You would be dead перевод на португальский
352 параллельный перевод
My dear Graham, if you are to leave on that or any other train, you would be dead before you reached Batoumi.
Minha querida, tomar esse trem ou de outra, E você vai estar morto antes de chegar em Batumi.
One word from me and you would be dead.
Uma palavra minha e é um homem morto.
Were I Blake, you would be dead.
Se eu fosse Blake, estarias morto.
If not for me, you would be dead.
Se não fosse eu, tu também estarias morto.
You would be dead!
Estarias morto.
Then you would be dead now. No.
- Já estarias morto.
I think you would be dead.
Estarias morto.
If you were to disappear, just vanish completely... and I reported you dead, it would be the same thing.
Se tu desaparecesses, se evaporasses por completo... e eu denunciasse a tua morte, seria o mesmo.
I guess it would be safe to say, Mark, that now with Tom Ward dead, you know more about my financial affairs than anyone else.
Acho que seria seguro dizer, Mark, agora com o Tom Ward morto, sabes mais dos meus assuntos financeiros, que ninguém.
Of course if I was dead it would be bad news for you.
Claro, se eu estivesse morta seria uma má notícia para você.
If I were a devoted widow, and Danny's father were a dead war hero, would you be pitching me this bit about finding a second father to replace the dead one?
Se fui uma viúva dedicada, e se o pai de Danny foi um herói de guerra morto, você está sugerindo que que encontre um novo pai para substituir o que morreu?
You wished the baby would be dead.
Querias que o bebé tivesse morrido.
- Why? The others would have executed the president, and you'd be dead.
Senão, os outros teriam executado o Presidente e você seria agora um homem morto!
Thank you. If it hadn't been for you, right now I would be a dead man.
Se não fosse o senhor, agora estava morto.
But you will be dead in a moment and the credit would be gratuitous.
Mas daqui a pouco estará morto e o crédito seria gratuito.
If I'd of caught up with you, there would be one dead Ratso along by now.
Se tivesse encontrado você naquela noite, Ratso estaria morto.
Or else you lot would surely be dead!
Se não, já estaria morto!
If anything were wrong, you all would be dead by now.
Se tivesse acontecido, já estariam no reino dos anjos.
Brun will take his son into the temple. but Miro will not be struck dead as you or I would.
Brun levará seu filho ao templo... mas Miro não cairá morto, como vocês ou eu cairíamos.
If you hadn't made me move downstage I would be dead now.
Se não houvesse me mudado de posição no palco, eu estaria morta.
If you'd come over that ridge five minutes ago... you would be a dead man.
Se tivesses aparecido há cinco minutos, serias um homem morto.
You guys would all be dead in three weeks.
Todos estariam mortos em 3 semanas.
If I were dead, you would be all alone.
Se eu estivesse morto, você estaria só.
Now, Mother, if it were up to you, half the world would be dead already.
Calma, mãe, se fosse por si, metade do mundo já estava morto.
People say that loves can even bring life to a dead again "lf l also had such strength in my love, you would be alive"
As pessoas dizem que o amor pode até trazer vida a um morto de novo eu também teria essa força no meu amor se estivesse vivo.
Had it been so, you would now be dead.
Se fosse verdade, estaria morto.
An ordinary person would be dead already, and my body would be decomposed, and you'd be dead.
Se fosse uma pessoa normal, teria morrido de imediato, o meu corpo ter-se-ia decomposto, e tu estarias morto.
If another player would have done that you'd have to pull me off quick, or he'd be dead.
Se outro jogador tivesse feito aquilo teriam de me segurar, ou ele estaria morto.
I owe you many apologies, my dear Watson, but it was all-important that it should be thought I was dead, and it is quite certain that you would not have written so convincing an account of my unhappy end had you yourself not thought that it was true.
Devo-lhe mil desculpas, Watson, mas era muito importante que se pensasse que eu tinha morrido, e você não teria escrito um relato tão convincente da minha morte se não pensasse que era verdade,
If you hadn't given me the bullet-proof vest, I would be dead.
Se não me tivessem dado o colete à prova de bala, eu estaria morto.
How would you like to be seen dead?
Quer ser visto morto?
If you hadn't kept that stupid cat, Lister and hadn't been sent to stasis, I would have had some help when I was mending the drive plate and I wouldn't be dead.
O que fiz eu? Se tivesses entregado a gata, não terias sido mandado para a estase, ter-me-ias ajudado com a placa de comando e eu não teria morrido.
Yes, you would be a dead pasta.
Sim, e tu, um gelado morto.
If they'd let me have my gun you would be already dead.
Se me deixassem ter a minha arma, já estarias morto.
Well, I just wanted to be sure. You know, it would be just like you to drop dead in front of this TV the day before my big night out.
Seria mesmo típico caíres morto em frente desta televisão, no dia antes da minha grande noite fora de casa.
obviously without you, those people would be dead, so you can function without remorse.
Óbviamente, sem você, essa gente estaria morta. Assim, podemos trabalhar sem remorsos na consciência.
Not that I'd Iike to sleep in a box, mind you, not without any air, you'd wake up dead for a start, and then where would you be?
Não que eu gostasse de dormir num caixão. Não sem ar. Acordavas morto e aí onde estarias?
if I asked you straight off... I'm going to stuff you in this box now, would you rather be alive or dead.
Se eu te dissesse... que te vou pôr nesse caixão... preferias estar morto ou vivo?
But the consequences to you would be devastating. In your mind I'll be dead.
Mas seria devastador para si Na sua mente, eu estaria morto.
I'd be obliged if you would identify for me two dead bodies.
Agradecia-lhe que identificasse estes dois cadáveres.
I hope you realize it would be very hard to be a brilliant public speaker if you're lying dead in the snow.
Espero que perceba, Srta. Foster, que é bem difícil ser um brilhante orador quando se está morto na neve.
But James would be dead if you didn't stop it.
Mas o James estaria morto, se você não o evitasse.
You said you could devise a drug that would give this dead soldier movement so he could be used as a shield for the living troops, yes?
Você disse que podia desenvolver uma droga para reanimar os corpos... para que sejam usados como escudos para as tropas.
Aside from the fact that this.... woman claims to be the late Mr. Brooks... is there any other reason why you might think that he would be dead?
Para lá do facto dessa....... mulher alegar que é o falecido Sr. Brooks, há alguma outra razão para achar que ele morreu?
If every cop was as self-important as you, Hong Kong would be dead.
Se cada polícia fosse tão narcisista como tu, Hong Kong estaria morta.
Nem morta vestia um uniforme alemão, eu cuspo neles.
I don't think so. if you'd killed it, it would be dead.
Não creio. Se o tivessem feito, estaria liquidado.
Normally your asses would be dead as fucking fried chicken. But I'm in a transitional period and I want to help you,
num dia normal, já estavam os dois mortos e bem mortos, mas por acaso apanharam-me num período de transição e não os quero matar, quero é ajudá-los.
Is there anyone you hate enough to want dead, and if somebody said they'd kill that person... and the crime wouldn't be discovered, would you let them go ahead and do it?
Há alguém a quem odeies que desejasses ver morto? e se alguém o pudesse matar gostarias que o fizesse?
Would you not rather be dead this morning after a good hump and a belly full of stolen beef, or would you have me march you back to Montrose so you can shit yourself on the gallows a month hence?
Não preferes fornicar e morrer com a pança cheia de carne roubada? Ou que te leve a Montrose para te borrares no cadafalso daqui a um mês?
Everyone in Athens has them and nobody would be caught dead at the arena without one! I thought you were leaving.
Leves, cómodos e olhem como deslizam pelos ombros.
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't know 44