Destructive Çeviri İspanyolca
1,524 parallel translation
it means she's not self-destructive, at least, not yet.
esto significa que no es auto-destructiva, por lo menos, no todavía.
tyr, we've determined that the cloud may be destructive or even fatal to the denizens of this moon.
Tyr, hemos determinado que la nube puede ser destructiva o incluso fatal para los habitantes de esta luna.
You're concerned because what's down there is so powerful and destructive?
¿ estás preocupado porque lo que hay ahí abajo es tan poderoso y destructivo?
She has a tendency to subscribe to self-destructive behaviours in her life, and that when one part of her life isn't going well she has this desire to destroy everything else going on.
Cuando algo anda mal siente el deseo de destruir todo lo demás.
The least offensive drug in a class of highly destructive ones but a member nonetheless.
La droga menos ofensiva dentro de las destructivas, pero del grupo.
Yes you are destructive today, Doe.
Pues sí que estás destructivo hoy, Doe.
Its destructive potential is unimaginable.
Su potencial destructivo es inimaginable.
Time to let those destructive impulses loose.
Hora de liberar esos impulsos destructivos.
Women are known to be more verbal than men. But when does criticism that's constructive become destructive?
Se sabe que las mujeres son más expresivas que los hombres, pero ¿ cuándo la crítica constructiva puede destruir?
So self-destructive.
Es autodestructivo.
Their motives are more self-destructive, self-punishing -
Y sus motivos son más autodestructivos, para autocastigarse.
The thing of it is, Lieutenant... Jimmy McNulty, when he ain't policing... he's a picture postcard of a drunken, self-destructive fuck-up.
El asunto es, Teniente que Jimmy McNulty, cuando no está investigando es la fotografía de un ebrio y autodestructivo perro.
At the same time, in Chicago there was another man who shared the same fears about the destructive force of individualism in America.
Al mismo tiempo, en Chicago, había otro hombre que compartía los mismos temores acerca de la fuerza destructiva del individualismo en América.
These past few weeks have left us all with a profound sense of humility in the face of nature's destructive power.
Estas semanas nos han dejado a todos con un profundo sentido de humildad ante el poder de destrucción de la naturaleza.
He's destructive.
Es destructivo.
You need to come back to LA, have a Bushmills and a Percocet, go out with an actress looking to advance her career and end this self-destructive behavior.
Necesitas regresar acá tomarte un whiskey y un analgésicogo salir con una actriz ambiciosa... y poner fin a tu conducta destructiva.
- I think it sounds destructive.
- ¡ No, suena destructivo!
Which would explain the way things actually are... Where people do destructive things like it doesn't matter.
Lo que explica cómo van las cosas y que la gente destruye cosas como si no importara.
Right? How come people are self-destructive?
¿ Por qué la gente es autodestructiva?
If you don't shut up, I will come to my senses and realize how stupid and self-destructive this is.
Y si no te callas, entraré en razón y veré lo estúpido y autodestructivo que es esto.
It's the humans being destructive monsters
Son los humanos los que son monstruos destructivos.
Left to her own devices, Melinda can be self - destructive.
Melinda puede ser muy autodestructiva.
Even though the impression that he had is that it was a destructive influence in his life that's one thing that makes it so extraordinary.
A pesar de que tenía la impresión de que era una influencia destructiva en su vida eso era lo extraordinario. Todo el mundo está loco.
Lee wasn't self-destructive.
Lee no era auto destructivo.
"but it is destructive to the dignity and independence of all who work, and to labor itself."
pero destruye la dignidad e independencia de los trabajadores y del trabajo en sí. "
It's like a self-destructive disease!
¡ Es una enfermedad autodestructiva!
- You're sick, destructive.
- Estás loca, perdida.
Now my Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon has more destructive power than ever before.
¿ Verdad? Ahora mi Dragón Brillante de ojos Azules, tiene más poder destructivo que antes.
Throughout the history of Stargate, we've had to deal with a lot of creepy destructive alien thugs and bugs.
Durante toda la historia Stargate, tuvimos que tratar con un montón de bichos y bestias alienigenas horripilantes y destructivas.
As destructive as a shotgun, really.
Tan destructivo como una escopeta.
Next generation destructive power.
La próxima generación de poder destructivo.
It was destructive and deliberate.
Es destructivo y deliberado.
- bring out this self-destructive streak in him.
- hacía salir su vena autodestructiva. - ¿ Solía?
Why destroy this prototype when we can see it in use... and gauge its destructive power?
¿ Por qué destruir este prototipo cuando podemos ver cómo lo usan? ¿ Evaluar su poder destructivo?
Well, there's a difference between thinking and doing and the latter can be very self-destructive and you're too smart for that.
Bueno, hay una diferencia entre pensando y haciendo y lo ultimo puede ser muy autodestructivo.
I don't - I don't either, I swear, it was... I was just being stupid and self-destructive for-for no reason what so ever.
Ni yo, ni yo tampoco, te lo juro, era era solo una estupidez autodestructiva.
If you ever manage to grow up and get yourself together and drop this selfish self-destructive behavior that you are so fond of, if that ever happens, you are gonna look back on this moment and you are gonna feel like a big steaming mound of crap that you missed this.
Si alguna vez logras crecer y madurar y librarte de ese comportamiento autodestructivo y egoísta, si eso ocurre, mirarás atrás a este momento y te sentirás como un estúpido por haberte perdido esto.
Agatha is self-destructive... and sadly touched by a madness... that I find terrifying.
Agatha es autodestructiva y lamentablemente está afectada por una locura... que encuentro espeluznante.
Because it'll be fun and because I'm self-destructive and because you're incredible, and I can't help myself.
Porque sería divertido, porque soy totalmente autodestructivo y porque... tú eres increíble y porque... no puedo contenerme.
The point is, afterwards, I did some pretty self-destructive things.
La cuestión es que, después, hice cosas bastante autodestructivas.
I mean, having a woman in the firehouse, it's destructive.
Una mujer en el parque va a ser fatal.
Anyway, in my opinion, it is more effective to address the situation than it is to become self-destructive by over-indulging a sweet tooth.
De todas formas, en mi opinión es más efectivo actuar sobre la situación que tornarse autodestructivo sometiéndose a la gula.
I have to think to keep from behaving in a compulsive and destructive manner, thanks to my early exposure to compulsive and destructive sexual energy.
Debo pensar para evitar comportarme de modo compulsivo y destructivo gracias a mi temprana exposición a la energía sexual compulsiva y destructiva.
I think it would be extremely self-destructive to put myself in that situation!
¡ Creo que seria muy autodestructivo exponerme a esa situacion!
I could see... The darkness... the destructive power that had always been inside me.
Pude ver la oscuridad el poder destructivo que había habitado dentro mío desde siempre.
For once you want to avoid doing something you know is wrong and would be destructive both to yourself and to the people you care about.
Por una vez quiere evitar hacer algo que sabe que está mal y que sería destructivo tanto para Ud... Eso es el crecimiento.
Nobody knows that beneath this sweet eight-year-old little boy lies the most evil, the most destructive supervillain of all time!
Nadie sabe que detrás de este dulce niño de 8 años vive el supervillano mas maligno y destructivo de todos los tiempos.
Unlike you, we exist in a non-corporeal form susceptible to the destructive effects of the Stargate on our home world.
A diferencia de ustedes, nosotros existimos en una forma no corpórea susceptible a ser destruida por los efectos del Stargate de nuestro mundo.
Lauren, our wild-caught female... is an unwieldy, some might say destructive, bird.
Lauren, nuestra salvaje fémina... es un pájaro difícil, algunos dirían incluso destructivo.
My shrink says it's made me less self-destructive.
Un consejo :
What destructive effects?
¿ Qué efectos destructivos?
destruction 111
destroy 130
destroyer 23
destroyed 125
destroy me 25
destroy it 102
destroy them 47
destruct in 17
destruct 155
destructed 18
destroy 130
destroyer 23
destroyed 125
destroy me 25
destroy it 102
destroy them 47
destruct in 17
destruct 155
destructed 18