Him too Çeviri İspanyolca
13,474 parallel translation
Don't stay mad at him too long, kiddo.
No estés enfadado con él mucho tiempo, chaval.
- I pushed him too far.
- Lo empujé demasiado lejos.
I miss him too.
Yo también lo echo de menos.
She loved him too much.
Ella lo amaba demasiado.
She's getting drugs from him too.
Él también le da drogas.
I mean, did I sleep with him too soon?
Digo, dormí con el muy rápido?
I taught him too well.
Le enseñé demasiado bien.
So if you like Ross as much as you say you do, then I will learn to like him too.
Si te gusta Ross tanto como dices, aprenderé a que me guste a mí también.
You push him too hard.
Lo presionas demasiado.
I made him too important in my life.
Le hice demasiado importante en mi vida.
He can be a total jerk, he's too old for me, and there are times when I really... don't like him.
Puede ser un completo capullo, es demasiado viejo para mí, y hay veces en las que... no me gusta para nada.
I lost him, too.
Le perdí a él también.
Well, I guess I ought to give him a hug, too.
Supongo que debo darle un abrazo, también.
Maybe she has to tell herself it's about politics because it's too painful to admit that she still loves him after everything that happened.
Quizás deba de comprender que solo es política porque es demasiado doloroso admitir que aún le quiere después de todo lo que ha pasado.
- One night, him and a-a bunch of agents, - ♪ I hate that song and I know you do, too ♪ - ♪ You didn't catch me singing along ♪ - they stormed in,
Una noche, un grupo de agentes y él, irrumpieron, y me rescataron.
She's too scared to tell him she took their son to a book signing today.
Tiene miedo de decirle que llevó a su hijo a una firma de libros hoy.
He says that the gay neighborhood makes him feel too pretty.
Dice que el barrio gay le hace sentirse demasiado guapo.
And Daddy hated you too, because you made him miserable.
Y papá te odiaba también, porque lo hacías miserable.
And how do we know you're not making a deal with him, too?
¿ Y cómo sabemos que no tienes un trato con él también?
But the next time that bastard demands personal services, at least you'll know you screwed him a little, too.
Pero la próxima vez que ese cerdo te pida servicios personales, por lo menos sabrás que le has jodido un poquito tú también.
There aren't too many like him around.
No hay demasiados como él por aquí.
- His wife kicked him out too.
A él también le ha echado su mujer.
They were going at him, too.
Ellos también fueron por él.
He felt bad about Ihab pushing me around, so I asked him if you could come, too.
Se sentía mal por lo de Ihab zarandeándome, así que le he pedido si tú también podías venir.
Maybe that Rashid blood in him burns too hot.
Quizá la sangre Rashid que corre por sus venas todavía le hierve.
- You can see him, too?
- ¿ Tú también le ves?
I miss him, too.
Yo también le echo de menos.
And I'm sorry for him, too, man.
Y también lo siento por él, tío.
If being with her makes Hookfang happy, I guess I should be happy for him, too.
Si estar con ella hace feliz a Colmillo, yo también debería ser feliz por él.
- Well, too bad for him.
Fue un día largo.
Let him hold you just a little too tight?
¿ Vas a permitirle que te estreche fuertemente?
"I catch him in my house, I'm-a whoop his ass, too!"
"¡ Si lo atrapo aquí, él también recibirá una buena tunda!"
Look, I couldn't help him back then, since I was too weak to stand against the court.
Mira, no lo pude evitar en aquel momento... ya que yo era demasiado débil para oponerme a la corte.
He finally admitted I was the target, but he was too scared to say who hired him.
Al final admitió que yo era el objetivo, pero estaba demasiado asustado para decir quién le contrató.
We can tell him our side, too, and be sure he doesn't share it.
Podemos contarle también nuestra parte, y asegurarnos de que él no la comparta.
Today took too much out of him.
Hoy ha dado demasiado de sí mismo.
I don't want to put too much pressure on him.
No quiero meterle demasiada presión.
It's too easy to lose myself in him.
Es demasiado fácil entregarme totalmente a él.
I didn't see him until it was too late.
No le vi hasta que era demasiado tarde.
Not you, R2. Him are too.
Tú no, R2. ¡ Él sí!
Shooter double-tapped him, too.
El asesino le disparó dos veces.
By the time, you take him to the hospital they conduct the tests and give him an antidote it'll be too late.
Por el momento, te lo llevas al hospital que llevan a cabo las pruebas y le dan un antídoto que va a ser demasiado tarde.
And you... you just need to learn to see him, too. Uh... Uh, where did you learn to do that?
Solo tienes que aprender a verlo tú también. ¿ Dónde has aprendido a hacer eso?
I put too much pressure on him.
Lo presioné demasiado.
He lives too well by the look of him.
Vive demasiado bien por lo que se ve.
.. I don't think I need to say too much about him.
.. I No creo que necesito decir mucho sobre él.
Careful not to step too hard on him.
Cuida no lo pises muy fuerte.
His parents warned him that he should never show anger in front of strangers because you can never tell if that stranger is a Grimm until it's too late.
Sus padres le advirtieron que nunca debería mostrar ira delante de desconocidos, porque nunca se sabe si ese desconocido es un Grimm hasta que es demasiado tarde.
You're too good for him anyway.
Eres muy buena para él.
It's just that when I broke into your apartment and like, you told me that if you were me, you would just forget about him and move on, that I was like, too good for him anyway, that really helped me.
Es que cuando entré en tu apartamento y me dijiste que si fueras mi, te olvidarías de él seguirías adelante, que era muy buena para él, es me ayudo mucho.
Potassium, if it's too high, it could be toxic for his heart or put him into arrest.
si es muy alto, puede ser tóxico para su corazón o llevarlo a paro. Personal asistente?
toothbrush 49
toothless 265
too much 521
took you long enough 124
too sweet 17
too low 22
too small 58
too long 209
toothpaste 44
too late 1299
toothless 265
too much 521
took you long enough 124
too sweet 17
too low 22
too small 58
too long 209
toothpaste 44
too late 1299
too big 68
too bad 1185
too soon 255
too much work 29
took off 44
tooth comb 58
took me 32
too soft 22
too strong 20
toothpicks 17
too bad 1185
too soon 255
too much work 29
took off 44
tooth comb 58
took me 32
too soft 22
too strong 20
toothpicks 17