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Born and raised перевод на турецкий

385 параллельный перевод
Any 10-year-old kid who was born and raised like an Indian... ... could whip the daylights out of them.
Kızılderili olarak doğup büyüyen 10 yaşındaki her çocuk onların canına okuyabilir.
- Like animals he was born and raised in the jungle.
- Hayvanlar gibi ormanda doğdu ve büyüdü.
I was born and raised in the wheat country.
Denizden uzak bir yerde büyüdüm.
I was born and raised in Boston myself. I yield to no one in my passion for codfish.
Ben doğma büyüme Bostonlıyım ama morina balığı konusunda kimse benimle boy ölçüşemez.
You were born and raised in Boston and you went to Harvard, where you edited the Lampoon.
Doğma büyüme Bostonlusunuz. Harvard'da okuduğunuz yıllarda Lampoon dergisinde editörlük yaptınız.
I was born and raised in Milwaukee.
Milwaukee'de doğup büyüdüm.
We were born and raised there.
Orada doğup büyüdük.
Steamboat man, born and raised on the river. Only, now I...
vapur adamı nehirde doğdu ve büyüdü Sadece şimdi...
I'm born and raised in the greatest country on earth and I'm proud of it!
Dünyanın en büyük ülkesinde doğdum ve bundan gurur duyuyorum!
We were all born and raised in that foundry.
Hepimiz o dökümhanede doğup büyüdük.
My daughter Pat was born and raised among you.
Kızım Pat, aranızda doğdu ve büyüdü.
I was born and raised in the Bend Country.
- Ben Bend Country'de doğdum ve büyüdüm.
- Born and raised.
- Orada doğup büyüdüm.
We told him how one pinto sykes is wanted by the law in three states, but treats this town like it was his personal property just because he was born and raised here.
Pinto Sykes'ın üç eyalette kanun kaçağı olduğunu ama burada doğup büyüdüğü için kasabaya kendi malıymış gibi davrandığını söyledik.
You were born and raised in Montelepre.
Montelepre'de doğup büyümüşsünüz.
- She was born and raised here.
- Burada doğdu ve büyüdü.
That's where I was born and raised.
Orası benim doğup büyüdüğüm yer.
- I was born and raised there.
- Orada doğup büyüdüm.
- Yeah, I was born and raised there.
- Evet, ben orada doğup büyüdüm.
Born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi.
Jackson, Mississippi'de doğup, büyüdüm.
Though born and raised as a child of the netherworlds human compassion was never absent from her heart.
'Cehennemin Çocuğu'olarak doğup, büyümesine rağmen insâni duygular ; hiçbir zaman, yüreğinden eksik olmadı.
Not much of a turnout for someone who was born and raised in this burg.
Bu kasabada doğup büyümüş biri için cenazeye fazla katılan yoktu.
He came from San Paulo, born and raised.
Doğma büyüme San Paulo'luymuş.
I was born and raised in this castle.
Ben bu kalede doğdum ve büyüdüm.
This is where you were born and raised.
Burası doğup, büyüdüğün yer.
I was born and raised in a briar patch.
Funda tarlasında yetiştim ve büyüdüm.
Born and raised in Louisiana.
Louisiana'da doğup büyüdüm.
I was born and raised here. I know the life.
Burada doğdum, burada büyüdüm.
I in fact had been born and raised there.
Hatta orada doğup büyümüştüm.
Cold River is where I was born and raised.
Soğuk Nehir benim doğup büyüdüğüm yerdir.
I'm a full-blooded Oglala Sioux, born and raised here.
Safkan Oglala Sioux'yum. Burada doğdum, büyüdüm.
Born and raised.
- Doğma büyüme.
There is a vision of the Orient that I have of slender women in cheongsams and kimonos who die for the love of unwon'thy foreign devils who are born and raised to be perfect women who take whatever punishment we give them and spring back strengthened by love unconditionally.
Doğulu deyince aklıma gelen görüntüde cheongsam ve kimono giyen, değersiz yabancı şeytanların aşkı için ölen, mükemmel kadın olmak için doğan ve yetiştirilen, onlara verdiğimiz her cezayı kabullenip aşkın gücüyle yeniden ayağa kalkan ince kadınlar var.
See, you Don't fool a man... who was born and raised in the worst barrio of Rio deJaneiro.
Bak, Rio'nun en berbat mahallelerinde... doğup büyümüş bir adamı karşına aldın.
Being born and raised here, I never woulda known.
Burada doğup büyüdüm ama bilmiyordum.
I was born and raised in Belfast. We were at war. I was just a kid.
Belfast'ta doğdum ve orada büyüdüm.
- New York, born and raised.
Doğma-büyüme New York'luyum.
Couldn't believe I'd been born and raised here
Burada doğup büyüdüğüme inanamamıştım.
- I was born and raised in Pensacola.
- Pensacola'da doğup büyüdüm.
- You know what? I am. Born and raised.
- Burada doğup, büyüdüm.
I was born and raised here till I was 12 years old.
12 yaşıma kadar doğma büyüme buralıydım.
I was born and raised in Guyana in South America.
Güney Amerika'da Guyana'da doğdum ve büyüdüm.
Born and raised near the state line in Parksville.
Parksville'de eyalet sınırında doğup büyüdüm.
I thank Almighty God... who caused me to be born of a royal stock... and raised me to be a queen of so large and mighty a kingdom.
Şükürler olsun sana Tanrım. Beni bir kraliyet üyesi olarak dünyaya getirdin ve muazzam bir krallığın kraliçeliğine kadar yükselttin.
Back to your roots, what you were born for and raised for.
Doğduğun ve yetiştiğin topraklarda kök salma zamanı artık.
You were born according to the law and raised according to the law.
Sen kanuna uygun doğup öyle de büyümüşsün.
I was born in a bass drum and raised in a brass horn.
Ben bas davul olarak doğdum ve pirinç klakson olarak büyüdüm.
Hell, I was born here and I was raised here and goddamn it, I'm going to die here!
Kahretsin, burada doğdum ben, burada büyüdüm... ve burada öleceğim.
Shit, I was born and raised on Sal's pizza.
Yapma ya!
Born and raised.
Doğma büyüme.
d We were born on the same riverbank d d What's mine is yours is his d d Raised where the willows creep into the water d d We get along like cheese and porter d d Every morn we each give a thank d
Aynı nehirde doğduk biz Bana ait olan, sana ve ona da ait Söğütlerin nehre dokunduğu yerde büyüdük

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