Accordingly Çeviri İspanyolca
920 parallel translation
I have made provision for the family accordingly.
Ya me he ocupado de la familia.
I'm not dressed accordingly.
No estoy vestido adecuadamente.
The lady in question is very sensitive and you must treat her accordingly.
La dama es muy sensible y así debe tratarla.
Accordingly, we, police officers, arrested him immediately.
"Tras esta denuncia, un servidor, cabo de gendarmería, " lo ha detenido ¡ ps0 facto y en lo sucesivo ".
Understand him and handle him accordingly.
Entiéndelo y manéjalo como corresponde.
But in the end, one finds out, and the wise man acts accordingly.
Sin embargo a la distancia, uno lo descubre y los inteligentes actúan de acuerdo con el.
One should know everything in advance, plan accordingly.
Hay que saberlo todo y actuar en consecuencia.
One should know nothing in advance, plan accordingly.
No hay que saber nada y actuar en consecuencia.
I'll have to make my plans accordingly.
Mi trabajo debe hacerse consecuentemente.
I should expect you to treat her accordingly. Now you may take your places.
Espero que la traten como se merece.
We'll accordingly remain here until orders received.
Permaneceremos aquí hasta que recibamos órdenes.
Accordingly, I offer a resolution for an immediate inquiry as to the fitness of my colleague to continue to sit in this chamber.
Por ello pido una resolución para que se lleve a cabo una investigación que decida la capacidad de mi colega para sentarse en esta cámara.
Mix them accordingly.
Mézclelos según ese dato.
We charge your account accordingly and request billing. "
Lo anotaremos en su cuenta y le rogamos un recibo. "
If he finds out who won before the others do, he'll be able to adjust his business accordingly.
Si Rothschild se entera de quién ganó antes que los demás,... podrá ajustar sus negocios en consecuencia.
He was found in your room. I've got to act accordingly. Okay.
Estaba en su cuarto, debo actuar como corresponde.
On the recommendation of your company commander, you've been appointed corporals, and will be respected and obeyed accordingly... by order of Colonel Fairbanks.
Por recomendación de su comandante... los nombraron cabos y serán respetados y obedecidos... por orden del coronel Fairbanks.
De modo que...
Then er... well, act accordingly.
Entonces... bueno, obremos en consecuencia.
They are from a noble family and must be treated accordingly.
Pertenecen a una familia noble y deben ser tratados como tal.
I want him treated accordingly.
Quiero que se lo trate como tal.
You'll have to change your appearance accordingly.
Tendrá que prepararse convenientemente.
When I see a gun pointed in my direction, so far as I'm concerned, I'm part and parcel to that deal, and I'm gonna act accordingly.
Cuando veo que me apunta un arma, hasta donde se, soy parte de ese asunto. y actúo como se debe.
Govern yourselves accordingly.
Actúen en consecuencia.
You must find out if you're going to stay or not, and we can make arrangements accordingly.
Debes averiguar si vas a quedarte aquí o no. - Así podremos obrar en consecuencia.
So guide yourself accordingly. ( No Audible Dialogue )
Recuerda esto, y actúa en consecuencia.
If Your Honor please, it is my belief that the defendant is innocent and I intend to enter a plea accordingly.
Su Señoría, he llegado a creer que el acusado es inocente... y pienso declararlo así.
Accordingly, I stepped out of the automobile... without any arguments whatsoever.
Entonces salí del coche sin poner la menor objeción.
I'm an adult now and I must conduct myself accordingly.
Ya soy adulta y me comporto consecuentemente.
Please act accordingly.
Por favor actúe como corresponde.
Now, this letter explains that due to the high risk of confiscation of your gaming equipment, you have accordingly taken accelerated depreciation on it.
Esta carta explica... que debido al alto riesgo de decomiso de su equipamiento de juegos... ha iniciado una acelerada depreciación de los mismos.
I want every man to know that and to act accordingly.
Cada hombre debe saberlo y actuar en consecuencia. Mr.
Now, I'd bear that in mind if I were you... and act accordingly.
Yo en tu lugar lo tendría bien presente... y actuaría en consecuencia.
I always calculate accordingly.
Cuando hago alguna "operación", ya sé cuánto me echarán.
- You must act accordingly.
- Tienes que portarte como tal.
It is accordingly decreed that he be taken to Vatican Hill where it has been confessed he made his first preachment to be crucified and left there as a warning to all and any who henceforth wish to call themselves Christians. "
Como consecuencia se declara que será llevado a la Colina Vaticana donde se ha confesado que dio su primer sermón para ser crucificado y dejado ahí como advertencia a todos quienes de ahora en adelante deseen hacerse llamar cristianos ".
Accordingly, we're compelled to inform you... that you are not legally married.
Por lo tanto, nos vemos obligados a informarles... que no están legalmente casados.
I demand to be treated accordingly!
¡ Exijo que se me trate como tal!
Accordingly, I am informing you that you're dismissed as of tomorrow.
Por lo tanto, le informo que está despedida a partir de mañana.
Accordingly, the square of the sine plus the square of the cosine...
Por tanto, el cuadrado del seno más el cuadrado del coseno...
The credibility of her testimony may be judged accordingly.
La credibilidad de su testimonio será juzgada en concordancia.
Consequently, it's fortified accordingly.
Por lo tanto, están convenientemente fortificados.
You ladies each a wife of a Marshal of France accordingly...
Uds señoras, cada una la esposa de un Marshal de Francia en conformidad...
Treat him accordingly.
Dale un trato preferente.
Behave accordingly or you're out!
Anda derecha o te vas.
Accordingly, we made maps.
En consecuencia, hemos hecho mapas.
You will remember at all times that you are in arrest and deport yourself accordingly. I understand, Major.
Recordará que está bajo arresto y se comportará como corresponde.
Conduct yourselves accordingly.
Comportaros como corresponde.
You'll be in daily contact with the cadets of the corps. Your superiors expect you to conduct yourselves accordingly. Questions?
Estarán en contacto diariamente con los cadetes de la Academia y sus superiores esperan que se comporten como corresponde.
They act accordingly and they never miss. That's the shrewdest darn lie I've heard on play...
Si lo hice, fue por que tomé mucho champán.
And reported it accordingly, like a good citizen.
Como un buen ciudadano.
according to her 66
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to you 115
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to the records 17
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to you 115
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to the records 17