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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Don't go back there

Don't go back there Çeviri İspanyolca

568 parallel translation
Go back there and tell them I didn't marry that dame for her dough and I don't want any of her dough now.
Vuelve allí y diles que no me casé con esa mujer por su fortuna y no quiero su fortuna ahora.
I don't want you go back up there.
No quiero que vuelvas de nuevo allí.
Si no lo haces, no habrá cocina a la que volver.
Don't try anything, Verne, or you'll go back in there.
No se te ocurra intentarlo, o vuelves dentro.
If I had a balloon that would take me there and back, mind you, I don't know that I wouldn't have a go at it.
Si tuviera un globo que me llevara allí y me volviera a traer, no sé si lo intentaría.
They you'll have to go back to Omaha if you do ; it don't run beyound there.
Pues para eso va a tener que volver a Omaha ; no llega hasta aquí.
You certainly don't want to go back in there, do you?
Ciertamente no quieres volver allí, ¿ no?
i don't want to go back to the hall there are three balls in our game
No quiero volver a la sala. Había tres bolas en esa partida.
Don't go back there.
No vuelvas allí.
I'm afraid, Mr. Holmes, if you don't go with the sergeant there's no way to get back to the village tonight.
Sr. Holmes, si no se va ahora al pueblo, no tendrá como ir esta noche.
Don't go back there.
No vayas.
Oh, Harry, don't you know what will happen if you go back there now?
Harry, ¿ no sabes lo que pasará si vuelves a esa casa otra vez?
Now, we're going back to the hotel and just as soon as we get there, I want you to go away and I don't want you to come back ever.
Ahora, vamos a regresar al hotel y tan pronto como lleguemos allí, quiero que te vayas y no quiero que vuelvas nunca.
I don't want to go back there...
- No quiero volver allí.
I don't want you to go back there.
No quiero que vuelvas allí.
Don't go back there, Matilda!
- ¡ No vuelvas allí! - ¿ Ocurre algo, Sra. Howard?
I don't want to go back there, I don't want to, I don't want to.
No quiero regresar allí, no quiero, no quiero.
No, no, you go on, but don't gab back there and hold up the game.
No, vete, pero no os enrolléis... y retraséis el partido.
- So, why don't we go back there?
- ¿ Y qué nos impide regresar?
So don't go back down there.
Pues entonces no vayas.
I don't want anything to go wrong back there.
No quiero que tengamos ningún problema allí.
You get the one way back there. Don't fight, boys. There's plenty to go around.
Tú quédate con la de detrás.
Don't go back there.
No vuelva.
- Don't let me go back there.
- No dejes que vuelva allí.
I don't wanna go back up there.
No quiero volver allí.
I don't like it. Maybe she'll go back to the lab. Maybe she'll find out you're not Tyler, that there's no Vip.
Y si va al laboratorio y descubre que no eres Tyler y que Vip no existe...
You don't have to go back in there.
No tienes por qué volver ahí.
You don't think she'll go back there, do you?
¿ Crees que regresará a ese lugar?
- Captain, I don't want to go back there.
- Capitán, no quiero regresar. - Vamos.
Mr. Cavender, i don't want to go back there.
Sr. Cavender, no quiero volver allá.
There, that's the Great Seal of England, don't lose it, without the seal, there's no more England and we'll all have to pack up and go back to Normandy.
Toma, éste es el Gran Sello de Inglaterra, no lo pierdas, sin el sello ya no habría Inglaterra... y entonces todos tendríamos que hacer el equipaje... y volver a Normandía.
I don't want to go back there.
No quiero volver allá.
I still have 2 years to go. And don't want to go back there.
Aún tengo dos años que cumplir... y no quiero volver allí.
I don't particularly want to go back there myself.
Yo particularmente no quiero volver allí mismo.
No, I don't want to go back there.
Está bien, a dónde entonces?
But when they go to get in their car to come on home don't you get back in there with them.
Pero cuando cojan el coche para volver a casa, no les acompañes.
I don't wanna go back there.
No quiero volver ahí.
You don't have to go back in there.
No tenés que volver ahí.
Bullets and stuff that they steal from us who are there to fight for them, sell it to Charlie, get money, go out and buy rice, and then tomorrow the bullets come back at them, but they don ´ t care ´ cause they ´ re all high!
Balas y cosas que nos roban a quienes luchan por ellos, lo venden a Charlie, obtienen dinero, compran arroz y al día siguiente las balas vuelven, pero no les importa porque son grandes.
Hey, don't go back there...
Acabo de fumigar por las cucarachas.
You cover a hell of a wide area, and there's not that... And, goddamn it, I don't know how many times you have to go back to get these people in.
Cubres un área enorme y tienes que volver mil veces para que entren.
- I don't wanna go back there.
- No quiero volver ahí.
We'll never get there if we don't go back and start digging!
¡ Nunca llegaremos si no regresamos y empezamos a cavar!
Don't go back there until you get further orders.
- No debe regresar allí hasta nueva comunicación.
Don't go back in there.
No vuelvas allí.
What do you think will happen to him if you don't go back there to feed him?
¿ Qué crees que le pasará si no vuelves y le alimentas?
Don't ask me to go back there with my tail between my legs.
No me pidas que regrese con el rabo entre las patas.
I don't wanna go back up there. I don't wanna go.
No quiero volver allí.
Don't go back there.
No vuelvan allí.
We don't want to go back there.
No queremos volver allí.
I don't want to go back there.
No quiero regresar allí.

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