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That was funny перевод на португальский

1,008 параллельный перевод
Yes, yes, that was funny, wasn't it?
Encantador, certo?
Yes, that was funny.
Encantador, efetivamente.
Did you think that was funny, mister?
Você acha isto uma anedota, senhor? 7
That was funny, wasn't it?
Foi engraçado, não foi?
I always thought that was funny - the great Captain Kirk, who owes everything to an unknown alien scientist.
Sempre achei isso divertido. O grande Capitão Kirk, que deve tudo a um cientista alienígena desconhecido.
It wasn't as funny as that, was it?
- Qual é a piada que isso tem, não me diz?
The funny thing was that when my wife found that in my pocket she thought that I was the one who bought it for you.
O engraçado foi que a minha mulher a viu no meu bolso e pensou que fora eu que a comprara para si.
That's funny. I was sure that I'd brought them with me.
Tem graça, tinha a certeza de os ter trazido.
Was that funny?
Tive graça?
Maybe you thought it was funny, an old woman taking on a guy like that.
Talvez achasses divertido ver uma velha ser morta por um tipo assim.
Here's that funny car Gordon Cole was talking about.
Aqui está o tal carro engraçado de que o Gordon Cole falava.
Was that meant to be funny?
Estás a armar-te em engraçado?
Do you suppose that sudden departure was intended to be funny?
Supõe que essa saída súbita foi para ser engraçado?
That's funny, I was just going to ask you.
Curioso... Eu ia perguntar-lhe isso.
It was funny to think that just a year ago... I sat in that Knightsbridge pub actually planning to murder her. And I might have done it... if I hadn't seen something that changed my mind.
Tem piada pensar que apenas há um ano... estava sentado num bar em Knightsbridge, a planear assassiná-la, e podia tê-lo feito, se não tivesse visto algo que me mudou as ideias.
The funny thing about that dame was that she always threw you out about six.
O problema é que Jane se deitava sempre às seis.
But your friend Franz Joseph - that was a very funny idea.
Mas o seu amigo Franz Josef, essa foi uma idéia muito engraçada!
This may sound funny, but... waiting for you all those years and staying by myself, it was like... not that you were locked in, but I was locked out.
Pode parecer piada, mas... esperar por ti, todos estes anos e ficar sozinha, parecia... não que estivesses preso lá dentro, mas que eu estava presa cá fora.
I was wondering where that funny little whistle was every time you talked.
Estava a perguntar-me de onde vinha esse pequeno assobio cada vez que tu falavas.
Well, that was pretty funny, Jim.
Essa teve graça, Jim.
Well, anyway, the funny thing was, he wrote that I was the best friend he had in the Army.
Enfim, o curioso é que ele escreveu que eu era o melhor amigo que ele teve no Exército.
That's a funny thing, the other night at Chasen's, everybody was wigging about the guy.
No outro dia, no Chasen's, toda a gente falava dele.
Now, it's funny you say that, because it is said that he was lost in an old tin mine.
É curioso, dizem que ele se perdeu numa velha mina de estanho.
That was so funny!
Teve tanta piada!
Now, that's funny. I was getting used to Walter.
Tem graça, já me estava a habituar a "Walter".
I could just see that the truck was moving in a funny way.
Só via que o camião vinha a circular de um modo estranho.
Funny you should say that. I was just thinking about it.
É engraçado estares a dizer isso, porque estava a pensar nisso.
" That's funny, I was only passing through that town.
" Que engraçado, estava apenas de passagem.
You know, Cass, that's a funny thing, you mentioning money, because I was about to ask you for some.
Cass, engraçado você falar de dinheiro... porque eu ia lhe pedir o mesmo.
Say he was a funny man. There's a dead man laying there, - and she's moved, you know that.
Havia um morto e uma mulher a chorar.
That's funny, I was thinking about you.
É engraçado, pensava em si.
There is a story that towards the end of the 19th century, there was a man with a very funny and ugly hand, who made everybody laugh.
Dizem que no final do Século XIX... havia um homem tão gracioso quanto desgraçado... que fazia todos rirem.
That was very funny.
Teve muita graça.
It's funny, I had this dream that I've had since I was a child.
É engraçado, eu tenho este mesmo sonho desde quando era criança.
Oh, I was just sayin to your missus... that in a funny sort of way I feel closer to rats than I do to people.
Ah, eu estava dizendo à sua mulher... que de um modo estranho me sinto mais próximo das ratazanas que das pessoas.
And Quincy claims that Mr Logan, for some funny reason, was trying to upset you over this sale thing. Using you to manipulate your aunt.
O Quincy afirma que o Sr. Logan, por algum motivo estranho, tentava aborrecê-lo a propósito da questão da venda, usando-o para manipular a sua tia.
Uh, what's funny is that, um, the place where they asked you to deliver the ransom, you know, way up on top of the hill like that there... I mean, it's almost as though they wanted to have a place that was exposed... in order to be photographed.
O engraçado é que o lugar que escolheram para a entrega do resgate, assim no cimo de uma colina, é como se quisessem um sítio exposto, para poderem ser fotografados.
That's funny, he was a very famous 18th century Russian scientist.
Isso é engraçado. Era um famoso, cientista russo do século 18.
The funny thing about that... when I spoke to her, she was very nervous, sort of defensive.
Aconteceu algo muito estranho. Quando falámos, ela estava muito nervosa. Parecia estar na defensiva.
- That's funny. That's what I was calling about.
Tem piada, era sobre isso que lhe queria falar.
Oh, listen, you know, in that connection, uh, there was something funny about that, you know.
A esse respeito, havia algo estranho.
What was funny about this is that the bank tells me that Mr. Lang drew this check the morning before Mr. Lessing was murdered
O mais estranho é que o banco disse que o Sr. Lang foi buscar o cheque na manhã antes do homicídio do Sr. Lessing
That's funny, I thought it was later.
Estranho, pensei que era mais tarde.
What was that in that car? That, that funny looking...
Quem é que ia no carro.
It was a kind of funny weekend that, and then of course at the end of it we found out that Leggy had gone off to Australia which kind of put the mockers on the whole thing, really.
Foi um fim de semana estranho... e, claro, no fim dele descobrimos... que o Leggy tinha ido para a Austrália. O que tornou a atmosfera pesada.
I suppose you think that was real funny, pulling tricks on your teacher.
Acha isso muito engraçado, gozar com o teu professor.
That sure was a funny place to put a barn.
Mas que sítio estranho para se ter um celeiro.
It was just a bit funny Kitty seeing that northern woman in the car.
Foi curioso a Kitty ter visto a tal mulher do norte.
He was so fat that everybody liked him... and there was nothing funny about him at all.
Era tão gordo que todos gostavam dele... e não havia nada de engraçado nele.
Do you remember when the animals used to get hooked up when you was little, that was some funny shit to me, jack.
Lembram-se dos animais terem relações quando eram pequenos? Era muito engraçado para mim, Jack.
I don't think that was so funny.
Não achei assim tanta piada.

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