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Yanïmda перевод на английский

103 параллельный перевод
- Yanïmda degil.
- I haven't got it with me.
- O da yanïmda yok.
- I haven't got that either.
Hep yanimda tasirim.
I always carry it.
Onu yanimda götüremem.
I'm sorry, I can't take him.
Keºke o yanimda olsaydi
To know that this moment some loved one
Yanimda olmayacak misin?
Will you not stand with me?
Ikisinde de yanimda karim duruyordu.
And my wife was standing next to me in both of them.
Bu gece yanimda kal...
Stay with me tonight...
Uyuyana kadar yanimda kalabilir misin?
Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?
Ben seni günün her saati yanimda istiyorum.
I want 24-7. - No.
Sen her zaman yanimda oldun, Ray... babam oldukten sonra.
You were always around for me, Ray... all those years after Dad died.
- Cagri yanimda.
- I got the beeper.
Hücrede yanimda olmamasi çok tuhaf bir his.
It's strange to be in a cell without him.
Çünkü yanimda olmanin tek yolu bu gibi görünüyordu.
It seemed like the only way to get you back.
Jean ve Jubilee yanimda.
Jean and Jubilee are here with me.
- Benim yanimda olmana sevindim.
- l'm glad you're in this with me.
Büyük Kitap ve ailem yanimda olacak.
I'll have the Big Book with me and my family.
I brought Nicky by.
I want you with me, but you got to do what you got to do.
Yanimda Nevada Sparkes serifinin mektubu var.
I've got a letter here from the sheriff of Sparkes county, Nevada... wishing I was there.
- Bir kez daha benim yanimda misiniz?
- Will you say it for me one time?
Yanimda baskasinin olmasini hayal edemiyorum.
I couldn't even imagine anybody else by my side.
Yanimda su an en iyi arkadasimin olmasini cok isterdim. Hayatimin en onemli günü oldugunu düsünürsek.
I really wouldn't mind having my best friend around right now, being that it's the most important time of my life.
sen yanimda duran kahrolasi aptalsin, Degil mi?
You the idiot that damn near ran me over, aren't you?
Yanimda kal, Hannah.
Stay with it, Hannah.
Bak, cok aci cekiyordum, ve Dr Ferragamo yanimda olan tek kisiydi.
I was in real pain and Dr. Ferragamo was the only one there for me.
Burada tuhaf bir durum var hendekte yanimda ölü bir adam varken nane sekeri yiyorum.
The situation is strange here. I eat peppermints with a dead man beside me in the trench.
Yanimda bu adam olduktan sonra hicbir seyden korkum yok.
With this man by my side I was never afraid.
Yanimda yatistirici getirdim.
I brought along a sedative.
Zekanizin ve popülerliginizin yanimda olmasi benim için sans olurdu.
I would be fortunate to have your intellect... and your popularity right by my side.
Korku filmi olsaydi, yanimda sahane bir hatun olurdu, sen degil, Barbar.
If it were a scary movie, I'd be with a hot chick, not you, Barbar.
I've got her.
Yanimda degil.
I didn't bring makeup.
Çünkü yanimda sen vardin.
Cos I had you.
Stan, sakin benim yanimda ölme. Beni duyuyor musun?
Stan, you don't die on me.You hear me?
Eger yanimda ölürsen sana çok kizarim.
I'll be so pissed ifou die on me.
Kabir'i yanimda görünce niye sasirdin?
Why are you surprised to see Kabir with me?
Yanimda sen olmayacaksan hiç dert etme.
Don't bother if you're not going to eat with me.
Hoppala, iste bu yüzden onu yanimda getirmek istememistim.
Man, this is why I didn't want to bring her along.
muhtemelen senin gibi bir muslumanin yanimda olmasini garipsemisdir.
It was not that kind of look.
Bu benim oglum. Bu benim yanimda oldugunu.
He is with me.
Bunlar benim cocuklarim, benim yanimda olmalilar.
These are my children. They should be with me.
Hayir, yanimda getirmedim.
I didn't bring it with me. Hold on.
Benim sihirli ayakkabilarim var onlari üç kez birbirine çarparsam sevdigim herkesi bir anda yanimda bulacagim.
I have the magic slippers... that clearly I can click three times, and suddenly everybody I love will be right by my side.
Sanki benim yanimda degil gibiydi.
She really wasn't with me.
Benim yanimda hint sigarasi mi iciyorsun?
You're smoking Indian cigarettes when I'm around?
Daima benim yanimda oldun, ve herzamanda olacaksin.
Lord, you've always been on my side, and always will be.
yada benim bayan arkadasim sizin beyaz camasirlarini saklamakmiydi benim yanimda olacaginiz da.
Or that my best friend hides behind her white laundry instead of supporting me.
2 ya da 3 yasindaydi dansa gitmek suç degil onu yanimda tasiyamazdim
He was two, maybe three... Go dancing is not a crime. I could not take with me.
Ancak ne zaman gercek arkadaslarimin yanimda olmasini istesem..
But whenever I will wish to have true friends..
- Anahtarim yanimda degil.
- I didn't bring my key.

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