You got that перевод на португальский
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Well, it's a good thing you got that new titanium hip in there.
Bom, ainda bem que tens essa anca nova de titânio.
You feel better now that you got that off your chest?
Sentes-te melhor agora que já desabafaste?
'Cause whenever you got on that plane, I'd cry my eyes out.
Porque sempre que entravas naquele avião eu chorava imenso.
I don't know anyone else who could've taken that shot besides you or me, and that's all I got for you, pork.
Não conheço mais ninguém que possa ter dado esse tiro, para além de ti e de mim. E é tudo o que sei, Pork.
That's right, I know you've got the mutation.
Isso mesmo. Eu sei que tens a mutação.
Abe, you've got to get something through that big skull of yours.
Abe, tens que enfiar uma coisa nessa tua cabeça dura :
I'm willing to turn myself in, but I need proof that you've got him.
Estou disposto a entregar-me, mas, preciso de provas que o tem. Posso fazer isso.
I'm willing to turn myself in, but I need proof that you've got him.
Estou disposto a entregar-me, mas... preciso de provas que o tem.
Don't you worry about the Russians, I got that covered.
Não te preocupes com os russos. Tenho esse assunto controlado.
You got about nine hours at the most to get that serum to Clem.
Têm 9 horas, no máximo, para levar esse soro à Clem.
I just wanted to let you know that we got your copy of The Last Ride, that Tom Edison novel that you ordered.
Só queria avisar que recebemos a cópia de The Last Ride. Aquele livro que o senhor encomendou.
You know that snake was probably in here since we got here.
Sabe que é provável que a cobra já estivesse aqui.
- I got you somethin'. - What's that?
- Tenho algo para você.
You've lost your job, you've got that nut Dorian chasing you around, why give her all of your money?
Perdeste o teu emprego, tens o louco do Dorian atrás de ti, porque deste o dinheiro todo?
When you put it like that, it's pretty bad, but we've got a case to solve.
Dito assim soa mal, mas temos um caso para resolver.
That's how you got the gorilla mask!
Foi assim que escolheste a máscara.
They got these shows in between shows that show you things you can buy in a store.
Têm programas no meio de programas onde mostram coisas que podemos comprar.
Now, that thing you got, it's like a... how would you say, uh, a buffet for us.
Essa cena que tens é uma espécie... Como dizer? Um bufete para nós.
No, I stopped the car to check the map, and then you got out to start digging. - That's not- -
Não, eu parei para consultar o mapa e tu saíste para escavar.
Listen, did you see that stuff that got uploaded on The Morgue?
Escuta, viste as coisas que carregaram no "The Morgue"?
Don't even think about asking because they can rat you out, got that?
Não pergunte porque pode ser pior.
A near-miss that will hopefully bring the nations of the world together, and make them realize what the hell they've got to lose. You've seen the laser.
E poderá unir as nações, fazendo-as perceber o que têm a perder.
I mean, you got a ton of points for that one.
Ganhaste muitos pontos por causa disso.
That's how you got Beyoncé.
Foi assim que fizemos a Beyoncé.
You should have got what was coming to you after spitting in that guy's face.
Merecias ter levado com o que estavas a pedir depois de cuspires na cara daquele tipo.
Coil that wire enough times, and you've got an electromagnet that will induce an invisible force strong enough to cause interference with nearby electronics.
Continue a enrolar e obterá um electroíman que induzirá forças invisíveis capazes de causar interferências nos dispositivos electrónicos mais próximos.
That's why you got another tool between your legs right now.
Entre as tuas pernas neste momento.
What you got on this afternoon? More of that.
- A sério, estou em apuros.
Go ahead and say it loud, kid. That's all you got to do.
Di-lo mais alto, é tudo o que tens de fazer.
You don't know that. - I got you.
Não sabe isso.
You think I haven't seen that white dude around? Is that how you got these new wheels?
Achas que não tenho visto aquele branco?
'Cause you got all of that, and you're giving me, like, crumbs.
Tens isto tudo e estás a dar-me migalhas.
That's the best you got?
I haven't been able to go more than 18 hours between doses since we got here, and I can pretty much tell you, without looking at a clock, we're coming up on that number.
- Mas estou magoado de outras formas. - De ressaca. Não consegui ficar mais de 18 horas sem uma dose, desde que chegámos.
- You got a problem with that?
- Tem algum problema com isso?
Is that really all you got?
Só tem isso?
I always think that you've got to believe with such an unshakeable amount of confidence that others might think you're crazy.
Acho sempre que temos de acreditar com uma tal confiança inabalável que os outros pensem que estamos loucos.
So not only do we have the Huns outside the Empire and all the terror that they're instilling, but now you've got a fully-fledged rebellion inside the Empire, as well, by warriors who could have been used to fight the Huns.
Além de ter os Hunos do lado de fora do império e o terror que eles instilam, agora tem, também, uma revolta dentro do império, movida por guerreiros que podiam ter sido usados para combater os Hunos.
I'd hug you back, but that's all I got.
Eu abraçaria de volta, mas isso é tudo que tenho.
And you don't wanna wake up one morning and realize that you... never got the chance... to get all their stuff.
Não vais querer acordar um dia e aperceberes-te de que nunca tiveste a oportunidade de ficar com as coisas deles.
I got that paint you asked for.
Trouxe a tinta que pediu.
- [Jim chuckles] You got a B-plus on that? - Ew!
Tiveste um Bom Mais por isso?
You know, it's not coming to me, but he's got it pointed at the back of my head right now, so if you can imagine that... that's what's happening, and that's why I'm calling you.
Olha, não me lembro, mas está apontada à minha nuca. Se conseguires imaginar isso, é o que se passa, e foi por isso que liguei.
You got yourself into that acronym.
Você é que começou esse acrónimo.
And you're like, "I got every word in that sentence."
E vocês dizem : "Percebi todas as palavras daquela frase."
Fine, but I got 100 bucks that say you don't make it more than 30 days.
Óptimo, mas tenho 100 dólares que dizem que não vai demorar mais que 30 dias.
I'll tell you what Bennie's got that you don't.
Vou-te dizer aquilo que o Bennie tem e tu não.
That stuff you got just dropped a guy in his tracks.
Esse droga que tens acabou de matar um tipo.
He knows you're gonna be asking about a hundred, so he's got that, maybe.
Ele sabe que irás pedir 100 mil dólares, então... talvez tenha isso.
Especially this time of year, and... I know that you left because it got too hard for you to be here, but it was hard for me too.
Especialmente nesta altura do ano e sei que te foste embora porque ficar se tornou difícil, mas para mim também foi duro.
I got so scared that you left again.
Tive medo, pensei que tinhas ido embora.
you got that right 241
you got this 563
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you got a problem 205
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got anything 117
you got this 563
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you got a problem 205
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got anything 117