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Parayi перевод на английский

297 параллельный перевод
Sahip parayi sevdigi kiza verir.
Owner gives money to girl he loves.
Parayi nereden bulacagiz?
What are we gonna use for money?
Parayi çöpe atmayalim.
There's no use throwing away money.
- Parayi yarin konuºuruz. - Olmaz.
- But we'll talk about the money tomorrow.
Gerçegi söyleseydiniz o kadar para vermezdiniz. O parayi bizi ikna etmek için verdiniz.
You paid us more than if you'd told the truth and enough more to make it all right.
Bana verin o parayi.
Give it to me.
Sabah parayi sizin için hazir edebilirim, mesela saat 10 : 30'da.
I shall be able to have the money for you at, say, 10 : 30 in the morning.
Floyd'un sözünü tutmaya... ve parayi paylasmaya hiç niyeti yoktu.
Floyd had no intention of keeping his promise about sharing equally. I'd learned that when we got here.
Parayi verip kusu almak amaciyla... gemiden ayrilip otele yöneldik.
We then left the boat and set out for my hotel where I was to pay Miss O'Shaughnessy and receive the bird.
Ona vereceginiz parayi... begenmezse kendinizi sakinin.
You'll give her some money but if you don't give her what she thinks she should have, be careful.
Parayi paylasmamak için... Jacoby paketi getirmeden önce onu öldürmek istedin.
You wanted to kill him before Jacoby came with the loot so you wouldn't have to split it with him.
- Parayi bir biçimde buluruz.
- We'II manage to raise it.
Bu parayi nereden bulayim?
Where will I get that?
Parayi kasabadan oeduenc alsan?
What if you borrowed the money in town?
Parayi burada mi sakliyor?
Does he keep the money here?
Poker, parayi seven çaresiz adamlarin oyunudur.
You see, poker's played by desperate men who cherish money.
Satmayacagim, Bay Briggs ve gelecek mahsulde parayi ödemeyi umuyorum.
I'll stick with it, Mr. Briggs, and hope to bring the payment on my next crop.
Burada oturup düsünüyorum ve bazen o parayi nerede bulabilecegimi bildigimi saniyorum.
I sit here thinking and sometimes I think I know where I can find that money.
Onu islahevinden uzak tutmak için annesi cumartesi günü, onu müsteri dolu markete sürükledi o parayi geri vermesini istedi ve çaldigi için özür diletti.
So to keep him out of reform school his mother marched him in there with a store full of customers and made him give that money back and say he was sorry he stole.
Fiyatini ödeyecek parayi biriktirene kadar seriflikte kalacagim.
I'll stay on as sheriff long enough so I'll have enough money to pay for it.
- O parayi sana...
- I'll give that...
- Parayi almam kandirmak olur.
- Be cheating to take the money.
Bir haftada bile kazanmiyordur, O kadar parayi nereden bulur?
Bet he don't make that in a week, Where would he get that?
Sanirim bu parayi kazanmak istiyordun.
Seems like you were looking to gain some money here.
Parayi ödemektense, bazı adamlar tuttu.
So rather than pay, he hired some guys to go rescue her.
Parayi sana getirecegiz.
We'll have it for you in the morning.
Benim tüm anlatmak istedigim, parayi dürüstce yollardan... nasil bulabilecegimizi bulmamz lazim.
All I'm saying is, we got to figure out... some way to get that money honestly.
Sey, ben cikip cocuklardan parayi toplayayim en iyisi.
Well, I'll just go out and take up a collection from the boys.
Bana parayi ver.
Give me your bread.
- Para parayi getirir.
- Takes money to make money.
Bu parayi baban kazanmak zorunda, kurus kurus öteki tüm masraflari da.
Papa has to earn that money, cent by cent... at the expense of all else.
Al salak. iyi parayi geri çeviriyor.
Take it, fool. Turnin'down good money.
Yemin ederim parayi bulacagim.
I swear I'll get the money.
Avrupa Bankasi açilir açilmaz, parayi alip size getirecegim.
As soon as the European banks open, I'll have it wired to you.
- Parayi oradan çekmek haftalar alabilir.
- It could take weeks.
Babam risk ettigi parayi, bir servete dönüstürmeyi basarmisti.
Dad was able to parlay the money he embezzled into a fortune -
Kitaplari kenara koyalim, eski, harabe evimizde, bes parasiz oldugumuzu ve cebimizde unuttugumuz parayi buldugumuzu varsayalim.
Let's put the books away, pretend we're back in our old, beat-up apartment, broke, and we find some money we forgot in pockets.
Parayi geciktir, bisini celp kagidiyla cikar, onu izle, dosyalari aldigimizda, iceriye tik.
Then stall on the money, get the brother out with a subpoena, follow him, and when we get the files, yank him back.
Dosyalari istiyorsan, parayi havale et.
You want the files, wire the money.
Yarin parayi baska Bendini Lambert'lar aklar.
Other Bendini Lamberts will be laundering money tomorrow.
Parayi zaten baskasi icin istedim.
That money was always for somebody else.
- Bu parayi nereden Buldu?
- Where'd he get this money?
Birkaç geçe Annie teyzemlerde yattim, parayi çaldiktan sonra da Bir geçe otelde kaldim,
I was a couple of nights at my Auntie Annie's... and one night at the hotel after I robbed the money.
Böyle bir parayi harcamak ugursuzluk getirir.
It's bad luck to spend such money.
Ona parayi ver.
Give him the cash.
Parayi götürmek zorundayim.
I'II have to fetch the cash.
Sizin için olmayabilir, çünkü 1930'larda parayï sebzeye yatïrdïnïz.
Maybe not for you, since you put your money in vegetables in the late'30s.
lyi is dogrusu, nüfuzlu insanlar için dava çözüp parayï Isviçre bankasïna yatïrmak.
Pretty good pickings, solving crimes for barons and putting your fees into Swiss banks.
- Parayï al da gidelim.
- Get the money and let's go.

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