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You would've перевод на португальский

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He would've helped without you bribing him.
Ele tinha ajudado sem suborno.
If you had, You would've only spread suspicion That claude was a monster.
Se estivesse, propagaria a suspeita que Claude era um monstro.
Besides, at this point, you'd have to leave the country, which would be tough, since I've already put you on a dozen watch lists, and even then...
Além disso, nesta altura, tinhas de sair do País, e isso era difícil já que te coloquei em listas.
I would've gotten past you anyway.
Eu passava por ti de qualquer forma.
He would've had to train for it somewhere. Thank you both.
tinha de treinar em algum lugar.
You would've been spared.
- Você teria sido poupada.
Yeah, you... she would've loved this.
Sim... Ela teria adorado isto.
I know what you would've done if I told you.
Sei o que farias se tivesse contado.
You would've told me that it doesn't matter, that you loved me anyway. And you would've sentenced yourself to a life without sex, without children.
Terias dito que não tinha importância, que ias amar-me na mesma e ias sentenciar-te a uma vida sem sexo, sem filhos.
What would you say about the responsibilities of power once you've achieved a certain level of success?
O que diria sobre as responsabilidades de ter poder após ter alcançado um certo nível de sucesso?
If I had let you test that in the lab, most of that money would've gone to the Jeffersonian?
Se te tivesse deixado testar no laboratório, a maioria do dinheiro iria para o Jeffersonian?
[chuckles] you would think so, Uh, but it's a job-placement organization For women who've been incarcerated
Poderia ser, mas é uma organização de reinserção laboral para as mulheres que já foram presas, localizada aqui na cidade.
I would've thought you'd be happy, dear Uncle.
Pensei que ficaria feliz, meu querido tio.
Well, I think we've established that you can't stop us from doing fieldwork, so I figured it would be helpful to have someone from the L.A.P.D. on the team.
Acho que já estabelecemos que não consegue impedir-nos de fazer trabalho de campo, então pensei que seria útil ter alguém da LAPD na equipa.
It appears as though you've impressed Carrie and Al with your aptitude and moxie and instinct, and I would...
Parece que impressionaste a Carrie e o Al com a tua aptidão, iniciativa e instinto, e eu...
If it weren't for Cardiff Electric, there would've never been a Mutiny, and... you know, if it weren't for Gordon Clark, I would've never met you.
Se não fosse a Cardiff Electic, a Mutiny nunca existiria e se não fosse o Gordon Clark, eu não te teria conhecido.
I would've told you, but I wanted to show you the finished product.
Eu ter-te ia contado, mas queria mostrar-te o produto acabado.
I've set up the Virgin Earth Challenge, a $ 25 million prize to eliminate greenhouse gases, that I was hoping you would add to.
Organizei o Virgin Earth Challenge, um prémio de $ 25 milhões de dólares para eliminar os gases do efeito de estufa, e esperava que também pudesses aderir.
There's nothing i would've liked more than seeing you today.
Não há nada que gostasse mais, do que ver-te hoje.
I just would've thought that lying about who you are For all these years would've been more complicated.
Só pensei que mentir sobre quem és todos estes anos teria sido mais complicado.
That would explain why we've had difficulty identifying some of the artifacts. You've had difficulty identifying some of the artifacts.
Isso explica a dificuldade que tivemos para identificar alguns artefactos.
You're right. We missed all the clues the Library gave us, which we would've had if we had been sharing information, working together.
Não percebemos todas as pistas que a Biblioteca nos deu, que teríamos se tivéssemos partilhado as informações, trabalhando juntos.
You would've made a great Juliet or Portia.
Terias sido uma óptima Julieta ou Portia.
Can you think of anyone who would've wanted to hurt her?
Consegue pensar em alguém que a quisesse magoar?
Something you would've noticed if you were sober.
Algo que pudesses ter notado se estivesses sóbrio.
And most prominently, you've got your average-Joes-who-you-would never-know-are-gay gays.
E sobretudo, há os comuns que nunca diria que são gays.
Otherwise, you never would've come for me.
Caso contrário nunca terias vindo por mim.
[grunts] Now, you poked me where an eye would've been about 6 million years ago.
Bateste-me onde havia um olho há seis milhões de anos.
You would've been proud of me.
Estarias orgulhosa de mim.
If Roy hadn't run into you in the hall, we believe he would've gone outside, broken a window, and told everyone he fought off the intruder.
Se o Roy não o tivesse encontrado no corredor, achamos que ele teria ido lá fora, partia uma janela, e ia dizer a toda a gente que expulsou o invasor.
He would've found those Stones with or without you.
Ele ia encontrar essas Gemas
Sophie, I've been looking at color choices, and how would you feel about us in a nude?
Sophie, estive vendo as opções de cores, e como te sentirias se usássemos nudez?
He was headed straight for The Sauce! Can you imagine how powerful that spider would've become had he entered my Sauce?
Já viram como a aranha ficaria forte se tivesse entrado no molho?
I could've been friends with anybody- - Janey, Sherri, Terri, You wouldn't like it all, would you?
Também gostavas se eu te interrompesse a toda a hora?
- I would've thought it'd have been you, but -
- Pensava que eras tu, mas...
You probably would've just figured something out, right?
Tu provavelmente terias pensado em algo, certo?
After what you've been pulled into, it would be impossible for you not to.
Depois daquilo em que te meteram, seria impossível não mudar.
The harbormaster would've saved you.
O oficial tê-lo-ia salvado.
Which is what you would have done if one of us would've went off the grid.
Que é o que farias Se um de nós tivesse desaparecido do mapa.
The woman I've always hoped you would be.
A mulher que sempre esperei que fosses.
I'm sorry, if I'd known you were coming, I would've tucked it in.
Não sabia que vinhas, tinha-me coberto.
You really think I would put Mike's life at risk? Ever since Joe's execution, you've been... I don't know, Ryan.
Achas mesmo que ia arriscar a vida do Mike?
If you would've hooked Clay up to a polygraph right then and there, I'm telling you, he would've passed it.
Se colocasse o Clay num polígrafo naquele momento, ele passaria.
Now, if you've got, you know, nothing to hide, and you've dropped your wife off at the train station, why would you go out and hire a criminal defense attorney?
Agora se você não tem nada a esconder e deixou a sua esposa na estação de comboios, por que é que iria sair e contratar um advogado de defesa criminal?
You've become everything Sam dreamed you would and more.
Tornaste-te tudo aquilo que o Sam sonhava que serias e mais.
If you've been able to prove that brain cells can regenerate with time, would your breakthrough relate in any way to the restoration of this young woman's memory?
Se foi capaz de provar que as células cerebrais conseguem regenerar-se com o tempo, a sua descoberta relacionar-se-ia de alguma forma ao restauro da memória desta jovem?
And you would've gone to prison for doing so, and I would've been tried for treason.
- Serias preso e eu seria julgado por traição.
He would've killed you already.
Já te teria morto. - O quê?
I don't know what I would've done without you.
Não sei o que teria feito sem ti.
Might have been nice if you or your boss would've told us that our field leader has no field experience.
Teria sido simpático se tu ou o teu chefe nos tivessem dito que a nossa líder no terreno, não tem nenhuma experiência de campo.
If not for you and your ladies, we would've Lost countless lives, and my husband his crown.
Se não fosses tu e as tuas damas, nós teríamos perdido inúmeras vidas, e o meu marido a sua Coroa.

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