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Clark gable Çeviri İspanyolca

170 parallel translation
Dawes and his pipe, Clark Gable and his turtleneck sweaters.
Dawes y su pipa, Clark Gable y sus jerséis de cuello alto.
I loved Clark Gable and am already cured!
¡ Amé a Clark Gable y ya estoy curada!
Who is Clark Gable?
¿ Quién es Clark Gable?
Do not know who Clark Gable!
¡ No sabe quién es Clark Gable!
Imagine that Max got on the liner only because he had seen me.
Es delicioso, a lo Clark Gable. ¿ Ha visto sus películas? ¡ Qué amor!
It's tremendous, like Clark Gable.
Las hemos visto en versión original.
Or would you rather have me be Clark Gable?
¿ O prefieres que me parezca a Clark Gable?
You get back to your hometown. I liked movies, though I really
Pero me daba igual donde viviera Clark Gable.
Didn't care where Clark Gable lived. But here were people going someplace,
Pero esas personas iban a algún lugar y me dejé arrastrar.
He thought my wife was his dish, and she thought I was Clark Gable.
Él se encaprichó de mi mujer y ella pensaba que yo era Clark Gable.
You want be Clark Gable.
qué guapo, se cree que es Clark Gable.
Of course, in - in my version, I took her away from Clark Gable... which was quite a trick considering that I was only three feet tall.
En mi versión, yo se la robaba a Clark Gable, claro... Io cual era una verdadera hazaña ya queyo sólo media un metro.
These two victims'skulls were perforated by a drill, maybe an electrical one.
Clark Gable no está en esta película. ... por un taladro posiblemente eléctrico.
Don't pay attention to me, chief. Thank you doctor, sorry to bother you. Not at all.
Un amigo mío decía que la interacción entre estos tres tipos le recordaba a una escena entre Odd Job, Joe Flynn y Clark Gable en La cuarta dimensión.
It's Jean Harlow and Mr. Clark Gable.
Son Jean Harlow y Clark Gable.
My young man is taking me to a Clark Gable movie.
Mi joven amigo me llevará a una película de Clark Gable.
Oh... Oh, if we hurry, maybe we can catch the Clark Gable movie at the Orpheum.
Rápido, quizá lleguemos a la de Gable en el Orpheum.
Clark Gable?
¿ Clark Gable?
Clark Gable!
iClark Gable!
Clark Gable, Rita Hayworth!
iClark Gable, Rita Hayworth!
Manhattan melodrama is on now starring clark gable.
Estamos pasando "El enemigo público no 1", protagonizada por Clark Gable.
I remember a movie once... where, uh, Clark Gable was a test pilot. And he was married to, uh, Myrna Loy.
Recuerdo una película... en la que Clark Gable era piloto de pruebas... y estaba casado con Myrna Loy.
Clark Gable.
Clark Gable.
Norma Shearer and Edward Arnold looked on as Clark Gable made his musical debut in Idiot's Delight.
El Sr. Van. Norma Shearer y Edward Arnold observaban mientras Clark Gable... hacía su debut musical en Idiot's Delight.
Clark Gable surprised everyone with his delightfully corny routine.
Clark Gable sorprendió a todos con su rutina deliciosamente tonta.
The first time I met the king, Clark Gable he looked down at me and said, "Hello, beautiful."
La primera vez que vi al rey, Clark Gable... me miró hacia abajo y me dijo. ; "Hola, preciosa."
They even offered 20th Century Fox Jean Harlow and Clark Gable just to get Temple for a certain picture Metro was preparing.
Incluso ofrecieron a la 20th Century Fox a Jean Harlow y a Clark Gable... para conseguir a Temple para una película que estaba preparando la Metro.
And impersonate Clark Gable It's a busy life in Camelot
Y hacemos de Clark Gable Tenemos una vida ocupada en Camelot.
- Gable he's not.
- No es Clark Gable.
Gable's arrived and they both came!
¡ Ha llegado Clark Gable!
Clark Gable!
¡ Clark Gable!
Have you seen how Clark Gable kissed Claudette Colbert in " It Happened One Night? Like this.
¿ Has visto a Clark Gable como besaba a Claudette Colbert en " Sucedió una noche?
Clark Gable was over there, and Claudette Colbert was right over here.
Clark Gable estaba allá y Claudette Colbert estaba aquí.
Algunas hermanas me dijeron que soy idéntico a Clark Gable.
Do you mean to say you actually met Clark Gable?
¿ Conoció de verdad a Clark Gable?
is that the one with Clark Gable or Gary Cooper?
¿ Es en la que sale Clark Gable o Gary Cooper?
I know, my head is filled with pictures of Clark Gable taking his shirt off.
Mi mente está llena de imágenes de Clark Gable... quitándose la camisa.
Clark Gable kissing Vivien Leigh?
Clark Gable besando a Vivien Leigh :
Excuse me. - I'm Clark Gable's double.
- Soy el doble de Clark Gable.
Like Clark Gable, who danced with her.
Como "Clark Gable", el que bailó con ella.
Clark Gable was in town this week in uniform... and where did he go?
Clark Gable estuvo en la ciudad de uniforme. ¿ Y adónde fue?
We can hitchhike. I can lift up my skirt, like in that Clark Gable movie, It Happened One Night.
Me levantaré la falda como en la pelicula de Clark Gable Sucedió una noche.
My only brush with destiny was when Clark Gable came to me in a dream and said,
Mi único encuentro con el destino Fue cuando Clark Gable Vino a mí en un sueño y dijo,
Clark Gable is dead.
Clark Gable está muerto.
A lot like Clark Gable.
Se parecía a Clark Gable.
Don't you give me that crooked little smile you stole from Clark Gable.
No me des esa pequeña sonrisa torcida que le robaste a Clark Gable.
I didn't steal that from Clark Gable!
¡ No robé eso de Clark Gable!
- Clark Gable? - Nope.
- ¿ Clark Gable?
Play blackjack at the solid oak table where famous Hollywood movie star Clark Gable...
Jueguen al blackjack en la mesa de roble macizo donde Clark Gable...
- You mean Clark?
- El señor Gable. - ¿ Te refieers a Clark?
No-No offense, Pierce... but you don't exactly look like Clark Gable and you don't sound like Ronald Colman... and you don't move like Fred Astaire.
- Debemos salvar a Klinger. - Secuestro de relevos.

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