Bakarïm перевод на английский
55 параллельный перевод
- Ben sana bakarïm Gus.
- I'm gonna take care of you, Gus.
Ilk çïplak cesede sen bak, ikinciye ben bakarïm.
You look over the first dead naked body, I'll look over the second.
- Yeni doktorun icabina bakarim.
- I'll get to work on this new doctor.
Polis icabiniza bakamiyorsa kendim bakarim!
If the police can't handle you, I'll handle you myself!
Ben Ringo'nun icabina bakarim.
I'll take care of Ringo.
Tamam, bakarim.
It's okay, I will do it.
Ama eger yaparsaniz, o isin tadina bakarim, tamammi?
But if you do, I want a taste of the gig, okay?
Çevreme dikkatli bakarim.
I'm selective.
ben onun icabina bakarim.
I'll take care of him.
Ben, kendime bakarim.
I'll take care of myself.
Eh, Bir Bakarim,
Well, I'll see what I can do.
- Ben gidip kendim bakarim.
Well, I'll go and see for myself.
Muhtemelen kaybolurum, odaya döner, haritaya tekrar bakarim.
I'd probably get lost, have to go back to the room, check the map again.
Ben bakarim.
I'll get it.
Onlarin yüzüne nasil bakarim?
How will I face them?
- Ben sana bakarim.
- I'll take care of you, Teacher.
Onun icabina bakarim.
I'll take care of him.
I'll look wherever I want to, and I don't want to be looking at that for 2 weeks.
Kapiya ben bakarim.
I'm getting the doorbell.
Ona da bakarim ama su anda Aquaman'le ilgileniyorum.
I'll get into it. But I'm also deep into Aquaman.
- Tamam ama ben de durumuna bakarim.
- Fine, but I'm taking your vitals again.
I will.
Tamam, ben bi bakarim.
Ok, I'll look into it.
Dersilerine iyi caliş kardeşim, Ben babamiza iyi bakarim
Study hard, li'l sis! And take care of father.
Sen git, çaresine bakarim
You get going, I'll arrange for more.
Gozlerine nasil bakarim?
How do I look them in the eye?
Ben kiz kardesine bakarim.
I'll watch your sister.
Kasaya ben bakarim.
I'm gonna run the register.
ben bakarim.
I attend.
Aygirin icabina ben bakarim.
I'll take care of the stallion.
Ben tekrar kalintilara bakarim neyin- - izleri oldugunu bulmaya calisirim
I'll look at the remains again, see what- - if I can find what caused those fractures.
Bir sorun varsa, sana bakarim.
If something is wrong, I look at you.
basimin caresine bakarim.
I'll manage okay.
Ben bakarim!
I'll see!
Hey, ben hiç sanmıyorum, kapatmadan evvel, ben herzaman guvenli olduguna bakarim.
Hey, I don't think I've ever seen that safe closed before.
- Ben bakarim.
- I've got him.
Peki, bende kaşıklan bakarim!
Fine, I'll get a spoon.
Onu paletlerine tutarken eger Scott olmasa - hayal etmeye... - Ben bakarim.
Holding him in her flippers, she found herself... imaging what it would be like if Scott wasn't...
Bunun icabina hemen bakarim Bay McCall.
I'm gonna take care of that for you right away, Mr. McCall.
Erkenden yatarim, kendime bakarim, arabama bakarim.
I go to bed early, I look after myself, look after my car.
Bunlara iyi bakarim, merak etme.
I'll take good care of this.
- Tamam bakarim.
- I'll look him up.
Tamam, ortalik biraz sakinlestiginde bakarim.
Ok. When it clears out a little.
Ben gidip bakarim.
I'll check it out.
Ben bakarim.
I'll do it myself.
Oradayken aksam için yiyecek de bakarim. Peki Coco Van?
I'll grab us some dinner while I'm there.
- Ben bakarim ona. - Olmaz!
- I can take care of him.
icabina bakarim.
I'll take care of her.
Evet, yönetmen, ona ben bakarim
Yes, director, I'll take care of it.
Ne yapabilecegime bakarim.
I'll see what I can do.
Birazdan bakarim.
I'll check it out in a minute.