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Williamsburg перевод на португальский

217 параллельный перевод
I've seen action in Williamsburg, Hell's Kitchen, Yorkville, Weehawken...
Vi acção em Williamsburg, Hell's Kitchen, Yorkville, Weehawken...
Mr. Andrews is in Williamsburg, in Virginia.
O sr. Andrews está em Williamsburg, no Virgínia.
I remember going to Colonial Williamsburg and you see the supposedly authentic blacksmith there.
Lembro-me de ter ido a Colonial Williamsburg, com os alegadamente autênticos ferreiros.
I'm going by the Williamsburg Building first.
Está bem. Primeiro vou passar no edifício Williamsburg.
Wai has to run into Williamsburg and deal with some tenant stuff.
Wai tem de ir a Williamsburg resolver uns problemas com uns inquilinos.
At the top of the news this morning, racial tensions flare again... this time in Williamsburg, where two white, out-of-town businessmen... were gunned down outside a restaurant... a racial slur spray painted on their car.
O principal do noticiário de hoje são outra vez as tensões raciais... desta vez em Williamsburg, onde dois homens de negócios brancos... vindos de fora da cidade, foram mortos a tiro junto dum restaurante... no seu carro foram pintadas palavras racistas com um spray.
Two dozen cops hassling anybody... with a black face and a record on this Williamsburg murder thing.
24 chuis a chatear toda a gente... que tenha cara negra e fixa na polícia, por esse assassinato de Williamsburg.
- Williamsburg, huh?
- Williamsburg, hem?
And Carmen has got great day two stuff on the Williamsburg murders.
E a Carmen tem informação fresca sobre os assassinatos de Williamsburg.
- You know, though... that Williamsburg thing is pretty interesting.
- Sabe, embora... aquela coisa de Williamsburg seja bem interessante.
Sir, can you tell me, do the possible racial overtones... of what happened in Williamsburg... make you think twice about visiting New York?
Senhor, poderá dizer-me se as tensões raciais possíveis... do que aconteceu em Williamsburg... fazem com que pense duas vezes antes de visitar New York?
In Williamsburg.
Em Williamsburg.
Who told you to cover Williamsburg?
Quem o mandou cobrir Williamsburg?
Williamsburg is turning into our lead.
Williamsburg está a tornar-se uma boa história.
They made a bust in the Williamsburg shooting.
Fizeram uma detenção no caso de Williamsburg.
From Williamsburg, where the prompt arrest of two suspects... in the brutal murder of the two white Arizona businessmen...
De Williamsburg, onde a rápida prisão de dois suspeitos... no homicídio brutal de dois empresários brancos do Arizona...
As fear of racial tension mounts... New Yorkers got their first look at the suspects... in the brutal Williamsburg killings this afternoon... following their booking at police headquarters.
Enquanto aumenta o receio das tensões raciais... os nova-iorquinos viram pela primeira vez os suspeitos... dos homicídios brutais de Williamsburg esta tarde... logo após serem presos na central da polícia.
You sent Robin to cover the Williamsburg perp walk?
Mandou a Robin para cobrir Williamsburg?
We gotta talk about this Williamsburg-Sedona thing.
Precisamos falar sobre o caso Williamsburg-Sedona.
At the top of the news, an exclusive story in the New York Sun reports... the out-of-town businessmen slain two nights ago in Williamsburg... were in fact connected to a New York crime family... which may now be implicated in their slaying.
Nossa história principal é uma reportagem exclusiva do New York Sun... sobre os dois empresários assassinados há dois dias em Williamsburg. Na verdade, estavam ligados a uma "família" de máfia de New York... que agora poderá ser implicada em seu assassinato.
You always wanted to go to Colonial Williamsburg.
Sempre quiseste ir a Williamsburg colonial.
So you don't wanna go to Williamsburg?
Afinal, não queres ir a Williamsburg?
We can go to Williamsburg.
Podemos ir a Williamsburg.
You always wanted to go to colonial Williamsburg.
Sempre quiseste ir a Williamsburg colonial.
So you don't want to go to Williamsburg?
Afinal, não queres ir a Williamsburg?
Take the FDR Drive down to the Williamsburg Bridge exit.
Vá pela FDR até à saída para a ponte Williamsburg.
Take FDR Drive down to the Williamsburg Bridge...
Vá pela FDR... O meu filho está morto.
Williamsburg Bridge.
Ponte de Williamsburg.
We're going to colonial Williamsburg.
Vamos à colonial Williamsburg.
They're a little behind the times in colonial Williamsburg.
Na colonial Williamsburg estão um bocadinho atrasados.
The Williamsburg Bridge. Fourth Avenue. Governors Island.
A Ponte Williamsburg, Fourth Avenue, Governors Island.
He lived in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.
Vivia no bairro Williamsburg, em Brooklyn.
He moved back to Williamsburg.
Mudou-se para Williamsburg.
With our trip to Colonial Williamsburg, remodeling the living room, and Denny's successful run for city council, the months have just flown by. "
"Com a nossa viagem a Colonial Williamsburg, a remodelação da sala " e a candidatura de sucesso do Denny à Câmara, os meses passaram a correr. "
It's the JMC-line across the Williamsburg Bridge...
É a linha JMC depois da ponte Williamsburg. - A Williamsburg?
I saw you in'87 against Williamsburg.
Vi-te em 1987 contra Williamsburg.
When I was really into golf, Tess used to bug me about taking her to Colonial Williamsburg.
A Tess chateava-me sempre para irmos ao Colonial Williamsburg.
Class trip to Williamsburg?
- Na visita de estudo a Williamsburg?
Do you remember where in Williamsburg?
- E em Williamsburg onde, lembras-te?
She remained Maggie, P.I., until she left Williamsburg Junior High a couple of months later to be home-schooled.
Ela ficou com este apelido até sair da escola, dois meses depois... para estudar em casa.
Just like colonial williamsburg.
Como a Williamsburg Colonial?
I live in Williamburg.
- Eu vivo em Williamsburg.
Greg lived in Williamsburg. He was a waiter. He was staying in his friend's condo.
O Greg vivia em Williamsburg, servia às mesas e estava no condomínio do amigo.
No, let's go, please.Uh, wi--williamsburg.
- Vamos embora, por favor.
Maybe I could get a place in Brooklyn, Williamsburg or something.
Talvez pudesse arranjar uma casa em Brooklyn, Williamsburg ou lá perto.
Old Williamsburg, Vince was there... and trust me, nobody wants to go to Williamsburg.
Old Williamsburg, e o Vince estava lá... E, acredita, ninguém quer ir a Williamsburg.
It's like colonial Williamsburg with fewer knickers and Tricorn hats.
Isso é tudo fixe. Como nas colónias antigas. Mais feno?
- Oh, stars hollow is better than Colonial Williamsburg.
Oh.. Stars Hollow é melhor que a colónia.
Take the Williamsburg Bridge.
Vá pela ponte de Williamsburg.
- The Williamsburg, okay?
- Sim.

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