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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Cooperative

Cooperative Çeviri İspanyolca

1,031 parallel translation
And I got a hunch he'll be real cooperative.
Y tengo el presentimiento de que estará dispuesto a cooperar.
I haven't been very cooperative, have I?
No he colaborado mucho, ¿ verdad?
If you don't come in with us, you might run into some other outfit that wouldn't be so cooperative.
Si no vienes con nosotros, te tendrás que aliar con otros que no serán tan cooperativos.
Cooperative Borrowers.
Cooperativa de prestamistas.
We have the plans for fortifications the devil himself couldn't breach... solid steel and concrete from Denmark to Spain... but I'm afraid our French friends aren't being as cooperative as they might be.
Tenemos planos para fortificaciones que no penetraría ni el diablo. De acero y hormigón de Dinamarca y España. Temo que nuestros amigos franceses no cooperan como debieran.
Lewis, you've been very cooperative.
Lewis, has sido muy cooperativo.
You're very cooperative, Mr. Smith.
Está muy dispuesto a cooperar, Sr. Smith.
I believe in being cooperative, Colonel.
Creo en la cooperación, coronel.
Mr. Smith, I advise you to be cooperative.
Sr. Smith, le aconsejo que coopere.
He wasn't there, and they weren't cooperative.
No estaba y nadie cooperó demasiado.
We need to make a cooperative, to buy the bus!
¡ Debemos hacer una cooperativa para comprar el autobús!
- The cooperative.
- La cooperativa.
- The cooperative is us!
- ¡ Nosotros somos la cooperativa!
Me, a cooperative?
¿ Yo soy una cooperativa?
You need a driver for this cooperative?
- La cooperativa necesitará un conductor.
This coachmen cooperative is indeed very clever,.. it shows to people that will can win forever!
¡ La cooperativa de los cocheros es una cooperativa muy inteligente,... porque demuestra a los ciudadanos que una mano lava a la otra!
The cooperative...
La cooperativa...
The cooperative no longer exists!
- ¡ La cooperativa ya no existe!
And the green-painted cooperative where we bought our wine.
Y la cooperativa pintada de verde donde comprábamos el vino.
I realize that, Mr. Chairman, But I think a cooperative witness should receive A statement of appreciation from the committee.
Me doy cuenta de ello, Sr. Presidente, pero creo que un testigo de cooperación debe recibir una declaración de reconocimiento del comité.
What is this, all of a sudden you're so cooperative?
¿ Cómo es que de pronto es tan cooperativo?
Got to be cooperative, think of the good of the show.
Tengo que cooperar por el bien de la obra.
I'm extremely grateful that you are both cooperative.
Estoy agradecido que los dos sean tan cooperadores.
The first thing that's going on is my robe, on your arm there if you'll be so cooperative.
ocurre que puede pasarme la bata que sostiene si es tan amable.
This will be the first cooperative football team in history.
Será el primer equipo de fútbol americano cooperativista de la historia.
I must say, Harry, you're being very cooperative about this
Debo decir, Harry, que estas siento muy cooperador
- I was up there and feeling good, with it being Christmas Eve and her being cooperative...
- Estaba allí tan a gusto, siendo Nochebuena y ella tan servicial...
West, since you're so cooperative, stay after class and help me out.
West, como eres tan servicial, me ayudarás después de clase.
I mean, you can be so cooperative on a thing like this.
Estás dispuesto a ayudar en esto.
And all along on the way back, Eden Lane was gentle, resigned and cooperative.
"Y durante todo el camino de regreso," "Eden Lane estuvo amable, resignada y colaboradora."
But with Quirino they get nowhere, Quirino is not cooperative.
Pero con Quirino no se averigua, Quirino no colabora.
I'm about to form the cooperative brewing company of Tobiki.
Voy a crear la Sociedad Cooperativa Destiladora de Tobiki.
Now, it's banked in the name of the Tobiki Cooperative Company.
Está a nombre de la Sociedad Cooperativa Destiladora de Tobiki.
... cooperative, informative.
... cooperador, comunicativo.
You sound as if Miss Barkley had been very cooperative.
Me parece que la señorita Barkley era muy cooperativa.
We are faced with a crisis, a crisis for which all the nations of the world, in unprecedented cooperative action, have found as yet no solution.
Estamos enfrentando una crisis, una crisis para todas las naciones donde el mundo entero unido, en una acción cooperativa sin precedentes, no ha encontrado todavía una solución.
Well, you haven't been too cooperative.
Bueno, no fuiste muy cooperativo.
You'll find I'm a very cooperative person.
- Verá que soy un gran colaborador.
I should have known you wouldn't be cooperative.
Tenia que haberlo sospechado.
I'm much obliged to you, sir, for being so cooperative.
- Le agradezco su colaboración.
You work for a cooperative or on your own?
¿ Usted trabaja en una cooperativa o por su cuenta?
Yes, for the cooperative.
Sí, para una cooperativa.
From the cooperative!
¡ De una cooperativa!
A cooperative hen has just supplied the egg and the milk should be here any moment now.
Una gallina cooperativa ha puesto el huevo y la leche llegará en cualquier momento.
he was as cooperative and as understanding of what your job was and as long as you did your job professionally, he went right along with you.
él era el que más colaboraba y comprendía cuál era tu trabajo. Mientras hicieras tu trabajo profesionalmente, estaba de tu lado.
At first the people at the paper weren't very cooperative.
Cuando fuimos, los del periódico se mostraron reacios a cooperar.
- We will say you were cooperative.
- Diremos que usted cooperó.
- I've been cooperative all my life.
- Toda mi vida he cooperado.
Agradecemos su colaboración.
I've received what amounts to a rather emotional little tidbit. That was decidedly more charitable than coöperative.
Más bien unos aspavientos más caritativos que corporativos no un buen negocio!
All I'm trying to do is be cooperative, sir.
Sólo pretendo ayudar en lo que puedo mi coronel.

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