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Hepsi yalan перевод на английский

802 параллельный перевод
Hepsi yalan Hjalmar.
All lies, Hjalmar.
Hepsi yalan!
It's all just rot!
Hepsi yalan! Yalan.
It's all lies!
Tam dediğiniz gibi doktor, hepsi yalan söylüyor.
Well, just as you said, doc, they're all lying.
- Hepsi yalan.!
- All lies.!
Hepsi yalan...
It's a conspiracy to break the peace treaty.
-... anlaşmayı bozmak için. - Hepsi yalan. Törende olanlar da bunun bir parçasıydı.
Yes, and what happened at the review was a part of it.
Hepsi yalan ve çok çirkin!
All lies, but how unpleasant!
Hepsi yalan!
- Lies! All lies!
Hepsi yalan!
It's all a lie!
Maineke hakkında bir hikaye uydurulduğunu anlayacak. Hepsi yalan.
Well, she realizes now that whatever story he told her about Meinike was false.
Bunların hepsi yalan.
That's... That's all it is, is a lie.
Hepsi yalan! Hepsi yalan!
It's a lie, you know.
Hepsi yalan.
This is a mess of lies.
Hepsi yalan.
It's all a lie.
Hepsi yalan.
It's a pack of lies.
Hepsi yalan, seni temin ederim!
Lies, I assure you!
Hepsi yalan, Bayan Marie.
All lies, Miss Marie.
Lucia, diğer kadın, Nanny Ordway - Hepsi yalan söylüyor, sen hariç.
Lucia, that other woman, Nanny Ordway - they're all lying but you.
Yalan, hepsi yalan.
It is lies, all lies.
Hepsi yalan.
All lies.
Neden hepsi yalan söyledi?
Why did they all lie?
Hepsi yalan.
It's all lies.
Hiç olmamış şeylerden bahsediyorsun yani hepsi yalan.
You figured out something that never happened, and so it's all lies.
Bunların hepsi yalan.
The whole thing's a fake.
Huşu dolu bir ses, şevkatli gözler, Hepsi Yalan!
The pious voice. The kindly eyes. False!
Hepsi yalan. Başından sonuna kadar.
It's a lie, it's all a lie from start to finish.
Hepsi yalan! Kraliçeye hayranım.
I admire the queen.
Hepsi yalan!
All lies!
- Hepsi yalan.
- Lies.
Hepsi yalan!
That's a lie!
Hepsi yalan.
It's all wrong.
Ama kalbim Anita, kalbim diyor ki hepsi yalan
But my heart, Anita But my heart Knows they're wrong
Hepsi yalan! Eğer dediklerim doğru değilse çarpılayım!
I hope I drop dead right now if I told you a single lie.
Hepsi yalan!
It is a lie!
Hakkımda bütün o hikayeler, hepsi yalan!
All those stories about me, they're lies!
Hepsi yalan söyledi.
They lied, all of them.
Hepsi yalan!
It's all lies!
Hepsi yalan ve sahte. Hepsi!
It's all just lies and imitation, all of it!
Hepsi yalan!
It's a lie!
Hepsi yalan!
More lies!
- Hepsi yalan!
- Lies!
- Bildiklerimin hepsi bu, fakat yalan yok.
- That's all I got, but it's the truth.
Hepsi bu. - Bu bir yalan!
- That's a lie!
Yalanım yok, hepsi doğru!
All the same, it's true!
Eh, herkes bir fikir beyan etti, hepsi de yalan yanlıştı.
Well, everybody ventured an opinion and they were all dead wrong.
Hepsi külliyen yalan!
It's all bloody lies.
Yalan dolan hepsi!
More lies than anything, you know
Hepsi de yalan söylüyorlar!
They're all lying!
Bunların hepsi bir yalan, görmüyor musun?
Don't you see now it was all a lie?
Bunların hepsi silme yalan!
That is a pack of old damn lies!

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