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She was afraid перевод на турецкий

752 параллельный перевод
Cuz she was afraid granny would take Mi-jung away, too.
Çünkü o büyükannemin Mi-jung'u düşük yaptırmasından korkuyordu.
She was afraid of you.
Senden korkardı.
She was afraid of Montgomery and myself.
Benden ve Montgomery'den korkuyordu.
She was afraid a grown daughter would hurt her career.
Yetişkin bir kız çocuğunun, kariyerine zarar vereceğine inanıyordu.
Well, she intimated one day that she was afraid it might even happen that she wouldn't get to see him again.
Aslında... Bir gün bana babamı yeniden görememekten korktuğunu ima etmişti.
She was afraid I'd forget.
Unutmamdan korkuyordu da.
She was afraid there might be trouble.
Başına bir iş gelmesinden korkuyordu.
- She was afraid of him.
- Wanda ondan korkuyordu.
The plain fact was she was afraid of that world outside. Afraid it would remind her that time had passed.
Gerçekte dışarıdaki dünyadan korkuyordu, geçen zamanı hatırlatacağından korkuyordu.
There was something she was afraid of.
Korktuğu bir şey vardı.
If you knew, you'd be afraid, like she was afraid.
Bilseydin, sen de onun gibi korkardın.
She was afraid to go out.
Dışarı çıkmaya korkuyordu.
Later on, when it was too late to do anything... she was afraid to admit what had happened.
İş işten geçtikten sonra da size olanları anlatmaya korkmuştur.
Yeah, she was afraid you were sore at me, so she had me rush the growler.
Evet, bana kızmandan korktu, bu nedenle bana hemen bira fıçısını getirtti.
I should be in opera too, where she makes your hearing test, but she was afraid and I was too.
Ses sınavı için Opera'da. Ben de orada olmalıydım o kadar heyecanlıydı ki, heyecanı bana da bulaştı.
She was afraid of you.
Senden çekiniyordu.
She was afraid, but she had no regrets.
Korkuyordu, ama pişman değildi.
Why do you think that she was afraid?
Neden korktuğunu düşünüyorsun?
She was afraid.
Bundan korkuyordu.
- Because she was afraid.
- Çünkü korkuyordu.
She was afraid a routine investigation might reveal her guilt.
Basit bir incelemenin işlediği suçu ortaya çıkartacağından korkuyordu.
When she was afraid she might be pregnant, she went to him and...
Hamile olduğundan korkunca ona gitti ve...
- She was afraid she'd talk and give us away.
- Evet. - Korktu, konuşmak ve uzaklaşmak istedi.
- She was afraid of you.
- Çünkü, sizden korkuyor.
She was afraid of him, and of her father even more.
Kız onu korkuttu, ama o kız kendi babasını daha da fazla korkuttu.
Why did she always enact the very same thing she was most afraid she would do?
Neden normalde yapmaktan çok korktuğu şeyleri yapıyor?
I was afraid she wouldn't last long enough to get here.
Oraya varana kadar sağ kalamayacak diye korkuyordum.
She resembled a Watteau drawing... and I was afraid... because she also resembled a Lautrec pastel.
Watteau'nun portrelerinden fırlamış gibi görünüyordu ama korkuyordum çünkü aynı zamanda Lautrec'in pastel resimlerindekini de andırıyordu.
I was afraid, but she made me try.
Korkuyordum, fakat o denememi sağladı.
She got tired of waiting, was afraid she'd be an old maid and...
Beklemekten sıkıldı, evde kalmaktan korkuyor ve...
She may think that I was afraid.
Korktuğumu düşünebilir.
In the excitement, she forgot about the letter... ... and then later on was afraid to say she'd made a mistake.
O heyecan içinde mektubu unutmuş ve daha sonra da bir yanlış yapmış olduğunu söylemekten korkmuş.
I was afraid she'd been unhappy.
Mutsuzdur diye korkmuştum.
A little girl, Tina who was afraid, because she thought she was alone.
Küçük bir kız, Tina korkuyordu, çünkü yalnız olduğunu sanıyordu.
In fact, I'm afraid she didn't know what the truth was.
Aslında, korkarım gerçeğin ne olduğunu o da bilmiyordu.
I was afraid she might go to pieces a little, now that we had done it.
Kendini kaybetmesinden korkuyordum.
She was desperately afraid of the bombing, and I left her to face it alone.
Bombadan çaresizce korkuyordu ve onu terkettiğim için buna yalnız maruz kaldı.
I was afraid she would hear me talking.
Beni konuşurken duymasından korktum.
And what made it even tougher was that she was around all the time... hovering over me, afraid I'd do injury to her precious brainchild.
Onun, biricik çocuğuna zarar vermemden korkarcasına başımın üzerinde dikilmesi işi daha da zorlaştırıyordu.
I'm afraid that Mother wasn't very much help, was she?
Korkarım annem fazla yardımcı olmadı.
She was always afraid it would come to her in her hands.
Ellerinde aynı hastalık çıkacak diye ödü kopardı.
I was afraid she'd think bad things of me if I told her I had the medal.
Madalyanın bende olduğunu söylersem hakkımda kötü düşünmesinden korktum.
I was afraid she wouldn't take a check because she didn't know me.
Beni tanımadığı için çeki almamasından korktum.
- I was afraid she'd lose interest.
- Bana olan ilgisini kaybetmesinden korktum.
I am afraid so, she was terribly mutilated.
Korkarım doğru, çok kötü parçalanmış.
Why was she afraid?
- Neden korkmuş?
Or was she afraid of him too?
Yoksa o da mı Quint'ten korkuyordu?
He was afraid she had already left.
Kendine kızıyor, Catherine'in daha önce gelmiş olmasından korkuyordu.
She guessed something was wrong, and I'm afraid I didn't manage to carry it off very well.
Bir sorun olduğunu sezdi ve korkarım bunun üstesinden düzgünce gelemedim.
She's no good. I was afraid if she found out about the insurance money, she'd try to get a part of it.
Sigorta parasını bir keşfederse ondan pay almak isteyeceğinden korktum.
Everyone was afraid that she has again started the fever.
Herkes onun tekrar ateşleneceğinden korktu.

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