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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ Y ] / You would know that

You would know that перевод на португальский

4,657 параллельный перевод
And presumably you would know that Nick knows that it's you.
E presumidamente vais saber que o Nick sabe que és tu.
Now, you knew that our doers were using it as a staging ground, and the only way you would know that is if you were involved.
E você sabia que os bandidos a usaram como base. E a única maneira de saber disso é porque estava envolvido.
Would you by any chance know how that came to happen?
Será que sabes como isso aconteceu?
- You know, I never thought I would find mine at the end of a needle, but you made sure of that, didn't you?
Sabes, nunca pensei que ia encontrar o meu, na ponta de uma agulha, mas certificaste-te disso, não foi?
You know, I never thought I would find mine at the end of a needle, but you made sure of that, didn't you?
Sabes, nunca pensei, que ia encontrar o meu fim no final de uma agulha, mas tu certificaste-te disso, não foi?
You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Não saberias nada sobre isso, pois não?
You wouldn't know anything about that, would you? - No.
Não saberia nada sobre isso, não é?
I guess I was hoping that note would, you know, fill in the blanks.
Esperava que aquele bilhete dissesse tudo.
Do you really think that they could do something like this and no one would know?
Na verdade acha que podiam fazer uma coisa assim, sem ninguém saber?
[CHUCKLES] You know, most girls would be flattered that I spent $ 1.2 billion to hire them.
A maioria das miúdas ficariam lisonjeadas em saber que gastei biliões para contratá-las.
Well, the short version is that when I was a girl, my mom had appendicitis, they put her in the hospital, and every night they would give her these, you know, these little packages of Jell-O.
Bem, a versão curta é que quando era criança, a minha mãe teve apendicite, internaram-na no hospital e todas as noites davam-lhe uns, sabes potinhos com gelatina.
How can you know for a fact that you would never do anything?
Como podes ter a certeza de que nunca farias nada?
Look, Dad... I just want you to know there is nothing that you could do... that would ever change the way I look at you. And I'm sorry.
Quero que saibas que não haverá nada que faças que me faça mudar a forma como olho para ti.
That would have been calling me and letting me know what happened and not forcing my daughter to lie about it. No, no. I didn't force her... we just didn't want to worry you.
Eu não a forcei... apenas não queríamos preocupar-te.
Matty, I think the one thing you would know about me by now is that I can keep a secret.
- Matty... Pensei que já soubesses que sei manter segredos.
How would you know that?
Como é que sabes disso?
You know, it's funny. If you'd asked me that this morning, I would have said because I had no place else to go.
Tem piada, se fosse de manhã, diria que não tinha para onde ir.
Wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Não sabe nada acerca disto, não é?
I was totally skeptical that he would go for it, but then, I mean, you know how important his daughter's grade is to him.
Fiquei muito chocada quando ele aceitou, mas depois, sabes como é importante para ele as notas que a filha tira.
And I know that you would never let anyone have power over you.
E conheço-te melhor que muitos e sei que nunca irias permitir que alguém tivesse controlo sobre ti.
You do know that that hoodie is not a bulletproof vest, that you can die, and that the girl that you are so desperately trying to save would like to see that happen sooner rather than later?
Tens noção de que o capuz não é à prova de bala, certo? Que podes morrer e a rapariga que tão desesperadamente queres salvar gostaria de ver-te morrer? O quanto antes!
Why would you know that?
- Como sabes?
Now, you had the ability to steal the Flash's powers, and I would love to know how you did that.
Tu... tiveste a capacidade de roubar os poderes do Flash. E eu... adorava saber... como fizeste isso.
Because they would like to know who told you. And how you got the information in that file.
Pois vão querer saber quem lhe forneceu, e como conseguiu as informações do ficheiro.
That you could just sleep with me, and no one would ever know?
que podias dormir comigo, e ninguém jamais ia saber
You know, I would never say this at work, but there is research that suggests that knowing too much about someone up front is actually a bad thing.
- Nunca diria isto no trabalho, mas há uma pesquisa que sugere que saber muita coisa de antemão sobre o pretendente é mau. - Sim.
I just want you to know that I would never catching another lady like that in front of you.
Só quero que saibas que eu nunca abraçaria outra mulher daquela forma à tua frente.
And you know we would all testify to that if it comes to it.
E sabe que todos testemunharíamos se chegarmos aí.
Charlotte, you and I both know that your mother would do whatever it takes to get what she wants, including putting our father's life at risk.
Charlotte, ambas sabemos que a tua mãe faz o que for preciso para conseguir o que quer, incluindo colocar a vida do nosso pai em risco.
You do know you would be without official cover? I know that.
Sabe que estará sem cobertura oficial?
You know, none of this would have happened, if you'd just left that damn baby.
Nada disto teria acontecido, se tivesses deixado o maldito bebé.
You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, now, would you, Oliver?
Tu não tens nada a ver com isso, pois não?
You can't expect me to believe that you don't wanna know once and for all who would win, me or you.
Não esperas que eu acredite que não queres saber, de uma vez por todas, quem ganharia. Eu ou tu.
He was the kind of person that, uh, everybody would want to be their best friend, you know.
Era o tipo de pessoa de quem todos queriam ser amigos.
Then Joe Frazier sort of, in his mind, became representative of what he would say, you know, was going on in the world and what was being done wrong to blacks at that time.
O Joe Frazier, na cabeça dele, tornou-se a representação do que ele diria que estava mal no mundo e do mal que estava a ser feito aos negros.
You know, when I was... From an early age, anywhere we'd go together, because not just him getting attention, but the way that people would react to him and sometimes they'd be in tears.
Desde pequena que íamos sempre juntos para todo o lado e ele não recebia apenas atenção, a maneira como as pessoas reagiam, às vezes até ficavam em lágrimas.
All I know is that I would like to stand here with you a little longer.
Tudo o que sei é que gostava de ficar aqui contigo um pouco mais.
Had you been born on that ship, would you wanna know the truth?
Se tivesses nascido naquela nave, ias gostar de saber a verdade?
You know, I would totally do that.
Tu sabes, Eu com certeza que faria isso.
Look, I know that you are scared, but I'm telling you, if this was your daughter, you would put all that fear aside and do whatever you had to do to protect her, right?
Ouça, sei que está com medo, mas, vou-lhe dizer uma coisa : Se fosse a sua filha, colocaria o seu medo de lado e faria tudo aquilo que pudesse para protegê-la, não é verdade?
Hey, look, before I get into the long list of illegal activities going on around here, did you not think that we would know that Toby was here the night he died?
Antes de dizer a longa lista de actividades ilegais aqui... Sabemos que o Toby esteve aqui na noite da morte.
- You know, if I could give that poor man some of my penis, I would.
Se eu pudesse dar ao pobre do tipo algum do meu pénis, eu dava.
Why would you ask that if you already know the answer?
Porque perguntaste, se já sabes a resposta?
You know, what makes you think that I would be with Sorenson if you hadn't come along?
Sabes, o que te faz pensar que eu estaria com o Sorenson se tu não tivesses aparecido?
- Yeah. - So then how would I know that you had a thing with a woman whose initials were... L.P.?
- Então, como é que eu sei, que teve um caso com uma mulher cujo as inicias eram LP?
And how would I know that she moved on and you can't?
E como é que saberia que ela seguiu em frente e você não?
You know, that guy you're wishing he would be? I never met him.
O tipo que tu desejas que ele seja, eu nunca o conheci.
Do you know what a title like that would've meant to me?
- Como poderia? Sabes o que um título daqueles significaria para mim?
Why would you do that, when you know what it does?
Porque é que fizeste isso? - Sabes o que faz.
- Why would you do that? I don't know why I would do that.
- Porque farias isso?
I know what I said to you earlier, that if your mom was pregnant, she would have told me.
Eu sei o que te disse antes, que se a tua mãe estivesse grávida, ela teria me contado.

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