Aside from that Çeviri İspanyolca
565 parallel translation
Of course I ain't heard any angels singing, but aside from that...
Desde luego no he oído el canto de los ángeles, pero aparte de eso...
And aside from that it has a reward, doesn't it?
¿ Y además, es rentable, verdad?
But aside from that, what bearing has all this on the case?
Además, ¿ qué tiene que ver esto con el caso?
Aside from that, they treated me as one of themselves.
Fuera de eso, me trataban como una más.
Aside from that, you know nothing.
Eso no significa gran cosa.
No, no. Aside from that. There's something missing.
No, no, aparte de eso, falta algo.
Aside from that, have you seen Miss d'Onneville?
¿ Has visto a la Srta. d'Onneville?
Aside from that, why did you say "very good"?
Además, porque has dicho "muy bien"?
But aside from that, what have you done?
Pero, aparte de eso, ¿ qué ha hecho? ¿ Qué puede hacer?
Get aside from that door, Mr Finch.
Aléjese de esa puerta, Sr. Finch.
Aside from that, I'm free as the wind.
Aparte de eso, soy libre como el viento.
Aside from that, what's new?
¿ Aparte de esto, qué novedades?
Aside from that, we're doing very well, thank you.
Aparte de eso nos va muy bien, gracias.
Aside from that, I'll leave you.
Bueno, os dejo.
Aside from that, you say it's a Garden of Eden.
Aparte de eso, dice que es el jardín del edén.
She's very home-oriented, as she would put it. But I guess aside from that, I'm pretty ha...
Ella está muy centrada en los hogares.
Aside from that, did you notice anything unusual about him?
Aparte de eso, ¿ notó algo raro en él?
Aside from that, I saw the judge...
Aparte de eso, vi al juez...
Aside from that though, it's a great bit.
Si no fuera por eso, no está mal.
Aside from that, it's ginger-peachy.
Aparte de eso, todo va de perlas.
Aside from that, things are pretty relaxed here.
Sin embargo, es un lugar bastante tranquilo.
That you will not turn aside from the Crusade until the Holy City is again free?
¿ Que no te alejarás de Ia Cruzada... hasta que Ia Ciudad Santa sea liberada?
But aside from all that... I'm thinking mainly of the thousands of pilgrims... who come here daily with hope in their hearts.
Pero, aparte de eso estoy pensando sobre todo en los miles de peregrinos que vienen aquí a diario con esperanza en sus corazones.
- Yeah? Has it ever occurred to you, aside from certain medical considerations... that most of this is none of your business?
¿ No has pensado, aparte de las cuestiones médicas... que esto no es asunto tuyo?
Entirely aside from the divorce action, there are aspects of this case... that would be of the greatest interest to the district attorney... if we chose to call his attention to them.
Fuera del divorcio, hay aspectos de este caso... que serían de mucho interés para el fiscal del distrito... si decidiéramos decirle algo.
Whoever I marry has some real regard for me aside from all that loving stuff.
... que ese hombre siente verdadero afecto por mí... ... aparte de todo eso... ... del amor.
Aside from your sad failure to give throat to spirited battle cries... was your behavior different in any respect from that of the other men in your company?
Si bien no prestó su garganta a enérgicos gritos de batalla... ¿ su comportamiento fue distinto de el del resto de los hombres?
Aside from the inescapable fact that a good many of your men never left the trenches... there's the question of the troops'morale. Don't forget that.
Aparte de que muchos soldados ni salieron de las trincheras... está el tema de la moral de las tropas, no lo olvide.
Well, aside from the fact that a cockroach is the lowest form of life, I guess my job as a sheepherder, I was underneath him.
Bien, asumiendo que una cucaracha es la forma mas baja de vida, me preguntaba si mi trabajo como pastor estaba por debajo de ellas.
Aside from all that. If we've got any chance it's going to be from working together.
Aparte de eso, si tenemos alguna opción, será haciéndolo juntos.
Aside from my husband's case, isn't there a nightclub by that name?
Aparte de un caso de mi marido, hay un club nocturno llamado así.
You might also have taken into consideration that... aside from the fact that he's my best friend...
También considere que... además de que es mi mejor amigo...
It's the fact that... aside from each other... you don't have any close friends.
Es el hecho de que... además de ustedes... no tienen amigos.
Aside from the fact that you should go unnoticed, almost invisible,..
Aparte del hecho de que no deberías destacarte, casi invisible,
I'll bet that old boy was a man to stand aside from when he was young and limber.
Menudo pájaro estaría hecho el viejo cuando era joven y ágil.
I truly believed that the ladies would put aside their natural personal enmity, but there were so many people who profited from them being at each other's throats.
verdaderamente creí que las damas hicieron a un lado su natural enemidad personal, pero hubo muchos que se enriquecieron con ellas agarradas de las greñas.
Stay away from that gun and stay aside. Stay away from that gun!
Aléjese de esa arma y quédese a un lado. ¡ Aléjese de esa arma!
Aside from all other considerations, such as breaking the rules... and disappearing for three hours... so that Sister Elizabeth had to call in the police to locate you... don't you think it's highly unethical to be spying on a competitor?
Aparte de todas las demás consideraciones, como romper las reglas... y la desaparición por tres horas... por lo que la hermana Elizabeth tuvo que llamar a la policía para localizarlas... ¿ no les parece que es muy poco ético espiar a la competencia?
Yes, but aside from the fact that we want to protect you we want to make this man look as bad as we can, and pictures of a spy walking into a trap can be quite condemning.
Sí, pero aparte del hecho de que queremos protegerle, queremos que este hombre parezca lo más malo posible, y fotos de un espía cayendo en una trampa pueden ser fatales.
Aside from ambition, isn't that how Macbeth and Lady Macbeth destroyed themselves and each other?
Aparte de la ambición, ¿ no es por eso que Macbeth y Lady Macbeth se destruyeron a sí mismos y entre sí?
Aside from taking every penny that I've got
Además de llevarte cada centavo que tengo.
Aside from the girl who served me breakfast, I didn't see anybody else that I remembered.
Aparte de la chica que me sirvió el desayuno, no vi a nadie más que yo recuerde.
And aside from the few things that you just mentioned, it wasn't a bad place at all.
Quitando un par de cosas que ha dicho no era tan mal sitio.
From as many countries as possible, leaving aside social rank and all that, to get to know each other.
"de distintos países," sin distinción social. Para que se conozcan.
In what other respect was your relationship with her not that of mother and daughter aside from your not calling her mother?
¿ En qué otro aspecto su relación con ella no era la de una madre y una hija, aparte de no llamarla usted mamá?
But, in his own time, he was regarded mainly as an engineer and an architect. And, of course, it was long before we turned aside from the barren road of technology. Yes, that's all very interesting.
Rassilon encontró el Ojo de la Armonía, el cual equilibra todas las cosas,... no hay flujo, marchitamiento, ni cambios en su estado en ningún grado.
My dear Miss Parker, aside from the priest, and now of course you, nobody has lived in that building for... three years.
Estimada Srta. Parker... además del sacerdote y, por supuesto, usted... hace tres años que no vive nadie en ese edificio.
Aside from all that, her work is lousy.
Además su trabajo es pésimo
Some never come to be, unless those that behold the visions turn aside from their path to prevent them.
Algunas nunca ocurren, excepto cuando alguien que contempla las visiones... se aparta del camino para prevenirlas.
Aside from which, so far, the courts have agreed that he has not overstepped the bounds of his authority.
¿ Qué? No... solo... - Estoy bromeando.
I told you once I had flaws that were unbearable in a woman. Aside from my ugliness, I mean.
Ya le dije un día que tengo defectos imperdonables en una mujer además de la fealdad, claro.
from that day on 36
from that moment 18
from that moment on 36
from that 25
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
from that moment 18
from that moment on 36
from that 25
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161