Anything but Çeviri İspanyolca
25,202 parallel translation
My life is anything but sugarcoated.
Mi vida es cualquier cosa menos azucarada.
A bunch of dumb animals, can't think past anything but getting a ball in a hoop.
Una bola de tontos animales que no pueden pensar más que en meter un balón a un aro.
Anything but the truth, right?
Todo menos la verdad, ¿ no?
I can't sit here now and think it was anything but fate.
No puedo estar aquí ahora pensando que no fue el destino.
Oh, and do not feed the moombas anything but grass.
Y no alimentéis a los Moombas con nada que no sea hierba.
Rocket, they're not supposed to eat anything but grass.
Rocket, dijo que no comieran nada que no fuera hierba.
Yeah, I didn't want to say anything but you do need a mani / pedi.
Sí, yo no quiero decir nada pero sí es necesario un mani / pedi.
She's never been anything but honest with us.
Nunca fue más que honesta con nosotros.
I have no enemies that are in anything but pieces.
Yo no tengo enemigos... que no estén de otra manera... más que en pedazos.
Uh, anything but vegetarian chili.
Lo que sea menos chili vegetariano.
I can't. Calista, I would give anything to have my powers back and get out there and stop this, but I don't have them.
Calista, daría todo por tener mis poderes de vuelta y salir y detener esto, pero no los tengo.
Oh, they may not like your husband. But how can they hold anything against you?
Puede que no les guste vuestro esposo pero, dudo que tengan algo contra vos.
You want to be Matthew's friend, be Matthew's friend, but don't do anything because of us.
Si quieres ser amiga de Matthew, sé amiga de Matthew, pero no hagas nada por nosotros.
Listen, I know that you have Miss Violet in Ralph Angel's contact information, but if anything happens with Blue, can you keep me informed too?
Escucha, sé que tienes a Miss Violet como contacto de Ralph Angel, pero si pasa algo con Blue, ¿ puedes mantenerme informada también?
I don't know anything about this Jedi, but a Mandalorian trespasser has invoked the code.
No sé nada sobre este Jedi pero una intrusa mandaloriana ha invocado el código.
I can cover for you a couple of days, but I haven't heard anything. Understood?
Ok, puedo cubrirlos por algunos días, pero yo no he oído nada. ¿ Entendido?
He didn't see anything. He was frightened, but he's at his dad's now.
pero está en casa de su padre ahora.
I know it sounds crazy, but did we have anything to do with it?
pero no puedo dejar de pensar que tenemos algo que ver con eso.
I'm trying, but... I can't feel anything.
Lo intento, pero... no puedo sentir nada.
I didn't know he ate people for a living'cause, per usual, I'm the last one to know anything, despite the fact I've done nothing but prove myself a valuable member of this team.
No sabía que comía gente para vivir porque, como de costumbre, soy la última en saber todo, pese al hecho de que no he estado haciendo nada más que probar que soy un miembro valioso de este equipo.
But if you can swallow those kale chips, you can swallow just about anything.
Pero si te puedes tragar esos chips de col rizada, te puedes tragar casi cualquier cosa.
But I can't remember the last time she's written anything.
Pero no puedo recordar la ultima vez que ella escribio algo.
But she hasn't written anything in over two weeks.
Pero ella no ha escrito nada en dos semanas.
Look, I know it sounds... I know it sounds stupid, but I feel like that sweater can get me through anything and, my citizenship test is tomorrow.
Mirad, sé que suena... sé que suena estúpido, pero siento que esa chaqueta puede hacerme conseguir cualquier cosa y, mi examen de ciudadanía es mañana.
But remember when you told me if a really handsome, attractive guy with really great hair, tenderly touches your face you could do anything?
¿ Pero recuerda que me dijiste que si un tío verdaderamente guapo, atractivo con una gran melena, y que te tocase tiernamente la cara podrías hacer cualquier cosa?
No-one wants to believe that the head that wears the crown is anything less than sane, but if needs must, we must not shirk our duty.
Nadie quiere pensar que la cabeza que lleva la corona está lejos de ser sana, pero si fuera imprescindible, no debemos eludir nuestro deber.
But more than anything I care about you and the baby.
Pero sobre todo me preocupo por ti y por el bebé.
Not that I'm jealous or anything, but you just received high praise from David Downey.
No es que esté celosa ni nada pero acabas de recibir un halago de David Downey.
You know, I would do anything to keep my wife alive, but she's... she's had so many false hopes.
Sabe, haría lo que fuera por mantener a mi esposa viva, pero ella... ella tuvo muchas falsas esperanzas.
And I know you told me don't say anything, but I've had two gin and tonics, and everybody knows that's my talking juice.
Y sé que me dijiste no digo nada, Pero he tenido dos gin tonics, Y todo el mundo sabe que es mi jugo que habla.
But you can't let him or anything else keep you from directing all of your opinions into that computer.
Pero no puedes dejar que él ni nadie te impida dirigir todas tus opiniones... a ese computador.
Stay hydrated, but don't get anything wet.
Hidrátate, pero no mojes nada.
But, you know, the other thing is, I always hear anything to last this long,
Pero, sabes, la otra cosa es... siempre escucho que si algo dura tanto tiempo...
But we didn't say anything about her heart, did we?
Pero no dijimos nada de su corazón, ¿ verdad?
I mentioned her, and he asked what she was like, but I didn't say anything.
No. Yo le dije, y me preguntó cómo era ella, pero yo no he dicho nada.
But, Stan, seriously, have you heard anything about that janitorial job?
Pero, Stan, en serio ¿ no has escuchado nada de ese trabajo de conserje?
I thought me and Francine were fine, but we don't share anything.
Pensaba que Francine y yo estábamos bien pero no compartimos nada.
But then, I'm good to go, like now, and I'm just cooking with gas, so anything you need.
Pero después, estoy bien para seguir, como ahora, y solo cocino con gas, así que, lo que sea que necesite.
- Yeah, but I don't know anything.
- Sí, pero yo no sé nada.
But I'm not stopping anything.
Pero no voy a parar nada.
Okay, okay before you say anything, I know I made this decision without you, but it doesn't mean that it's not the right one.
Okay, okay antes de Que digas algo, ya sabes que tome esta decisión Sin consultarte,
Well, anything goes with that new Pope, but, you know, they bury St. Joseph when they want to sell their house, so this just makes sense.
Bueno, todo vale con este nuevo Papa, pero, tu sabes, entierran a San José cuando quieren vender una casa, asi que esto tiene sentido.
I did have an MRI, which didn't show anything, but maybe I should have another one.
Me hicieron una resonancia magnética que no reveló nada, pero quizás deberían hacerme otra.
I don't think they have anything on you, but just be aware.
Están husmeando, pescando. No creo que tengan nada sobre ti, pero tenlo en cuenta.
Okay, it's what I was doing, but she didn't know anything about it, okay?
Bien, eso era lo que hacía, pero ella no sabía nada, ¿ bien?
So, you don't want to hire me for anything, but that's your lawyer?
Entopnces no me quieres contratar.., pero ese es su abogado?
Yeah, but we didn't do anything wrong.
Sí, pero no hemos hecho nada malo.
- but he's not copping to anything.
- pero no está soltando nada.
But if you want to help me... I'm looking for pretty much anything with "barbital" in the name.
Pero si quieres ayudarme... busco cualquier cosa que... lleve "barbital" en el nombre.
- I get this feeling like - like, we didn't have a fight or anything, but something -
No hemos tenido una pelea, ni nada, pero algo...
You know, I'm not an educated guy or anything, but it seems to me that common law is when there's nothing written down, right?
Sabes, yo no soy un tipo muy educado ni nada... pero me parece que el derecho común... se aplica cuando no hay nada escrito, ¿ verdad?
anything but that 44
but why 1666
butt 228
butter 143
buttercup 79
butters 545
butler 120
buttons 69
butterfly 109
butch 301
but why 1666
butt 228
butter 143
buttercup 79
butters 545
butler 120
buttons 69
butterfly 109
butch 301
button 151
butterfield 16
butcher 47
butterscotch 33
butthole 26
butts 25
butterfingers 25
butterflies 55
butthead 21
butchie 17
butterfield 16
butcher 47
butterscotch 33
butthole 26
butts 25
butterfingers 25
butterflies 55
butthead 21
butchie 17
but i can't 1234
but today 329
but that's not you 16
but i don't 540
but you 1775
but nice 57
but thank you 574
but it wasn't 208
but i'm going 29
but no 1574
but today 329
but that's not you 16
but i don't 540
but you 1775
but nice 57
but thank you 574
but it wasn't 208
but i'm going 29
but no 1574