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That was beautiful перевод на португальский

868 параллельный перевод
That was beautiful, Chuck. Beautiful.
Foi muito bonito, Chuck.
Dexter, that was beautiful.
Dexter, foi lindo!
That was beautiful, Pat.
Foi lindo, Pat.
That was beautiful.
Foi muito bonito.
Oh, that was beautiful.
Isso não é bonito.
That was beautiful, John.
Foi muito legal, John.
- That was beautiful.
Isto foi lindo.
Man, that was beautiful.
Isso foi maravilhoso.
That was beautiful...
Foi lindo.
The food Erlich brought made it possible to have a feast that was rare for Moscow, and remember "the beautiful past".
Os produtos alimentares que Erlikh levou permitiram-lhe oferecer um banquete raro em Moscovo e recordar os "bons velhos tempos".
How would I know looking at you that she was so beautiful?
Quem diria, olhando para você, que ela fosse tão bonita?
What was that beautiful expression?
Qual era a palavra?
That was a very beautiful thing to do.
Foi um gesto muito bonito, Sra. Wilkes.
And I remember that some of it wasnt very nice but most of it was beautiful.
Tinha coisas não muito bonitas... ... mas na maioria era lindo.
So much so that this morning I was walking down Fifth Avenue I saw something rather beautiful that reminded me of you.
De tal modo que, esta manhä, ao descer a 5ª Avenida, vi algo muito bonito que me fez lembrar de si.
Well... with him playing and her dancing... and me up to my neck in whiskey anyhow... well, I put my arms around that beautiful girl... and was just about to dance with her... when, of all people, you cut in.
Bem... com ele a tocar e ela a dançar... e eu cheio do whisky... bem, abracei aquela bela jovem... e estava quase a começar a dançar com ela... quando, entraram todos, e você interrompeu.
Just that she was tall and very beautiful and played the piano.
Apenas que era alta, muito bonita e tocava piano.
There was a little cantina... and the most beautiful girl named Josefina, that played the guitar.
Havia uma cantina pequena... e uma bela miúda, a Josefina, que tocava viola.
I was under the impression that this was a class of intelligent students trying to master an extremely difficult and beautiful art.
Pensava que isto era uma turma de alunos inteligentes a tentar dominar uma arte extremamente difícil e bela.
That was a beautiful doll you made for Sissy.
Fizeste uma bela boneca para a Sissy.
I was hoping that all, The beautiful girls board boats, Instead of hiding in the houses.
Eu estava esperando que todas, as meninas bonitas embarcar em barcos, ao invés de se esconder nas casas.
You know, the first day I saw you... riding across the plains on that little paint pony... with the antelope-skin shirt and the beads... and the feather in your hair... I thought there was nothing in the world so beautiful.
Sabe, o primeiro dia que a vi... cavalgando através da planície em cima daquele pequeno pónei... com a blusa de couro de antílope, o colar... e as penas no cabelo... pensei que não havia nada no mundo mais bonito.
That was because you did interrupt a beautiful dream.
Poeque interrompeste-me um lindo sonho.
And how he said that King Solomon in all his glory was not as beautiful as the lilies of the field?
E de ele ter dito que o rei Salomão em toda a sua glória não era tão belo como os lírios do campo?
That Melisande... she was so beautiful, and her hair was so long and curly... why, every time he looked at her... he just fell right down and died.
Essa Melissa... Era tão linda, e seu cabelo era tão longo e encaracolado... por isso, cada vez que ele olhava para ela... ele simplesmente caía e morria.
He was trying to spoil the only beautiful thing that was left in my life.
Estava tratando de arruinar a única coisa formosa que ficava na vida.
So it was the beautiful body of Dennis O'Finn that was the cause of it all.
Então, foi o corpo bonito de Dennis O'Finn o causador disto tudo.
Once, in a cabaret like this one, there was a beautiful girl she had long legs like that one.
Estive lá duas vezes. Uma vez entrei num cabaré, tipo este. Havia uma linda rapariga, de perna comprida como aquela.
That was a beautiful sermon, Parson.
Foi um belo sermão, Vigário.
Oh, that was beautiful!
Isso foi maravilhoso.
Life in paradise, as simple and as pleasureful as it was those thousands of years ago on that beautiful planet so far away.
A vida no paraíso. Tão simples e agradável como era há milhares de anos, naquele belo e longínquo planeta.
That stuffed derma was beautiful.
- A carne recheada estava maravilhosa.
Especially I thought that your song was very beautiful.
Especialmente, achei... a sua canção muito bonita.
But that girl, she was so beautiful.
Mas aquela rapariga. Era tão bela.
Finn said it was pure and beautiful... and that only you were fit for it.
Finn disse que era puro e belo... e que tu eras feito para ele.
That was beautiful.
You'll have a hell of a time. I don't know what the occasion was that prompted this influx of... beautiful women...
Não sei porque repentinamente ponderas a tantas mulheres belas.
That she was beautiful and brilliant?
Que era bela e brilhante?
It was a beautiful song that brought tears to eyes.
Era uma canção muito bonita, que fazia chorar.
That was really beautiful.
Isso foi muito bonito.
Auspicious Suyambu's Temple! Yesterday night, there was a ther of the most Beautiful Idol! And everyone is doubting that Tourist Prashant!
Mãe, estou triste, todos dizem que foi a Shanti e Prashant!
At times... it was so beautiful that... there are moments when you forget... everything... including the fact that you could resolve the difficulties, and find a common basis to...
Às vezes... era tão bom que... há momentos em que esquece... tudo... até mesmo que pode resolver as dificuldades, e achar uma solução para...
That cat was a beautiful head.
Este gato tinha uma grande mente.
Man, was that beautiful!
Foi lindo!
To look at that face that was once so beautiful.
Ainda me lembro de como ela era bela...
Who said that the sun was beautiful?
Quem disse que o sol é bonito?
That was a very beautiful speech, but the man I love isn't American, so...
Isso foi um belíssimo discurso, mas o homem que eu amo não é americano, então...
The entire summer had been lovely, but that evening was particularly beautiful.
Todo o Verão esteve maravilhoso mas essa noite estava particularmente bonita.
And whoever said that life is beautiful was in some sense, and certainly mostly right.
E quem disse que a vida é bela foi em certo sentido, e certamente mais do que certo.
I was inspired by the sound of the Indians there, raising a ruckus... and in that beautiful site I founded... Caracas!
Me inspirei tomando o nome dos indios do lugar... e naquele lindo lar fundei Caracas!
But I did think that night... that it was the most beautiful face I had ever seen.
Mas naquela noite achei... que era o mais belo rosto... que jamais havia visto.

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