Wouldn't you think перевод на португальский
1,338 параллельный перевод
Of all the gear they get to play with you'd think they wouldn't need a kid's top.
Com todo o equipamento que aqueles tipos têm, achei que uma bola de criança era a última coisa que eles precisariam.
She's a good-looking girl, and, you know, come to think of it, I wouldn't mind putting my mouth right.. if I could get a mouthful of that camel toe.
Ela é uma garota bonita, e, tu sabes, eu começo a pensar, eu não me importava de colocar a boca, se conseguisse um bocado daquele "dedo de camelo".
You think I wouldn't have come to you right away if I had known?
- Eu tinha-te dito se soubesse.
You think I wouldn't be able to recognize you, Amour Amour?
Achas que eu não conseguia reconhecer-te, Amour Amour?
Brutes, do you think that I wouldn't do it if I wanted to?
Brutos, acham mesmo que eu não o faria se quisesse?
Did you really think I wouldn't find out?
Achou mesmo que eu não ia descobrir?
Do you honestly think that i wouldn't have figured out What you and your band of pirates Are up to?
Você honestamente acha que eu não descobriria o que você e seu bando de piratas planejavam fazer?
So I guess it wouldn't matter if I just jump off the wagon completely, since you already think I'm making pit stops.
Então eu creio que não haveria problemas se eu pulasse fora do vagão visto que achas que já estou fazendo paradas
Did you honestly think I wouldn't find you?
Honestamente pensastes que eu não iria te encontrar?
Do you think they realize that were it not for the genetic imperative to populate the earth, they wouldn't get a date?
Acham que eles se apercebem que se não fosse preciso popular a Terra, nunca arranjariam alguém?
Oh, you think I wouldn't dust for fingerprints, you weevil mangler.
Achaste que não procuraria impressões digitais, assassino de gorgulhos?
You'd think after ten generations of selective reproduction, you wouldn't have such a fat ass.
Depois de 10 anos de reprodução selectiva, pensava que não tivesses um cu tão gordo.
Did you think we wouldn't be watching Daniels'quarters?
Você pensou que nós não estaríamos a vigiar os aposentos do Daniels?
I know you wouldn't think she'd have to struggle to make that point.
Sei que acha que não é preciso tanto esforço para marcar esta posição.
Did you honestly think you could access my accounts and I wouldn't find you?
Achavas que conseguias aceder às minhas contas e que não te encontraria?
You think we wouldn't find out you changed your route?
Pensavam que não íamos descobrir que mudaram a vossa rota?
- You think I wouldn't shoot a shepherd?
- Pensa que não dou um tiro a um pastor?
- You think I wouldn't shoot a shepherd?
- Acha que não o mato?
You wouldn't think Annie Liebowitz would forget to put film in the camera.
Quem diria que a Annie Liebowitz ia esquecer-se de pôr rolo na máquina?
Well, you know, I just think it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a little company on the road, you know?
Apenas pensei que não seria má ideia em ter uma companhia móvel.
I just think it wouldn't kill you to acknowledge that some things are sacred.
Não te faria mal reconhecer que há coisas sagradas.
- You think word wouldn't get out?
- Achavas que não se iria saber?
I know you think... it's nothing screaming my head off at the Columbia-Army game wouldn't cure.
Eu sei que tu pensas... que não é nada que marrando com a minha cabeça na Columbia não resolva
I wouldn't want to think of you on that day.
Eu não quero pensar em ti nesse dia
When you think about it, it'd be much safer, wouldn't it?
Seria bem mais seguro, nao acham?
You might think this thing would be the one to do it in... it wouldn't.
Você pode pensar que essa coisaseria o único a fazê-lo dentro.. ele não iria.
Did you think I wouldn't find out?
Achavas que não iria descobrir?
Wouldn't you think if I explain that my boss is a lawyer my lawyer's a lawyer, I'm dating...?
Não achas que se explicar que o meu patrão é advogado advogado do meu advogado, e que?
If you don't think these characteristics should be displayed here, that's sad but I wouldn't expect you to understand those kinds of things.
Se acha que essas características não devem ser exibidas aqui, é pena mas não estava à espera que entendesse coisas dessas.
So you wouldn't think you'd need 6000 to discover how to reimburse a ticket.
Logo não era preciso 6000 para reembolsar um bilhete.
I wouldn't go there yet, but I do think you need to tell your wife.
Ainda não chegaria a tanto, mas acho que devia contar à sua mulher.
You know, you wouldn't think that dreams could scare you, but mine got so bad, I wouldn't go to sleep.
Sabe, pode pensar que os sonhos não assustam, mas os meus ficaram tão maus, que não dormia.
Especially when that officer has paid handsomely for it and wouldn't think twice about ripping that patch off your eyehole and skull-fucking you to death.
Sobretudo quando esse agente pagou bem e não hesitaria em arrancar-te essa pala e dar-te na cabeça até morreres.
Did you think we wouldn't find out?
O quê? Julgavas que nós não iríamos descobrir?
Wouldn't want you to think we Iammed out on you.
Não queria que pensasses que te tínhamos abandonado.
You didn't think all hell wouldn't break loose?
Não pensaste que ia ser uma grande confusão?
You didn't think every fucking fed... wouldn't drop what they were doing... and dive in to protect one of their own?
Não pensaste que todos os merdas dos federais... iam parar o que estavam a fazer... e iam mergulhar para proteger um dos deles?
Do you think I wouldn't give him up? Do you think I wouldn't throw it in his face if he'd have you instead?
Pensavas que eu não o largava, atirá-lo à cara se pensasse que te teria em vez de mim?
Oh, thank you very much, but, gee, I don't think I did anything - an ordinary man wouldn't do...
Oh, muitíssimo obrigado, mas acho que não fiz nada que outra pessoa não faria...
That day when you sent me out so boldly to change the world... Did you really think there wouldn't be a cost?
Naquele dia em que me mandou mudar o mundo, achou mesmo que isso não teria um custo?
You think I wouldn't find you?
Julgavas que não te encontrava?
Did you think I wouldn't find out it was you?
Achavas que eu não iria descobrir que foste tu?
I wouldn't think Paris suits you.
Não acreditei que você gostasse de Paris.
I'd like to be able to tell you stuff about boys and boyfriends and relationships and that kind of stuff, I think I wouldn't be much help.
Gostava de ser capaz de te dizer coisas acerca dos rapazes e namorados e relacionamentos e esse género de coisas, acho que não seria grande ajuda.
Gives a man a think, wouldn't you say?
Dá que pensar a um homem, não acha?
You still think Dave wouldn't hurt a fly...
Ainda achas que ele não faz mal a uma mosca?
Oh, well, ya see, that wouldn't be too smart because them people... will think you're trying to cover something up. Of course we are.
Isso não seria muito inteligente, porque as pessoas vão pensar que estão a tentar esconder alguma coisa.
Right. You wouldn't think it to look at you.
Ninguém diria, só de olhar para ti.
Did you think I wouldn't find out?
Pensavas que eu não descobria?
You think maybe if I took my weights out. then it wouldn't pull on me so much?
Achas que se eu talvez aliviasse o peso que trago, não me puxasse tanto para baixo?
I don't think he's gonna do it for you... after you wouldn't even give him a frozen banana, Michael?
Acho que não o fará por ti, pois nem lhe deste uma banana congelada.
wouldn't you like to know 93
wouldn't you know it 35
wouldn't you say 361
wouldn't you 979
wouldn't you say so 24
wouldn't you like that 23
wouldn't you agree 153
wouldn't you be 37
you think you're better than me 60
you think you know me 62
wouldn't you know it 35
wouldn't you say 361
wouldn't you 979
wouldn't you say so 24
wouldn't you like that 23
wouldn't you agree 153
wouldn't you be 37
you think you're better than me 60
you think you know me 62
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you think too much 36
you think i'm lying 56
you think you can handle that 27
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22
you think 2028
you think i won't 28
you think i'm stupid 121
you think too much 36
you think i'm lying 56
you think you can handle that 27
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22
you think 2028
you think i won't 28