lá.
Nοrthumberland, I think it were. She was afraid οf sοmething, wasn't she?
Mas acho que ele, ou o casal, já conheciam a Sra. Halliday.
I was afraid she wouldn't last long enough to get here.
Temia que não aguentasse o suficiente para chegar cá.
She got tired of waiting, was afraid she'd be an old maid and...
Fartou-se de esperar e ficou com medo de ficar solteira.
A little girl, Tina who was afraid, because she thought she was alone.
Uma garotinha, Tina... que tinha medo, pois achava que era só.
I was afraid she might go to pieces a little, now that we had done it.
Estava com medo que ela não aguentasse.
And what made it even tougher was that she was around all the time... hovering over me, afraid I'd do injury to her precious brainchild.
E o que tornou o trabalho ainda mais difícil foi ela estar sempre por perto... pairando sobre mim, com medo do que eu estragasse a sua preciosa criaçao.
I'm afraid that Mother wasn't very much help, was she?
Temo que a minha mãe não lhe tenha ajudado muito.
She was always afraid it would come to her in her hands
Ela estava sempre com medo de herdar isso da mãe.
She was even afraid of men.
EÉa ate tinha medo dos homens.
- I was afraid she'd lose interest.
- Receava que perdesse o interesse.
I was afraid if she found out about the insurance money, she'd try to get a part of it. Make trouble for me.
Se ela soubesse do dinheiro do seguro, podia querer ficar com ele e criar-me problemas.
She just tried... because he was afraid and asked for help.
Ela só tentou... porque teve medo e pediu ajuda.
- Was she afraid to go?
- Ela ficou com medo de ir?
I was afraid she might be in some sort of trouble.
Receava que pudesse ter arranjado algum problema.
- She was afraid of you.
- Porque tem medo de si!
I was afraid she'd stay all evening.
Julguei que não se fosse embora.
She saw something But was afraid to tell.
Ela viu algo, mas teve medo de contar.
I knew a woman in Prokorvskoe that's my home, a little village in Siberia. And this woman she was so afraid of strangers that she bought herself a pinewood box and lived in it.
Conheci uma mulher em Prokorvskoe é a minha cidade, na Sibéria essa mulher tinha tanto medo de estranhos que comprou um caixote de pinho e foi morar nele.
She was alone in Mr. Parks's car and... Well, I'm-I'm afraid she's dead.
Estava sozinha no carro do Sr. Parks e lamento, mas morreu.
Uh, Miss Chandler, I'm afraid Mr. Parks claims your secretary had a date with him last night. But when she got down to the bookstore where he was, she was all upset because you'd given her those errands to run.
Menina Chandler, lamento, mas o Sr. Parks afirma que a sua secretária tinha um encontro com ele, ontem, mas, ao chegar à livraria onde ele estava, ia irritada porque a incumbira de todos aqueles recados.
I mean, you're the only one that really knew about Jean Davis. And what's worse, I'm afraid, who else besides Mr. Parks could have possibly known where she was gonna be that night... and you?
Era a única que sabia de Jean Davis e, o que é pior, receio, quem além do Sr. Parks poderia saber onde ela ia estar nessa noite e além de si?
I guess she was afraid to tell him.
É o Hooker.
After all, she was supposed to whimper and be afraid of me.
Com isso, ela deveria chorar e ter medo de mim.
"Mr. Osborne was afraid she might be contacted... by a certain Mr. Grey here in Halle."
"Mr. Osborne receia que Mr. Grey a contacte aqui em Halle."
And then of course she found that poor Dora was unreliable. I'm afraid it was that conversation with me in Blue Bird Cafe that Charlotte partially overheard that day that really sealed poor Dora's fate.
A conversa que tive com ela no café e que a Charlotte ouviu parcialmente deve ter determinado o destino da Dora.
Afraid to admit she was the best thing that ever happened to you... because deep down inside, you know you blew it.
Tens medo de admitir que ela foi a melhor coisa que te aconteceu pois bem lá no fundo, sabes que fizeste asneira!
He was afraid on the streets for me... so he took it out on her, and she couldn't bear it.
Tinha medo por mim na rua... por isso descarregou nela, e ela não aguentou.
I was afraid she'd have a fit.
Temi que ela tivesse um ataque.
A mãe dela teve medo que ela ficasse deprimida se ficassemos amigas, e...
Was she afraid οf anyοne?
A minha mulher estava com receio do trânsito.
She was a nice wee child but I'm afraid she's heading fοr trοuble.
Tenho uma carta para eles. - Uma carta da Lily? - Vejo que está a par de tudo.
He was probably afraid she'd be killed.
Ele tinha medo que a matassem.

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