Before that Çeviri İspanyolca
50,441 parallel translation
I hated him before that!
¡ Lo odiaba antes de eso!
But you've heard me say before that relationships aren't singular, right?
Pero me has escuchado decir que las relaciones son de dos, ¿ cierto?
Yeah, before that I worked at the UN.
Sí, antes de eso trabajé en la ONU.
I'll be back before that happens.
Volveré antes.
The last two years are completely blank for everyone, but before that, they all worked for the same company, protogen.
Los últimos dos años están totalmente en blanco para todos, pero antes de eso, todos trabajaban para la misma compañía, Protogen.
So... tell us exactly what happened that morning before Shannon left for school?
Bueno... ¿ cuéntenos exactamente qué pasó... esa mañana antes de que Shannon se fuera al colegio?
Never heard you say that before!
- ¡ Nunca te escuché decir eso antes!
You've asked me that before.
- Me lo ha preguntado antes.
I was miserable before I got on the donor list, but now, after this change... I don't know who I am anymore, and that's...
No era feliz antes de entrar en la lista de trasplante, pero ahora después de este cambio ya no sé quién soy y eso es...
And I wish we had known about that thing inside it before it ripped it out of its chest!
¡ Y ojalá hubiéramos sabido de esa cosa dentro suyo antes que se la arrancara del pecho!
He got scared that he was going to run out of air before we made it back to the ship, so we welded the valve shut.
Le asustaba que se quedara sin aire antes que lo hiciéramos regresar a la nave, así que soldó la válvula herméticamente.
At this rate, that thing's gonna get to the reactor before we can seal everything off.
A este ritmo, esa cosa va a llegar al reactor antes que podamos sellar todo.
I've heard that before.
Ya me dijeron eso antes.
So before you get in that car and drive back to Modesto, just think about them, okay?
Así que, antes de que te montes en ese coche y conduzcas de vuelta a Modesto, piensa en ellos, ¿ vale?
Before you do that, I don't actually have the formula.
Antes de que lo hagas, aún no tengo la fórmula
We need to let that play out before we do anything rash.
Tenemos que jugar a su manera antes de hacer algo precipitado.
If you kill Felicity, then you're killing that part of yourself that existed before you lost your family.
Si matas a Felicity, estarás matando esa parte de ti misma que existió antes de que perdieras a tu familia.
We need to find Boland before she gets involved in something that she can't handle.
Debemos encontrar a Boland antes que se vea envuelta en algo que no puede manejar.
That's who I was before!
¡ Es quien era antes!
No. I tried to get that, but it turns out you had to have had a job before you can get it.
Intenté obtenerlo, pero tienes que haber tenido un empleo para obtenerlo.
Yeah, I had made that observation before.
Sí, yo hice esa observación antes.
That's an observation I've made before. Uh...
Es una observación que hice antes.
That was just before he deployed the first time.
Eso fue antes de la primera vez que lo desplegaron.
Before we talk about accreditation, I would like to... address a complaint that I received from a concerned parent about a school-sponsored gay sex education class their daughter attended.
Antes de hablar de la acreditación, me gustaría... atender una queja que he recibido de un padre acerca de una clase de educación sexual gay patrocinada por la escuela, a la que su hija asistió.
Okay, before we start, Emma, I want to make sure that you are comfortable discussing this.
Bueno, antes de empezar, Emma, quiero asegurarme de que estarás cómoda hablando sobre esto.
But before we nail down a design, we have to find a tree that we're gonna build in.
Pero antes de determinar el diseño, tenemos que encontrar un árbol en el que la construiremos.
Nobody ever done nothin like that for me before.
Nadie hizo nada como eso por mí antes.
Before your daughter gets on the stand with that story... check that out.
Antes de que su hija se ponga al estrado con esa historia... revísala.
I'm not so sure about that, but either way, we got to stop whatever it is these women are up to before more bodies drop.
No estoy tan seguro de eso, pero de cualquier forma, tenemos que detener lo que sea que estén tramando estas mujeres antes de que aparezcan más cadáveres.
Where have I heard that before?
¿ Dónde escuché eso antes?
That's how long my father struggled under the water before he died.
Ese es el tiempo que mi padre luchó debajo del agua antes de morir.
We need to get into that casino, and we need to stop the attack before it happens.
Tenemos que entrar en el casino, y necesitamos detener el ataque antes de que suceda.
Before she died, Taiana, well, she told me that he was a monster.
Antes de que Taiana muriera, bueno, me dijo que era un monstruo.
You and I need to talk some sense into Oliver before he does something that he's gonna regret.
Tú y yo necesitamos hablar sobre hacer entrar en razón a Oliver antes de que haga algo de lo que se vaya a arrepentir.
Before you get too judgmental, know that you're gonna help me free Cayden from wherever Argus is holding him.
Antes de que te pongas demasiado crítica, que sepas que me vas a ayudar a liberar a Cayden de donde sea que ARGUS lo tiene retenido.
Before he was taken, Cayden was working on a biometric tracker that could recognize a heartbeat anywhere in the world.
Antes de que se lo llevaran, Cayden estaba trabajando en un rastreador biométrico que podía reconocer un latido en cualquier sitio del mundo.
That's higher than it was before.
Es más alto de lo que lo era antes.
And this is way before I put on that hockey mask and started throwing down with human scum.
Y esto mucho antes de que me pusiera esa máscara de hockey y empezara a luchar contra la escoria humana.
Ok, Chase has worked with evil Laurel before, but she's currently locked up at Argus, and there is no way that Evelyn is doing this all by herself.
Vale, Chase ya ha trabajado antes con la Laurel malvada, pero actualmente está encerrada en ARGUS, y no hay manera de que Evelyn esté haciendo todo esto por sí sola.
Before Chase tortured me, I told him that the team was my strength.
Antes de que Chase me torturara, le dije que el equipo era mi fuerza.
The night before the Undertaking, some of my associates, especially those who were on the wrong end of your bow, thought that the hood had computer skills.
La noche anterior a la Empresa, algunos de mis asociados, especialmente los que estaban en el lado equivocado de tu arco, pensaron que el encapuchado tenía habilidades informáticas.
But I swear to you, I will end him before I let that happen.
Pero te juro, que acabaré con él antes de que pase.
You said that before.
Lo dijeron antes.
Leukotriene B4 is present and what that means is that there's inflammation and, those injuries came before she died.
Leucotrieno B4 presente... y lo que eso significa es que hubo inflamación... y, esas heridas fueron antes de morir.
I'm sure Monsieur Mao will personally see that Protogen helps the U.N. investigation with complete transparency before any more tragedy occurs.
Estoy seguro de que el Sr. Mao personalmente verá que Protogen ayude a la investigación de la ONU con total transparencia antes que alguna otra tragedia ocurra.
That massive heat spike before Eros moved?
¿ Ese pico de calor masivo antes que Eros se moviera?
We need to figure out that dead man's switch, create a longer delay so that we can get you out of there before the bomb detonates.
Tenemos que resolver lo del interruptor de hombre muerto, crear un retraso más largo así podemos sacarte de allí antes que explote la bomba.
Aside from the fact that I'd be dead long before then.
Más allá del hecho de que estaría muerto mucho tiempo antes de eso.
You can assume that I intend to see for myself before I pass sentence.
Puede asumir que tengo la intención de ver... por mí mismo antes de dictar sentencia.
Yeah, we've heard that before.
Sí, ya lo hemos oído otras veces.
Yeah, well, I think sometimes people forget that I was the first female president. - Before Montez.
Bueno, a veces la gente se olvida de que yo fui la primera presidenta, antes que Montez.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16