Anything but that Çeviri İspanyolca
5,036 parallel translation
They think we're idiots... but we will show we are anything but that.
Creen que somos idiotas pero les mostraremos que somos cualquier cosa menos eso.
When I said "Anything for you," I meant anything but that.
Cuando he dicho "Lo que sea por ti", quería decir lo que sea menos eso.
Lee Anne Marcus never provided proof that anything but consensual sexual activity took place.
Lee Anne Marcus nunca aportó pruebas de que pasara nada salvo una actividad sexual consentida.
While Ms. Sawyer has claimed that her client was drugged and assaulted by police, she's never provided proof that anything but consensual sexual activity took place.
Aunque la Srta. Sawyer ha aducido que su cliente fue drogada y agredida por la policía, nunca ha presentado pruebas de que nada más allá de una actividad sexual consensuada se produjera.
And I know it seems sudden, but if I've learned anything, it's that life is too short and happiness is fleeting.
Y sé que parece repentino pero si algo he aprendido es que la vida es demasiado corta y la felicidad pasajera.
But we didn't know anything about him having an arm that he could pitch like this, but it showed that he just had a natural talent to throw that ball.
Pero no sabíamos que tenía un brazo para lanzar así, pero demostró que tenía un talento innato para jugar al béisbol.
I saw greenies, marijuana and cocaine, but I never saw meth or heroine or anything like that.
Veía pastillitas verdes, CASADA CON ELLIS EN 1977 marihuana, cocaína, pero nunca vi metanfetaminas o heroína ni nada de eso.
Were you ever given any indication that your work there was anything but exemplary?
¿ Te hicieron ver alguna vez que tu labor allí no era sino ejemplar?
And not that I care what any of you think, about anything, but I lost everything when the Feds took ISIS, and Ron took what little I had left, so now I need to make it back somehow.
Y no es que me importe lo que penséis, sobre cualquier cosa, pero perdí todo cuando los federales tomaron ISIS, y Ron se llevó lo poco que me quedaba, así que necesito recuperarme de alguna forma.
Yeah, I guess anything is possible, but I still think that we should bring her in.
Sí, supongo que todo es posible, pero todavía creo que deberíamos traerla.
Look, I wasn't gonna say anything, but she came at me this morning because she thinks I ratted her out to you, which, granted, I... I sort of did... but I didn't know that you were gonna be her Lieutenant.
Mira, no iba a decir nada, pero vino a mí esta mañana porque piensa que la delaté contigo, que, es cierto, en cierto modo lo hice... pero no sabía que ibas a ser su teniente.
I didn't know what I was doing, but as horrible as it was, I-I wouldn't trade it for anything, because you're here now, and you're beautiful, and you're a miracle, that someone like you
Eras solo una niña. No sabía lo que estaba haciendo, pero tan horrible como fue, no lo cambiaría por nada, porque ahora estás aquí, y eres precioso, y es un milagro, que alguien como tú pudiera salir de todo eso.
I was here, but I never heard any screaming or anything like that, nothing out of the ordinary.
Estaba aquí, pero no escuché gritos ni nada así, nada fuera de lo normal.
Hey, Tom, I don't mean to bug you or anything, but I notice that my super system binder is closed.
Oye, Tom. No quiero molestarte ni nada pero noté que la carpeta de mi Súper Sistema está cerrada.
But I wouldn't trade it for anything, because that is the face of a winner.
Pero no lo cambiaría por nada, porque eso... es el rostro de una ganadora.
I know it's a shock, but please know that we will always be there to love and support you with anything that you need.
Sé que es chocante, pero por favor, que sepáis que siempre estaremos ahí para quereros y apoyaros con cualquier cosa que necesitéis.
But you can't do anything about that, can you?
Pero no se puede hacer nada de eso, ¿ verdad?
But he'll never admit to that. - And I swore not to say anything, but...
Pero jamás lo admitirá y yo juré que no diría nada, pero...
If anything, I'd drive back to Bethel, but I can't do that, either.
En todo caso, volvería a Bethel, pero tampoco puedo hacer eso.
But you wouldn't know anything about that, now, would you?
Pero tú no sabías nada de esto, ¿ verdad?
But that doesn't mean that everything and anything imaginable is suddenly possible.
Pero eso no significa que todo y cualquier cosa imaginable pueda pasar de repente.
I don't want to sound pessimistic or anything, but you really think that's going to keep them out?
No quiero sonar pesimista ni nada, ¿ pero de verdad crees que eso les va a mantener fuera?
But that's a good reason to be in anything.
Es una buena razón para estar en lo que sea.
So far, I've run travel records, bank accounts airport facial recognition records, but I couldn't find anything that links to Ibrahim or any of his known aliases.
Hasta ahora, he revisado registros de viajes, cuentas bancarias, registros de reconocimiento facial de aeropuertos, pero no he podido encontrar nada vinculado a Ibrahim o a sus alias conocidos.
You can do things, but you can't do anything that'll physically affect your unfinished business, like the one thing you want to do.
Puedes hacer cosas, pero no lo que afectara físicamente tu asunto inconcluso, que es lo único que quieres.
But I'm afraid that it's too late and she's given up hope that anything will become of me.
Me temo que sea demasiado tarde. Y ella ha perdido la esperanza de conseguir algo de mí.
but it doesn't really mean anything, and they just go off to college and they never see each other again and they only call when it's time to put their parents in a home or exchange Christmas cards, and that's it.
pero realmente no significa nada, y luego se van a la universidad y nunca más se ven otra vez y solo llaman cuando es hora de poner a sus padres en un hogar o intercambiar tarjetas navideñas, y eso es todo.
What you are giving the sick is anything but a treatment of that I am sure.
Lo que estás dando a la enfermedad es cualquier cosa menos un tratamiento de eso estoy seguro.
Davis, I get that you're worried, but can I just say there is such a very good chance that they're not gonna find anything.
Davis, entiendo que estés preocupado... pero puedo decir que hay una... gran posibilidad de que no encuentren nada.
You touch my computer screen like it's an iPad, but that doesn't do anything.
Tocas la pantalla de mi computadora como si fuera un iPad, pero eso no hace nada.
I know you don't want anything to do with me right now, but come on, this is bigger than all of that.
Sé que no quieres tener nada que ver conmigo ahora mismo, pero venga, esto es mucho más importante.
Bill, not that I care, but before you go and do anything too stupid, can I give you some advice?
Bill, no es que me importe, pero antes de que vayas y hagas algo demasiado estúpido, ¿ puedo darte un consejo?
But I'm not sure that he didn't try anything.
Pero no estoy seguro que él no intentara nada.
But I haven't been able to find anything on the internet that matches that necklace.
No he podido encontrar algo en internet que coincida con ese colgante.
First, we didn't see anything because there's nothing illegal about the outward shipments of rum from the island, but it's what gets imported back into Saint-Marie that's interesting.
En primer lugar, no hemos visto nada, porque no hay nada ilegal en los envíos externos de ron de la isla, pero es lo nuevo que se importó a Saint-Marie, eso es interesante.
But if that work taught me anything, it's that how you do matters as much as what you do.
Pero si algo me enseñó ese trabajo, es que la forma de hacer las cosas importa tanto como lo que haces.
You can make me do anything else, but you can't make me do that.
Puedes obligarme hacer cualquier otra cosa, pero no eso.
She was convinced that the ballet company was dirty but I haven't found anything.
Ella estaba convencida de que la Compañía de ballet estaba embarrada pero no he encontrado nada.
- It's just I know that we don't have an official rule or anything, but unofficially, I thought we'd all agreed to wait until the sixth grade to get them for our kids.
- Es simplemente que sé que no tenemos una norma oficial ni nada, pero extraoficialmente, parece que todos habíamos acordado esperar hasta el sexto curso para dejárselos a nuestros hijos.
So, the bullets that we recovered from Officer Matsuda didn't provide us anything, but the shooter dropped a gun and that's another story.
Las balas que recuperamos del agente Matsuda no nos han dado nada, pero el pistolero dejó caer un arma que es otra historia.
But Dad never mentioned anything about that.
Pero papá nunca mencionó nada sobre eso.
But that doesn't have anything to do with "The Old Man And The Sea."
Pero eso no tiene nada que ver con "El Viejo y el Mar". ¿ Ves?
But what is really annoying is that everybody is blaming the floods on David Cameron, the Environment Agency pretty much anything you can name...
Pero lo que es más molesto es que todo el mundo le echa la culpa a David Cameron, la Agencia de Medio Ambiente, casi que cualquier cosa que puedas nombrar...
But for that to mean anything, Mr. Casey... you have to trust me.
Pero para que esto signifique algo, Sr. Casey... debe confiar en mí.
That music, my beloved, is anything but godforsaken.
Esa música, querida, es de todo menos maldita.
Although, like, I'm not really seeing anything that I love, but...
Aunque, como, que no veo nada que me encante, pero...
I know we like to act like this isn't a big deal and we're the family that beats cancer, but we're not actually beating anything.
Sé que nos gusta actuar como si esto no fuera una cosa importante y que somos la familia que vence al cáncer, pero realmente no estamos venciendo nada.
Not that we're betting on it or anything, but would you guys let us know which one of you sleeps with that girl first?
No es que estemos apostando ni nada de eso, pero ¿ Nos haréis saber quién se acuesta con ella primero?
It-it's not that I wanted him to be sick or anything like that, but I... I wanted... the opportunity to show him that I could be there for him, you know?
No es que quisiera que él se pusiera enfermo o algo parecido pero, sí que querría tener la ocasión de demostrarle que yo estaría a su lado, ¿ sabes?
No, but they did find evidence that you'll believe anything.
No, pero sí encontraron evidencia que usted va a creer cualquier cosa.
Well, if you'd wanted something from this century, no problem, but everything else is on hard drives that aren't connected to anything else.
Bueno, si quieres algo de este siglo, no hay problema, pero todo lo demás está en discos duros que no están conectados a nada.
anything but 21
but that's not you 16
but that's beside the point 34
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not true 78
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's the thing 39
but that's the way it is 43
but that's normal 26
but that's not you 16
but that's beside the point 34
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not true 78
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's the thing 39
but that's the way it is 43
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's not the point 136
but that's not me 25
but that's just it 35
but that's not gonna happen 26
but that's good 38
but that's impossible 149
but that's ok 51
but that's how it is 31
but that's life 39
but that's not the point 136
but that's not me 25
but that's just it 35
but that's not gonna happen 26
but that's good 38
but that's impossible 149
but that's ok 51
but that's how it is 31
but that's life 39