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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Clark kent

Clark kent Çeviri İspanyolca

837 parallel translation
Right. Hey, Stanley couldn't be a Clark Kent, could he?
Stanley no podría ser como Clark Kent, ¿ verdad?
No, no, on weekdays he's meek, mild Clark Kent.
No, no. Entre semana, es el bueno de Clark Kent.
- This looks like a job for Clark Kent.
- Esto parece un trabajo para Clark Kent.
You know, from Superman, Clark Kent, man of steel.
Ya sabe, por Superman. Clark Kent, el hombre de acero.
Martha Clark Kent, are you listening to what I'm saying?
Martha Clark Kent, ¿ me estás oyendo?
There's only one "P" in "rapist." Lois Lane, say hello to Clark Kent.
Tienes una errata en "violador". Lois Lane, saluda a Clark Kent.
Clark Kent.
Clark Kent.
Lois, Clark Kent may seem like just a mild-mannered reporter but not only does he know how to treat his Chief with the proper respect not only does he have a snappy, punchy prose style but he is, in my 40 years in this business, the fastest typist I've ever seen.
Lois, Clark Kent puede parecer un periodista demasiado modoso, pero no sólo sabe tratar a su jefe con el debido respeto, y tiene un prosa incisiva y vigorosa, es que además, llevo aquí 40 años y no he visto un mecanógrafo más rápido.
- Hi, Clark Kent.
- Hola, Clark Kent.
- Clark Kent.
- Me llamo Clark Kent.
- Clark Kent. How do...
- Clark Kent. ¿ Cómo...?
You realize, of course if you'd been wrong, Clark Kent would have been killed.
Sabes, por supuesto que de haber estado equivocada, Clark Kent habría muerto.
Must be tough being Clark Kent, isn't it?
Debe ser difícil ser Clark Kent.
We got Ziggy Stardust, the Mad Hatter and Clark Kent.
Tenemos Ziggy Stardust, The Mad Hatter y Clark Kent.
- Clark Kent.
- Clark Kent.
Clark Kent's your cousin?
Clark Kent es su primo?
- That's Clark Kent's cousin?
- Eso s prima de Clark Kent?
- Who's Clark Kent?
- Quien s Clark Kent?
Clark Kent!
¡ Clark Kent!
And while you're at it, fire that Clark Kent.
Y ya que estás en eso, despide a Clark Kent.
Sir, I'm Clark Kent, with the Shuster University Herald.
Señor, soy Clark Kent, del Heraldo de la Universidad de Shuster.
I'm from Smallville, Clark Kent.
Soy de Smallville, Clark Kent.
- Clark Kent.
- A Clark Kent.
DJ Clark Kent.
Clark Kent, el pinchadiscos.
You look like Clark Kent.
Te pareces a Clark Kent.
How can they not realize that Clark Kent is Superman?
¿ Como no se percatan de que Clark Kent es Superman?
I'm Clark Kent.
Soy Clark Kent.
Clark Kent.
Habla Clark Kent.
Who was it who called me last night, practically in tears... because she stole a story from Clark Kent?
¿ Quién me llamó anoche, prácticamente llorando porque le robó una historia a Clark Kent?
And you'll apologize to Clark Kent?
¿ Y te disculparás con Clark Kent?
Hi, this is Clark Kent in the newsroom.
Hola, soy Clark Kent de la redacción.
Lois Lane. Clark Kent. Daily Planet.
del Daily Planet.
He's fine. Allie, this is Clark Kent, my...
Clark Kent, sir.
Sorry. Sam Lane, Clark Kent.
Clark Kent.
Clark Kent?
- ¡ Un momento!
- Is your name Clark Kent?
¿ Se llama Clark Kent?
Clark Kent.
- Kent. Clark Kent.
Clark Kent, welcome to The Daily Planet.
Clark Kent, bienvenido a The Daily Planet.
There has to be a way that I can be Clark Kent... and still use what I've been given to do some good.
Tiene que haber una forma de que pueda ser Clark Kent... y aun así usar mis dones para el bien.
Lex, this is Clark Kent.
Lex, le presento a Clark Kent.
Platt has to be silenced... and those reporters, Clark Kent and Lois Lane... are also becoming a problem.
Hay que silenciar a Platt... y a los periodistas, Clark Kent y Lois Lane... también son un problema.
- Clark Kent, for example?
- Clark Kent, ¿ por ejemplo?
You are a strange one, Clark Kent.
Eres raro, Clark Kent.
It's Clark Kent.
Es Clark Kent.
I'm Clark Kent, this is Lois Lane.
Soy Clark Kent y ella es Lois Lane.
A Clark Kent and a Lois Lane from the Daily Planet.
Clark Kent y Lois Lane del Daily Planet.
Clark Kent?
¿ Clark Kent?
Mr. Irig, I'm going to put you on with Clark Kent.
Sr. Irig, lo comunicaré con Clark Kent.
Lois Lane.
- Lois Lane. Clark Kent ".
It's Clark Kent.
Me llamo Clark Kent.

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