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You going out перевод на португальский

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[Charlot] So I'll tell people, stop buying things that is not good, that is costing, like 10 dollars, you going to go on a ball, you going out today.
Eu digo as pessoas para parar de comprar coisas, isso nao esta certo, custa cerca de US $ 10, voce esta indo para uma danca, voce esta saindo hoje.
Ayse, are you going out?
Ayse, vais sair?
You going out?
Vais sair?
I don't like you going out there without telling me.
Não gosto que vás para aqueles lados sem me dizeres.
- So you're going to need someone to bail you out.
Vais precisar de alguém para te pagar a fiança.
I'm going to get drunk, soak in a tub for a couple, and you are going to get me the hell out of the country by tomorrow night.
Vou-me embebedar, meter-me na banheira, e tu... vais-te pôr-me fora do país até amanhã à noite.
You're going out for boxing?
Vais aprender boxe?
There's a video, and if it gets out, you know I'm going to lose my son, my husband, my job, my life.
Há um vídeo. E se for visto... Perco o meu filho, o meu marido, o meu emprego, a minha vida, tudo aquilo por que trabalhei...
Hey, so there's a rumor going around that you asked me out, and then I kicked you in the groin.
Hey, corre o boato que tu me convidaste para sair... e te dei um pontapé no escroto.
If you keep doing this, they're going to kick you out of school.
Se continuas a fazer isto, correm contigo da escola.
All I want to hear out of you right now... is what the living fuck is going on.
Tudo o que quero ouvir de ti, agora... é o que se está a passar.
When you get out there, I was just wondering if you're Going to write anymore stories about me and my operation.
Quando chegares lá, eu estava a pensar... se vais escrever mais histórias sobre mim e sobre a minha operação.
Do you really think a one minute prayer is going To straighten things out with the big guy upstairs, Tony?
Realmente achas que uma oração de um minuto vai endireitar as coisas com o grande tipo lá em cima, Tony?
Oh. If you want me to start going to the bathroom out here, I can do that too.
Se quiseres que faça as necessidades aqui, também posso fazer isso.
You're going to breathe in through your nose... for a count of five, and then breathe out through your mouth.
Vais respirar pelo nariz... contar até cinco, e depois expira pela boca.
Wow. How long you guys been going out?
Há quanto tempo estão a sair juntos?
I didn't know that you guys were going out.
Eu nem sabia que vocês estavam juntos.
You don't even know what's going on with me, and you don't check in to find out.
Nem sequer sabes o que se passa comigo, nem te interessa saber.
You know, people go in there, they get their freak on, they do whatever they do. And then they keep going in there, and then they bring that shit out in the real world.
Sabe, as pessoas que lá entram, passam-se, e fazem lá seja o que for e continuam a ir lá e continuam... e trazem toda aquela merda para o mundo real.
Doctor said I can leave soon. Why didn't you tell me you were going out last night?
Porque não me disseste que ias sair na noite passada?
You and I are going out tonight.
Nós os dois vamos sair esta noite.
Katia, when you started going out with my son, did you really like him or was there an ulterior motive?
E tu, Katia, quando começaste a sair com o Adolfo, gostavas mesmo dele ou havia outro motivo?
Are you going to make me yank out your tongue with pliers
Vais obrigar-me a arrancar-te a língua com umas tenazes?
No way. We're just going to hang out, you know?
Estamos só de saida, percebes?
I thought you were going out.
Pensei que iam sair.
You're going out of range.
Estás a sair do nosso alcance!
So you want me to go in and find out what's going on?
Então, queres que eu vá lá e descubra aquilo que se passa?
Tessa has been going out with all of you matches from Flirtual.
A Tessa anda a sair com todos os teus parceiros do "Flirtual".
You guys were tryin to think of Milhorn's name going back and forth, but then when Oliver and I were tryin'to do the drama teacher, you just came out and said it.
- Não se lembravam do Milhorn. Mas, quando estávamos a tentar lembrar-nos da professora de teatro, disseste-o logo.
- You see anyone coming in or going out?
- Viu alguém a entrar ou sair? - Não.
You're not going back out there, are you?
Não vais lá para fora, vais?
What is the point of coming out to a party like this if you're not going to enjoy yourself?
Qual é o objectivo em vir para uma festa como esta se não tens intenção de te divertires?
When my men first pulled you out of the sea and brought you back to this garrison, I knew right away you were going to be of great value to me.
Quando os meus homens te resgataram do mar e te trouxeram de volta a esta guarnição, soube de imediato que irias ter grande valor.
Yes. If I ever talk about going out with a girl again, roll your eyes at me like I do to you when you say dumb things.
Se alguma vez falar em sair com uma miúda de novo, revira os olhos para mim como faço para ti quando dizes coisas estúpidas.
– I'm going to sort out a hotel room for you.
I'm going to get you out.
Vou tirar-te daí.
You walk out on this, and where the fuck are you going?
Se saíres daqui, para onde vais?
I'm going to get you out of here.
Vou tirar-te daqui.
Do you know, I haven't seen Tom for five days? Strictly entre-nous, if he doesn't start putting a bit more effort into this romance, it's all just going to fizzle out.
Bem, acho que precisamos de mais música.
I was going out with Ian Dent and you was stepping out with that posh one from the Grammar.
Geoffrey... - Godfrey, o meu marido.
I'm telling you, it's getting dangerous out there. I don't feel safe going out.
Está a ficar perigoso, não me sinto seguro...
I haven't got all day. Are you going to tell me who it is, or am I gonna beat it out of you?
Vai desembuchar ou terei, que bater em você?
Tell him your husband is going out of town, because we need you to find out as much as you can about the people he's working with in the CIA's Afghan group.
Diz-lhe que o teu marido está a viajar, porque temos de descobrir o que puderes sobre as pessoas que trabalham com ele no grupo afegão da CIA.
Okay, all right, look, Vincent, I'm going to do everything I can to get you out of there as soon as possible.
Ok, olhe, Vincent, vou fazer tudo o que conseguir para o tirar daí o mais rapidamente possível.
You think he's going to sniff you out?
Achas que te vai topar?
What do you say we honor my man's life by going out tonight?
- Vamos honrá-lo saindo esta noite?
You know, if it's cool, I'm going to get some stuff out of my car to dump here.
Se não te importa, vou trazer umas tralhas do meu carro.
With all due respect, have you forgotten what's going on out there?
Com todo o respeito, esqueceu-se do que se passa lá fora?
How do you think it's going to look when people find out that Congressman Pryce, the superhero of the BP oil spill is fucking the wife of a local fisherman, the black wife of a black local fisherman?
O que acha que vai parecer, quando descobrirem que o congressista Pryce, o super-herói do derrame de petróleo da BP, anda a comer a mulher de um pescador local, a mulher negra de um pescador negro local?
You're not going to end up... passed out naked in some doorway?
Não vai acabar... desmaiado e nu numa porta qualquer?
You're going out on the alp tomorrow.
Amanhã vais voltar para o pasto.

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