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Was i перевод на португальский

467,956 параллельный перевод
Like, I was in an e-mail fight recently.
Há pouco, tive uma discussão por e-mail.
So, that's what I did. I was in an e-mail fight.
Foi isso que fiz, tive uma discussão por e-mail.
And I was in the Navy.
- E eu estive na marinha.
I was in the transport corps.
- Eu estava no corpo de transportes.
How long was I in there?
Entrou-me um pouco para dentro da boca.
I was never here.
Eu nunca estive aqui.
I was scratching it.
Estava a coçá-lo!
I died for five minutes and was sent there by mistake.
Morri durante 5 minutos e fui enviado para lá por engano.
I thought I was the town failure!
Pensava que eu é que era a vergonha da cidade.
But-but I was supposed to redeem myself and finally earn the town's respect.
Mas eu devia redimir-me e por fim ganhar o respeito da cidade.
I was having a... real bad day.
Estava a ter... um dia péssimo.
Cameron was the only person I told, but then he told Maggie, and she had her moved... again, so now I've lost her again.
O Cameron foi a única pessoa a quem contei, mas ele contou à Maggie, e ela tirou-a de lá... Novamente, então agora perdi-a... novamente.
I thought that was the first.
- Pensei que essa era a primeira.
It's not like I knew what she was going to do with that information.
Não é que não soubesse o que ela faria com essa informação.
I could use a friend, I was thinking maybe you, but clearly not.
Dava-me jeito um amigo, e estava a pensar em ti, mas acho que não.
- I realized it wasn't software, so then I thought the problem was hardware,
- Percebi que não era o software, então pensei que o problema fosse no hardware,
- but I was wrong.
- mas estava errado.
Good timing. I was just about to run the simulation.
Na hora certa, ia agora executar a simulação.
I captured the area in high-def, digitized it, and by analyzing the blood-spread pattern, reversed the shifting sand and digitally recreated whatever Mr. Rowland's final message was.
Capturei a área em HD e digitalizei-a. e ao analisar o padrão do sangue reverti as mudanças na areia e recriei digitalmente seja qual for a mensagem do Sr. Rowland.
So, I guess your vibe about Zelda was right.
Parece que a tua vibração sobre a Zelda estava certa.
One time I was making dinner for my kids, and I gave my daughter a bowl of soup. And I said, "Here's your fucking soup."
Uma vez, estava a fazer-lhes o jantar, dei um prato de sopa à minha filha e disse : "Toma lá a puta da sopa."
Oh, shit. That was stressful. I hated those years. "
Era tão chato, detestava esses anos. "
I got them a dog, which was a mistake.
Mas foi um erro.
I was like, " Please be saying to kill this dog.
E eu pensei : " Diz que é para matar o cão.
I was like, "Really?"
E eu : "A sério?"
When I was like 20, " Are all the doggies okay everywhere?
Aos 20 anos : " Os cãezinhos todos estão bem em todo o mundo?
I said, "Well, it's a group of people that think September 11th was a conspiracy."
Eu disse : "É um grupo de pessoas que pensa que o 11 de setembro foi uma conspiração."
[normal voice] They grew up, and I was like,
Elas cresceram e eu disse-lhes :
I was trying to wash him, and he fell in the river.
Queria lavá-lo e ele caiu ao rio.
She was the goddess of grip or whatever, I don't know.
Era a deusa do agarrar ou coisa assim. Sei lá.
I was proud of her.
Fiquei orgulhoso dela.
I was watching a football game, and this guy scored a bunch of shit, whatever, and they were excited.
Num jogo de futebol um tipo marcou uma data de merdas e tal e estavam empolgados.
And the football player said, "My mom died last year, but I know she was watching my game from heaven tonight."
"A minha mãe morreu no ano passado, mas eu sei que ela estava a ver hoje o meu jogo a partir do céu."
I was very disappointed in the way you didn't listen. "
"Em junho, quanto te falei deste problema, fiquei muito desapontada por não me teres dado ouvidos."
Even when I was a kid, I loved girls.
Mesmo na infância, eu adorava as raparigas.
When I was 12, I discovered that girls are the greatest thing.
Aos 12 anos, descobri que as raparigas são o melhor que há.
I was 13.
Eu tinha 13 anos.
I was like, "Okay."
E eu disse : "Está bem."
I was looking up on Facebook people from my past, and he's a woman.
Eu estava no Facebook a procurar pessoas do meu passado e ele é uma mulher.
I was up all night reading it. I was crying. It was amazing.
Passei a noite acordado a ler, chorei, foi fantástico.
I was like, "This is incredible."
Pensei : "Isto é incrível!"
I knew what I was all along.
Sempre soube quem eu era.
I knew I was a girl since I was 6 years old. "
Desde os seis anos que sabia que era uma rapariga. "
When I was ten years old, my parents got divorced, and my dad turned into a Jew.
Aos dez anos, os meus pais divorciaram-se e o meu pai transformou-se num judeu.
I was a steward.
- Eu era um ajudante.
Yeah, so, i was just callin to say thanks for a such a lovely evening'.
Estava a telefonar para agradecer pela noite encantadora.
Poovey : I was gonna say... ooh!
- Ia dizer...
Mother : I'm sorry, what was that?
Desculpa, o que disseste?
Hey, not that it should matter, but I was a Tanker.
Não é que importe, mas eu operava um tanque.
Why- - I was gonna say "flap-hammered."
- Porque... - Ia dizer "martelada."
I thought this was gonna be, like, some pull-on fake feet, man, not- - not- -
Pensei que seriam, tipo, umas próteses de pés, meu, e não...

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