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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Dump him

Dump him Çeviri İspanyolca

776 parallel translation
Why won't you let me dump him?
¿ Por qué no quieres que le deje?
Why, they'd cut his throat the minute we turned Campo loose. And dump him in our door yard and laugh at us for being suckers.
Lo matarán si liberamos a Campo y se reirán de las vueltas que hemos dado.
- Why did you dump him?
- ¿ Por qué lo dejaste?
And still tomorrow at 9 am I'll dump him in the US.
Y mañana a las 9 am Le he de llevar a EEUU.
You're crazy to dump him now after you brought him this far.
Estás loco si le echas ahora después de llevarle tan lejos.
Oh, just dump him Anywhere.
Oh, ponlo en cualquier lugar.
- We could dump him in the alley.
- Podríamos botarlo en el callejón.
- Come on, we'll dump him in the alley.
- Vamos. Lo botaremos en el callejón.
We'll dump him right here.
Lo botaremos justo aquí.
Benny was gonna dump him in the East River.
- En cemento. Benny iba a tirarlo al East River.
We'll take Spenalzo and dump him in the bay.
Echamos a Spenalzo a la bahía.
We'll dump him in the Judge's lap.
El juez los tendrá en su regazo.
I can dump him in an establishment that passes for a hotel. ... in this off times dubious community of ours.
DéjeIe en eI establecimiento que pasa por ser un hotel en nuestra, a veces dudosa comunidad.
But before I'm through with him, I'm gonna dump him right back into that garbage pail!
Antes de terminar con él, voy a enterrarlo de vuelta en la miseria.
We'll dump him in here while Charlie takes his place.
Lo arrojaremos ahí para que Charlie tome su lugar.
I'll put today's paper in his pocket, dump him far away on South River.
Le pondré el diario en el bolsillo, y después lo tiraré en South River.
I think we better dump him.
Creo que es mejor matarle.
Dump him.
- Déjalo aquí.
All them cops wanted to do was dump him on us.
Los policías sólo querían dejarnos el cuerpo.
I'm going to dump him.
¡ Yo lo planto!
I'm gonna dump him too.
También lo dejaré.
If you want to dump him, I'm giving you a chance.
Si quieres dejarle, te doy una oportunidad.
So dump him.
Así que déjalo.
I can dump him if you like.
Si quieres le dejo.
- Dump him.
- Tirarle abajo.
Dump him later.
Nos desharemos de él más tarde.
I say we dump him, they'll know we're not gonna be pushed around.
Si lo matamos sabrán que no vamos a dejarnos mandar.
Drop them and dump him.
Tómalo y llévalo a donde sea.
Dump him in there.
¡ Suélteme!
Just dump him down a dry well, if you can find one.
Tíralo a un pozo sin agua, si encuentras uno.
He keeps gaffing that wheel, Jimmy Jr.'s gonna dump him.
Si sigue metiendo la pata, JimmyJr. Se deshará de él.
- Dump him.
- Deshacernos de él.
Find out all you can and bring him to the ammunition dump.
Investiga y tráelo al depósito de armas.
- My sister found him on a city dump.
Mi hermana lo encontró en el vertedero.
You let him take me away to some miserable little dump of a town where I'll rot the rest of my life away waiting on him and his half-dead sister.
Dejas que me lleve a una horrible ciudad donde malgastaré el resto de mi vida cuidando de él y de su hermana moribunda.
Dump him someplace.
Tíralo por ahí.
You think I'd bring him down to that dump if I were on my own?
¿ Crees que lo llevaría a esa pocilga por cuenta propia?
So we were waiting for him at Mrs. Wilson's when he tried to dump it.
Así que cuando fue a casa de la Sra. Wilson a dejar la estola, lo estábamos esperando.
We are interested in the Major because he is the lock to the dump and you are the only key that can open him up.
Estamos interesados en el comandante porque es el candado de ese depósito y sólo usted puede abrirlo.
I promised him America if she would find the dump.
Le prometí enviarle a América si encontraba el depósito.
You poison your pretty wife, set a masseur up as her lover kill him and dump them in a ditch at Potter's Field.
Envenenas a tu hermosa mujer, haces creer que su masajista es su amante, les matas y los tiras a una zanja en el campo de Potter.
Because he'll think you want him to pick a cheap dump.
Porque pensará que quieres que elija un sitio barato.
Vere did you find him - on a rubbish dump?
Vere, lo encontraste - en un vertedero de basura?
Good luck, Mrs Peel. - Dump him.
- Buena suerte, Sra. Peel.
Klunk says when we fly over the pigeon, we dump this 800 gallons of glue on him.
Tontón dice que cuando le sobrevolemos le tiremos estos 3.000 litros de cola.
You're gonna tell him you've been working in this dump?
¿ Que trabajas hace ocho años en este antro?
- If he wants to inspect a garbage dump, that's up to him. - Yeah.
Si quiere inspeccionar un chiquero, es problema suyo.
Dump him.
- Déjelo.
Then he opened a clinic in this dump and she chose to follow him.
Entonces abrió una clínica en esa pocilga y ella prefiirió enterrarse con él.
Don't dump on him like that.
No le insultes.
Caught him near an ammo dump.
Lo cogí cerca de un polvorín.

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