About that Çeviri İspanyolca
213,229 parallel translation
Oh, gosh, I totally forgot about that.
Dios, me olvidé por completo de eso.
Sorry about that.
Perdón por eso.
Well, you're right about that, Frank.
Tiene razón en eso, Frank.
I don't care about that.
Eso no me importa.
About that... who said this was a rescue?
¿ Quién dijo que era un rescate?
We'll soon see about that.
Pronto lo veremos.
No. No, I-I don't want to talk about that bitch.
No, no, no quiero hablar de esa zorra.
We talked about that, too.
También hablamos de eso.
You know, we never talked about that.
¿ Sabes? , nunca hablamos de eso.
What bugged me about that one, the husband and wife team? The woman came to the States and was able to wait eight months before the attack.
Lo que me molestó de ese ataque, organizado por una pareja, es que la mujer vino al país y esperó ocho meses hasta perpetrarlo.
or if they heard about that thing I said about them three years ago. Like, really childish, embarrassing shit.
Es muy infantil e incómodo.
It wasn't about that.
No se trata de eso.
And that's about it.
Y eso es todo.
That's Tom Lewis about 20 years ago.
Ese es Tom Lewis hace aproximadamente 20 años.
Believe me, I long for the day that I can stop worrying about you.
Créeme, espero impaciente el día en que pueda dejar de preocuparme por ti.
Not ha-ha funny, when I think about my wife and my young daughter, who wouldn't think that this is very funny at all, but if I had to do this all over again... you would definitely be out here on your own.
No gracia de reírse cuando pienso en mi mujer y en mi hija pequeña, que no pensarían que esto tenga gracia en absoluto sino en que si tuviera que volver a hacer esto... estarías aquí solo, por supuesto.
That's the thing about Velcro shoes.
Eso es lo que pasa con los zapatos de Velcro.
Ooh, maybe we should watch that movie about Freud where Michael Fassbender repeatedly spanks Keira Knightley to orgasm?
Ooh, ¿ quizá deberíamos ver esa película sobre Freud en la que Michael Fassbender repetidamente masturba a Keira Knightley hasta acabar?
Okay, common question that everybody thinks about.
Ok, una pregunta común que todos traen en mente.
Weird you turned that into a compliment about yourself.
Es extraño como convertiste eso en un halago para ti.
That's just from riding here in a hot car, but Dr. Hartman, what about his hearing?
Eso es por haber venido en un carro caliente pero Dr. Hartman, ¿ qué hay de su audición?
Well, that stinks about your deejay job.
Bueno, apesta lo de tu trabajo de DJ.
Would you please stop pretending that you actually care about me?
¿ Puedes dejar de fingir que te importo?
By the time the Afghans realized that we controlled their village, there was nothing they could do about it.
Para cuando los afganos se dieron cuenta de que controlábamos su aldea, no había nada que pudieran hacer al respecto.
That's why, at the "Hindenburg," you told me to ask them about Rittenhouse and ask them why they chose me.
Es por eso que en el Hindenburg me dijiste que les preguntara por Rittenhouse y por qué me eligieron.
I know meeting your father has thrown you, and I get it that you don't want to talk to me about it, but what do we do in our family when we go through tough times?
Sé que el conocer a tu padre te afectó, y entiendo que no quieras hablar conmigo de eso, ¿ pero qué es lo que hacemos en nuestra familia cuando pasamos tiempos difíciles?
You left your friend that was about to get married with Miss Smokeshow?
¿ Dejaste a tu amigo que estaba a punto de casarse con el bomboncito?
Maybe he was about to blow the lid off Operation Omega, and he couldn't take all that money with a clear conscience.
Tal vez estaba a punto de denunciar a la Operacion Omega y no podia tomar todo ese dinero con la conciencia tranquila.
You seem rather confident about a case that's purely circumstantial.
Parece bastante confiado en un caso que es puramente circunstancial.
Oh, well, that would be amusing, but for the fact this video contradicts the official statements about Operation Omega.
Eso habria sido divertido, pero el hecho es que este video contradice las declaraciones oficiales sobre la Operacion Omega.
We have heard all about your SEAL Code, but you swore an oath when you took that witness stand.
Hemos oido todo sobre su codigo de SEAL, pero presto juramento cuando tomo el puesto de testigo.
Then why am I looking at a noise complaint about heavy machinery and construction going on at that address eight weeks ago?
¿ Y por qué estoy mirando una queja por ruido de maquinaria pesada y construcciones realizándose en esa dirección hace ocho semanas?
You know, I actually, uh, had a lot of questions about the day that she died.
En realidad tenía muchas preguntas sobre el día en que ella murió.
Took me about a week, but I found a trail that led right to Kotite.
Me llevó una semana, pero encontré un rastro que me llevó directo a Kotite.
Now, if Kitty is right about these recent deaths, and there's more to them than meets the eye, it's likely that he's hired someone to do the killing for him.
Si Kitty tiene razón sobre estas muertes recientes y hay más de lo que se ve a simple vista, es probable que haya contratado a alguien para que mate por él.
If you're saying that there's some confusion about the true causes of their deaths... I suggest you consider karma.
Si está diciendo que hubo alguna confesión sobre la verdadera causa de sus muertes... le sugiero que lo considere el karma.
The day that Cy died, what do you remember about the day?
Cuando Cy murió, ¿ qué recuerda de ese día?
Before she talked about it, I just thought that was a race.
Antes de que ella hablaba de ello, sólo pensé que era una carrera.
If they told someone about you, and you had sex with that person, that was a retweet.
Si se lo contaban a alguien con quien tú habías cogido, era como un retuit.
I was, like, "No, because we don't give a fuck about bicycling, that's why."
Le dije : "No, nos enojamos porque a nadie le importa el ciclismo".
If I had a concealed weapon, that's all I would think about all day.
Si la tuviera, viviría pensando en eso.
Go to a doctor's office, and they put a contraption on your head, looks like kind of a halo, and they basically shoot magnetic beams into your brain, about an inch deep into your brain, to a certain area that stimulates growth and can alleviate depression, allegedly.
Te ponen un aparato en la cabeza que se parece a un halo... y te aplican ondas magnéticas en el cerebro, a tres centímetros de profundidad, en una zona que estimula el crecimiento para, supuestamente, aliviar la depresión.
That lasts about a half an hour. It just feels like tapping. Just feels like kind of a shitty woodpecker.
Dura alrededor de media hora y sientes como si te dieran golpecitos, como si fuera un pájaro carpintero de mierda.
First of all, if Italians went through slavery, they'd never shut the fuck up about it, you know that.
Para empezar, si los esclavos hubiesen sido italianos, jamás dejarían de hablar del tema, y lo saben.
Look, say what you want about cops, that's an awful job.
Digan lo que quieran de la policía, pero es un trabajo horrible.
That's not even the worst part about being a cop.
Eso ni siquiera es lo peor de ser policía.
When all that Confederate flag stuff was happening last year in South Carolina, people in Boston and New York were especially smug about it.
Porque, cuando pasó lo de la bandera confederada el año pasado en Carolina del Sur, la gente de Boston y Nueva York opinaba con petulancia.
That's pretty bad. I've been in some awful situations, never came close to singing about it once.
Estaban muy mal, porque yo pasé por situaciones horribles y nunca llegué a cantar.
Like, in the 12-step program, I had to do a lot of unflinching, honest writing about myself, and I came to the conclusion that I'm a star-fucker.
En el programa de 12 pasos, tuve que escribir mucho sobre mí con honestidad y llegué a la conclusión de que soy un "sobador" de estrellas.
If your girl's got big boobs and says, "What do you like about me?" You can't say, "I like your big boobs." You cannot say that.
Si una mujer con tetas grandes dice "¿ Qué te gusta de mí?", no puedes decirle "Tus tetas grandes".
I took it to heart, and I wrote him a long note, and I expressed all the things I was grateful to him for, and all the things that I was angry at him about, and sent it his way.
Me lo tomé a pecho y le escribí una carta larga. Enumeré todas las cosas por las que le estaba agradecido y todas las cosas que me enojaban de él, y envié la carta.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that's my man 51
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that's my man 51
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16