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You would tell me перевод на португальский

1,955 параллельный перевод
I think she tells us about. As mυch aboυt what she does as you would tell me about what you do.
Eu penso que ela nos conta tanto, acerca daquilo que faz, como tu me contas acerca daquilo que fazes.
You said that if I did, you would tell me the truth about my son.
Você disse que se eu viesse, dir-me-ia a verdade sobre o meu filho.
But if I were Tony, I would tell you how honoured I feel and what a joy it is to receive this very prestigious award.
Mas se fosse ele, dir-vos-ia como me sinto honrado e a satisfação que é receber este prestigiado prémio.
- What would you like me to tell him?
- Que lhe dizemos?
She'd be wildly conflicted, which would only make her more crazy about me. Tell me you never think about that night. - What night?
Teria imensos conflitos, o que apenas faria com que ficasse ainda mais doida por mim.
So, tell me... in this mess, would you have something to eliminate a guy who... rules over the world and his son... and whose son wants to get rid of him?
Diz-me, aqui neste bazar não terás nada eficaz que elimine um fulano que seja... O chefe de muitos fulanos, incluindo o filho, cujo filho precisamente se quereria livrar?
But if you could talk would you tell me your story?
Mas se pudesses falar contavas-me a tua história?
So I was thinking that- - And this would have to be between you and me. But I was thinking that I could read the books and tell you what's going on.
Então, fiquei apensar que... e isso deve ficar entre nós, mas fiquei a pensar que poderia ler os livros e contar-te o que acontece.
Would you tell me a story, please?
Por favor, pode contar-me uma história?
Would you like to tell me a little bit about what happens in these dreams?
Gostavas de me dizer o que acontece naqueles sonhos?
Why would you be nervous to tell me?
The Lord told me that one day I would meet the right person to spend the rest of my life with. The Lord also tell you to fire me?
O Senhor disse-me, que um dia encontraria a pessoa certa, com quem passar o resto da minha vida.
And people who know me would tell you that small talk is not one of my strong suits, either. No.
Quem me conhece diria que as conversas de circunstância não são o meu forte.
So if I get information through torture I have no way to verify anything because, well, I would just assume that you're going to tell me whatever the hell you want so the pain stops.
Se a informação foi obtida com tortura não há forma de verificar nada porque, bem, assumo que vai me dizer... qualquer coisa para fazer parar a dor.
Would you tell me about that face?
O que me podes dizer sobre esta cara?
Tell me if you still would have rather sold your grapes to Gallo.
Diga-me se ainda teria preferido vender as suas uvas ao Gallo.
And she would tell me to ask you.
E ela dizia-me sempre para te perguntar a ti.
You didn't tell me it would hurt this much.
Não me disseste que doía assim tanto.
So, would you like to tell me about this murder that you imagine you...
Quer falar-me deste homicídio que julga...
Would you like to tell me what's going on?
Queres dizer-me o que se passa?
I realize you don't give a damn about me but you had an obligation to tell me that my friend's privacy and her home would be invaded!
Tenho noção de que te estás a lixar para mim, mas tinhas a obrigação de me dizer que a privacidade da minha amiga e a sua casa seriam invadidas.
Would you please tell the incredible Hulk to let me in? - Thanks.
Podes dizer ao Incrível Hulk para me deixar entrar?
I would love not to see my mother for 20 years you really are a nomad girl now look at you you're you're a top model everybody adores so erm tell me erm how you got discovered?
Meu Deus, eu adorava não ver a minha mãe durante 20 anos. É mesmo uma rapariga nómada. Agora, olhe para si, é uma top model adorada por todos.
Why would I tell you? Because you really like me.
Porque tu gostas de mim na verdade.
Tell me, Ebenezer, if this contract had never been between us, would you seek me out now?
Diz-me, Ebenezer. Se este contrato não existisse, procurar-me-ias agora?
I need you to tell me something about Brandon that only you would know.
Preciso que me digas algo sobre o Brandon que só tu pudesses saber.
I don't want to see you hurt, so you just tell me what the FBI knows about what we're doing here, and I can't say you'll walk away smiling- - that would be unrealistic- -
Não quero te ver machucado, então, apenas me diga o que o FBI sabe sobre o que estamos fazendo aqui. Não posso dizer que sairá daqui sorrindo. Isso seria uma ilusão.
Tell me, if I'd drowned and with Crusoe out of the way, what would you do, then?
Diz-me, se me afogar e o Crusoe morrer, que farás?
- I'll tell you a little, because Goldy would have my you know what.
Posso contar um pouco, porque senão o Goldy dá-me cabo daquilo que você sabe.
What would you like me to tell you?
O que querias que eu dissesse?
This is exactly what I'm this is the kind of stuff I would always want you to tell me if we were, um, no I'm glad you said it.
É exactamente... o tipo de coisa que sempre quis que me dissessem.
But tell me, what would you have done if you rich like me?
Mas diga-me, o que teria feito se fosse rico como eu?
Well, why would you tell me?
Bem, porque havias de me contar?
Tell me why Echo would kidnap the girl you programmed her to protect and bring her to the man who's trying to kill her.
Diga por que Echo sequestraria a garota que devia proteger e a levaria ao homem que quer matá-la.
Would you like me to call Victory and tell her you're on your way?
Quer que ligue à Victory a dizer que vai a caminho?
Would you like me to call her and tell her you're running late?
Quer que lhe ligue a dizer que está atrasado?
You tell him that I captured you and I tortured you, but you would not tell me where the boxes were.
Diz-lhe que te capturei e que te torturei, mas que não me disseste onde estavam as caixas.
All right, young lady, would you please tell me when to stop?
Muito bem, jovem, diga-me quando devo parar.
Would you tell me about patient confidentiality?
Podia falar-me acerca do sigilo médico?
- Would you even tell me?
Tu confessavas-mo?
So, what I would like you to do is tell me something that you've never told anybody before.
Então, gostaria que me contasse algo que nunca tenha contado a ninguém.
Would you like to tell me about the thought that you had last night, the one that you couldn't get out of your head?
Queres contar-me do pensamento que te ocorreu ontem à noite? Aquele de que não te conseguias abstrair?
You say that you want to protect her, but surely you know that if you were to die, if you were to die, she, she would never - - and I know this, I can tell you this as a father, if that happened to me, I would never ever recover.
Dizes que a queres proteger, mas sabes com certeza que, se morresses, ela nunca mais, e garanto-te isto enquanto pai, se isso me acontecesse, nunca recuperaria.
Would you like to tell me what happened?
Podem dizer-me o que aconteceu?
- Would you like to tell me? - You know, I...
- Queres dizer-me?
Would you like to tell me what happened?
Gostaria de me contar o que aconteceu?
So would you like to tell me about the conversation you had with your mother?
Então, quer falar sobre a conversa que teve com a sua mãe?
Would you stop hiding behind the cloak, drop the fucking catlike smile, the bullshit Buddha pose of yours, and just tell me for once what you really think?
Pára de te esconder por detrás do manto. Pára com esse sorriso felino, essa parva pose de Buda e diz-me, por uma vez, o que realmente pensas.
Would you like to tell me what's going on?
Queres contar-me o que se passa?
! - What would you tell me to do, April?
- O que me dirias para fazer, April?
Would you care to tell me about that?
Quer falar disso?

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